Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1452 Engagement

He is a passionate man, but that doesn't mean he will be impulsive or fooled. Today, even if Wang Chen insulted him with words, he would never be able to force Long Chen to fight him.

Under the instructions of the Lingwu Sword Master, Wang Chen sarcastically mocked Long Chen and reduced him to nothing, but Long Chen turned a deaf ear to it. He held Ling Xi's pretty face with both hands, greeted her with every word, and explained what happened after returning. .

"Just wait for me. When I'm strong enough, I'll be there soon."

"Well, I know, I will wait for you. My body and mind are yours, and no one can take them away." Lingxi said firmly.

It was another separation, and she felt bitter in her heart, but she could only bear it silently.

The more Wang Chen talked, the more enthusiastic he became. He was familiar with Long Chen's character and knew that he would never back down on the issue of dignity that mattered most to him. But what he didn't expect was that Long Chen would only focus on talking to Ling Xi and ignore what he said. if?

Can such a provocation be ignored?

"We have talked about it to this extent, and you are still indifferent. It seems that you have lost any pride in the face of fear. It seems that who is still saying that you will go to my Sword Soul Emperor Palace in a year? It is simply a joke. . If you dare to come, I, Wang Chen, still won’t believe it." He said the last sentence with a calm look.

"Are you done?" Long Chen's eyes did not give in, and he said, "Get out of here when you're done."

Wang Chen's face did not change and he said: "Indeed, those who are incompetent and courageous are no longer qualified to fight with me. After today, your performance of not daring to fight today will make the entire Three Realms and Nine Realms laugh at you."

Yes, Long Chen did not dare to fight in front of women. If word spread, everyone would indeed think that Long Chen had been defeated. After Wang Chen broke through to the Nirvana Tribulation Realm, he no longer had the courage.

Maybe everyone will laugh at him.

However, Long Chen didn't care at all. What he cared about was not today, but today was just separation. Wang Chen was indeed very strong, and very excessive. But so what, the decisive battle will be a year later.

"Don't tell me one year from now. If you dare to come to my Sword Soul Imperial Palace in one year, my Wang Chen's name will be written backwards for you." Wang Chen's face was full of contempt, and Long Chen was so insulted that he was useless.

Long Chen smiled calmly. He had used these tricks to provoke enemies countless times. How could he be fooled by Wang Chen today? He knew that he was no match for Wang Chen now, but a year later...

"Xiao Xi, go back!" Long Chen held Ling Xi in his arms for a while, not allowing her mother-in-law to let her go. He reached out and pushed Ling Xi towards the Lingwu Sword Master. Ling Xi burst into tears. Her face was full of pear blossoms, but when she saw Long Chen's smiling and confident face, she wiped away the tears on her face, and her eyes were also filled with determination.

The Lingwu Sword Master took control of Lingxi and called Wang Chen back. Today's work was completed, but it was a pity that he was not able to deal with this kid.

"I heard you say that you want to come to my Sword Soul Imperial Palace in a year and take Lingxi away?" Lingwu Sword Master asked indifferently.

Long Chen nodded without hesitation.

This is a bold statement.

Next to him, Wang Chen mocked: "It's just bragging. You don't even have the guts to fight me today. How dare you go to my Sword Soul Emperor Palace in a year?"

The Lingwu Sword Master was equally dismissive, but he had his own way. He said loudly: "Let me inform everyone that one year from now, my daughter Lingxi and my disciple Wang Chen will hold a wedding ceremony. By then, , invitations will be delivered to everyone. Especially you, Long Chen, please wait for my daughter’s wedding invitation, I hope you can be there then."

Long Chen clenched his fists, as if anger was burning in his chest. Lingxi was also frightened and was about to resist, but the Lingwu Sword Master didn't give her a chance to speak. Next to him, Wang Chen was overjoyed and said excitedly: "Thank you Master, my disciple will definitely treat Xiao Xi well, a thousand times better than some people!"

"Yes, not bad." Lingwu Sword Master nodded and looked at Long Chen, who was burning with anger. Did it really make him angry? He was very satisfied with his decision just now, with a faint smile on his lips, and said: "Remember, when the invitation arrives at the Zhenwu Emperor's Palace, you must come. Our Sword Soul Emperor's Palace welcomes you."

After that, the four great sword masters, together with Lingxi Wang Chen, drifted away under Long Chen's angry eyes.

High in the sky, Lingxi wanted to look back at the isolated young man countless times, but the Lingwu Sword Master controlled her. She shed tears several times, but thinking of Long Chen's words to make her strong, her heart felt warm, and her face was filled with warmth. His expression became increasingly cold.

"Xi'er, I said so many unpleasant things today, which was not my intention. I hope you don't blame me." Wang Chen apologized from the side.

Lingxi didn't answer.

Wang Chen gritted his teeth and said: "Even if I marry you, it will only stabilize you in the Sword Soul Emperor Palace. It is not a real relationship between husband and wife. You are still young and can easily be confused and deceived. Brother Wang Chen has the same problem. I hope you can forgive me for my difficulties. This life is still very long, and I will definitely make you recognize me through my own efforts. No matter in any aspect, I will not be worse than Long Chen."

Unfortunately, Lingxi looked forward without any change in her eyes, as if she didn't hear what he said.


After Chaos Star City, until they were far away, Long Chen was still standing there with his fists clenched.

"Brother, they're gone." Long Xing, a careless person like him, was also moved by them today. He stood beside Long Chen and said helplessly.

This time, Long Chen was really alone.

Even the kittens are gone.

Regarding the kitten, Long Chen had figured it out in his heart. As long as he could come back, he would still be a brother. Everyone would be confused sometimes, and this was not about betrayal. The purpose of Mao Mao's life is to inherit the essence and blood of Taixu Zhoulong. It would be really strange if he gave up and remained calm because of his feelings for Long Chen.

Long Chen has an open mind and is not a narrow-minded person.

However, when I am alone, my heart is still very empty.

He suddenly remembered something, turned around quickly, and said to the high-ranking Master of the Demon Dragon Palace: "Thank you very much, Master, for your protection. If it weren't for the Master today, this junior's life would not have been saved. Thank you very much, Master, for saving my life."

The Lord of the Demon Dragon Palace chuckled, stroking his long beard with his hand. He was like a kind elder and said: "It's a small effort, it's not worth mentioning, but there is one thing you must understand before you can leave."

Long Chen had expected it. Even if Long Xing didn't care, it didn't mean that the old fox wouldn't care. As expected, the other party said, "Can you tell me what exactly you took away in Chaos Star City?"

Hearing this, Long Xing said angrily: "Palace Master!"

"Shut up." The master of the Demon Dragon Palace snorted coldly, making Long Xing shut his mouth. Then he looked at Long Chen and said: "I have always been fair and strict in my work. I want you to go to my Chaos Kingdom. I protected your life all because I admire you, and I didn’t ask too much. You took something from me, and I just want to know what it is.”

Speaking of which, the Master of the Demon Dragon Palace is not exaggerating.

But Long Chen couldn't tell the other party about Taixu Zhoulong's inheritance of essence and blood.

"Do you really want to know?" At this moment, such a voice suddenly came from high in the sky.

Everyone looked at it in horror. Above the clouds, an illusory transparent beast was crawling above and speaking in a teasing tone.

Long Chen was shocked.

Yes, it's a kitten. At this time, he should already know that what he took away was not the inherited essence and blood of Taixu Zhoulong. He knew that he had been tricked. At this moment, did he want revenge? Long Chen was very worried. If Xiaomao told everything about Taixu Zhoulong's inheritance of essence and blood, it would really be the end. There is absolutely no place for him, Long Chen, to die. There is no hiding place for him in the three realms and nine realms!

The master of the Demon Dragon Palace was horrified, because he didn't know what that thing was above the clouds!

The mythical beast of reincarnation, the ancient mythical beast, is basically unknown to anyone.

"May I ask your Excellency, what exactly is it?" The Master of the Demon Dragon Palace calmed down and said coldly.

Long Chen was so nervous that he stared at the kitten. At this time, the kitten looked at him, unable to meet Long Chen's sharp eyes. He quickly moved away, like a child who made a mistake, not daring to Go see Long Chen.

Just when Long Chen was most nervous, Mao Mao burst out laughing. The laughter shook the world, and everyone felt their souls tremble and their hearts were horrified.

Then, the kitten said without any scruples: "He didn't get anything. He just fell into my scam and let me out. Haha..."

After saying that, his figure gradually disappeared into the clouds. The Lord of the Demon Dragon Palace rose into the sky, but was shocked to find that this strange giant beast had disappeared.

For a moment, it was extremely quiet.

Long Chen was relieved in his heart. The kitten did not ask hundreds of millions of people to chase Long Chen, but cleverly rescued Long Chen. This explanation, because of the mystery of the kitten, is completely acceptable.

"Long Chen, what is going on?" The master of the Demon Dragon Palace asked in horror from above the clouds.

Long Chen shook his head and said: "I don't know either. I originally thought it was a treasure map. But I didn't expect to release this thing..."

Long Xing also remembered that when he was guarding outside, he did see a transparent giant beast coming out of it. He believed it in his heart and said quickly: "I also seem to have seen this giant beast coming out of that hole." I didn’t expect it to be released by you.”

A sudden realization.

The Master of the Demonic Dragon Palace pondered for a while, and his eyes swept in front of Long Chen and Long Xing several times. Because of the mystery of the reincarnated beast, the Master of the Demonic Dragon Palace finally chose to believe this matter.

Long Chen can no longer stay in the Demon Dragon Palace.

After chatting with them for a few more words, Long Chen made his request to leave. He needed to go back to Emperor Zhenwu Palace to improve his strength. On the other hand, Emperor Zhenwu had summoned him for a long time. He should also go back and see what happened. What kind of existence is the pinnacle figure who dominates the three realms and nine realms!


Next volume [The final counterattack]

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