Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1442 Time Tunnel

Chapter 1442 Time Tunnel

As soon as Wang Chao went crazy, a gray aura swept through his body, and his body swelled. A large number of iron chains grew out of his flesh and blood, flying all over the sky, condensing into several big steel snakes, roaring towards Long Chen, the gray aura surrounded the iron chains. , has an aura similar to that of the God-Slaying Sword.

Long Chen gave a light drink and without saying a word, the God-Slaying Sword slashed down from the sky. The attacks with the four attributes of darkness and devouring condensed into a sword mark with the word "sky". The terrifying power of the God-Slaying Sword and the countless... The iron chains clashed instantly, and in an instant, there was an ear-tingling sound of metal friction!

Dang, Dang, Dang!

The God-Slaying Sword is simply the nemesis of those iron chains. Wherever the God-Slaying Sword passes, those iron chains are cut off one after another. There is no doubt that Long Chen can clearly see the surprise on Wang Chao's face. Long Chen leans on this Time has transformed a large number of acupoints, and the power of the Nirvana World has been unleashed. The power in the body is almost close to that of a warrior in the Nirvana Tribulation Realm. With a powerful body, he burst out and used the God-Slaying Technique to cut off the chains with the power of ghosts and gods. Directly close to Dynasty!

"Nine dragons bite the sky!"

This time, Long Chen used the Lingxi Sword to perform the Nine Dragons Devouring Heaven!

Using the Lingxi Sword may not be as violent as the God-Slaying Sword in terms of physical attack power, but in close attacks, the Lingxi Sword's damage to the divine martial soul is more effective.

Nine Dragons Devouring Heaven was used, and the array of nine divine dragons condensed into nine-color sword energy. Before the dynasty could react, the sword energy surged and pierced directly into the dynasty's chest. Among the Lingxi Swords, it belonged to the power of Longchen's Nirvana. The power exploded, and the destructive power completely shattered Dynasty's body. At the same time, based on his familiarity with the Lingxi Sword, Long Chen used the power of the Lingxi Sword to directly strangle Dynasty's remnant soul to the point where it couldn't stop at all!

"I'm coming too!" Long Xing rushed up, opened his mouth and spat out Hongmeng Purple Qi, wrapping around Wang Chao's body and turning his body into ashes!

"Long Chen!" Dynasty let out a miserable roar. It could be seen that the most serious damage caused to him was probably the damage to his soul, which caused him to be completely unable to control his body, and he was even strangled and crushed in a short period of time!

Roared angrily, and then there was no movement!

Long Chen was afraid of this dynasty, so he used his killing move every time he made a move. After the Hongmeng purple energy passed, he checked his surroundings and finally confirmed that this time the dynasty was definitely dead and clean.

After finishing it, both of them felt scared.

"How did this thing come here..." Both of them were filled with doubts.

After finishing the dynasty forcefully, Lingxi and the others also came forward. Now the map is useless. The map indicates this small island. However, where the inherited essence and blood of Taixu Zhoulong will be next depends on everyone's careful search.

The most prominent part of the entire island is the human head statue in the middle, which was also carried before the dynasty. It was the arrival of Long Chen and his two men that led to the completion of his transportation. At present, the statue of the human head has become loose, but it has not yet been successfully moved.

Long Chen's eyes couldn't help but shift to the statue of a human head. He found that the statue of a human head was horribly heavy. He couldn't move it with the strength of one person. It wasn't until Long Xing came to help that the two of them slowly loosened the thing. , after pushing the statue of a human head away, Long Chen unexpectedly discovered that a black vortex appeared below, surrounded by mist, just like the entrance to the Kingdom of Chaos. It's just that the diameter of the entrance is only one meter, which is relatively small.

Long Chen was surprised and puzzled in his heart. There was no doubt that the inherited essence and blood of Taixu Zhoulong should be inside, but how did the dynasty know that if the statue of the human head was pushed away, Taixuzhou would be inside? The inheritance place of dragon?

Chao Chao was completely dead now, and it was impossible for Long Chen to ask him. Moreover, even if he was alive, there was no way he could ask anything from him.

After coming out of the passage, Long Chen pondered for a while, and then looked at Long Xing next to him.

It's time for a showdown.

Long Xing was fine. He waved his hand and said, "Let's talk."

"Brother Chen..." Lingxi called softly, a little worried.

"It's okay." Long Chen said, and he and Long Xing came to the edge of the island. They kept hiding things from Long Xing all the way, which probably made him feel a little helpless, but Long Xing is a very straightforward person, he He smiled and said, "I've thought about it clearly. Although the old man told me to know what you want to take away, I, Long Xing, am a good friend, so I'll let you go. We're not familiar with each other yet. Why did you hide this from me?" Jiuya is reasonable, but you are about to ask me to follow you, just to trust me, and to give me face. This time I will risk everything, you can go in, I will guard you outside. "

Long Chen was actually a little touched. If it weren't for something as important as Taixu Zhoulong's inheritance of essence and blood, he wouldn't have kept it from the other party. But the other party didn't care about anything at this time, and was even willing to look out for him. To be able to allow the Lord of the Demon Dragon Palace to protect him, he probably also had to plead for mercy...

Long Chen gritted his teeth, he was the kind of person who would treat others better if they were kind to him. Without any extra words, he said directly: "Thank you very much. If you have any trouble in the future, just ask and I will go through fire and water without hesitation."

"Go on, don't do this with me, haha..." Long Xing smiled freely.

Long Chen smiled and nodded. He looked around and said: "The dynasty has come here. It may be in vain that the city lord knows this place, so you have to be careful."

"Don't worry, this Chaos Kingdom is my territory, don't I know it yet?" Long Xing said with a smile.

With his words, Long Chen was completely relieved. He turned around and met Ling Xi. After the two discussed for a while, Long Chen let Ling Xi, Mao Mao and others enter the realm of Taixu, and then said goodbye to Long Xing. , surrounded himself with the power of the Nirvana world, and jumped into the narrow abyss.

At that moment, Long Chen felt as if he had entered an intestine and fell downwards.

While falling, Long Chen suddenly thought of the statue of a human head.

"Why is the material of this statue similar to the statue with only the lower body at the entrance to eternal hell?"

The idea suddenly came to me.

"Perhaps it is possible that the goal of the dynasty is not to come here, but the statue of the head, but what is the statue of the head and why is it placed in this place? In addition, the pattern of the inheritance essence and blood of the Taixu Zhoulong in the City of Wasted Death , and who painted it? A little further forward, Zhou Ji pointed to this thing, who put it in Wangyue Pavilion? "

Starting from the Zhouji Finger of Wangyue Pavilion, Long Chen found that he had walked into someone's arrangement. In order to find the way for Taixu Zhoulong to inherit the essence and blood, who is the person who arranged this arrangement?


In this intestinal-like space, which was dark, Long Chen actually experienced a feeling similar to the fulfillment of time and space. He didn't know how long he had been in this tunnel. Maybe it would be a day, maybe Countless time had passed, which gradually made him blurry.

"Brother Chen, wake up!" Ling Xi shouted softly, waking Long Chen up from his drowsiness. He looked around and found that he was still in this gray passage, and there was still darkness below. The space was so small that he could hardly reach out and stretch his body. If he wasn't under control, he would often hit the mountain wall.

"Brother Chen, where are we going now? How can we get back later?" Lingxi was a little nervous.

Long Chen was also not at ease, but he knew he couldn't mess up. While comforting Ling Xi, he simply transformed the power of the Nirvana world. Only the transformation in his body could allow him to roughly estimate the flow rate of time.

"By the way, time..."

Long Chen suddenly woke up. This passage was not so deep, but the time was chaotic, sometimes faster and sometimes slower, making it difficult for Long Chen to feel the passage of time. Just like when he transformed the power of nirvana, at the same speed, he would It shows that sometimes it is fast and sometimes it is slow.

When it is fast, the transformation speed is thousands of times faster. When it is slow, the divine energy in the body crawls like a snail. This is a tunnel of time.

The Taixu Zhoulong is the dragon of time and eternity, which further confirms that Long Chen and the others have found the right place. As long as they pass here, they will undoubtedly be able to find what Long Chen wants.

There is more expectation and less panic in my heart.

Finally, after an unknown amount of time, Long Chen finally saw a point of light appearing below. At this time, time became very slow. In a short distance, Long Chen estimated that almost a day had passed before he finally reached the point of light. Finally, it came to his light spot. At that moment, he seemed to have entered his stomach from the intestines. There was light all around. Long Chen slowly descended from the sky into this world.

"This is..." Long Chen was confused for a moment, and then his expression became dull. Looking blankly at a small town below.

Lingxi saw the scene outside through the realm of Taixu, and her beautiful face was full of surprise. She said in surprise: "This...isn't this Baiyang Town?"

This is the place where they met and got to know each other, the place where they have the deepest memories, and the place full of nostalgia.

This is the place where Long Chen was born and where he spent half of his life.

But why did he come here after coming out of the Kingdom of Chaos God?

With his face full of sluggishness, Long Chen slowly landed on the streets of Baiyang Town. This was a street he was extremely familiar with. When he was a child, he ran and escaped on these large and small streets. Every brick and every brick here was He was extremely familiar with Wa, this was the place where he was born and raised.

Looking around blankly, Long Chen was shocked in his heart.

Why, why would he come back here?

Lingxi also came out of Taixu Realm in panic at this time. She looked around with beautiful eyes and said, "This is Baiyang Town, but why is there no one there..."

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