Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1418 The Battle of Two Dragons

After Wang Chen finished speaking, almost everyone's eyes were focused on Long Chen, who was surrounded by the heroes of the Zhenwu Emperor's Palace.

There was no need for Long Chen to stand up, Wang Chen already knew who it was.

This person seemed ordinary among the crowd, but in fact he was not ordinary at all. Although there was a distance between him, Wang Chen immediately felt an aura from him that made him very, very afraid. This kind of aura can only be recognized by dragon warriors. Long Xing also quickly knew that Long Chen was a dragon warrior. Wang Chen was no exception. For him, the aura of Long Chen that belonged to the dragon warrior was really It's too strong.

Long Chen was also the second dragon warrior he had seen in his life.

At this moment, Lingsong looked at Long Chen with extremely contemptuous eyes. At the same time, he told Wang Chen everything about Long Chen and Lingxi, as well as today's bet between the Zhenwu Emperor Palace and the Sword Soul Emperor Palace. Again.

After saying that, Lingsong laughed loudly and said: "This wild boy just vowed that Lingxi would follow him, but in the end, we Lingxi didn't know him at all. It was all this boy's wishful thinking. It's really true. Ridiculous, quite ridiculous. If I were the one who said so many big words before, I would like to find a hole in the ground to crawl into. I didn’t expect that some people would still dare to stand here, and some forces would even show support. , I really felt like vomiting after watching it.”

Lingsong was usually fine, but he had a stubborn personality. Lingxi was the princess of the Sword Soul Emperor Palace, and he had watched her grow up. He had long recognized Wang Chen in his mind, and when such a Long Chen suddenly appeared, he was completely If you can't accept it, you will hate it as much as you want, no matter how hurtful your words may be.

Everyone burst into laughter. They originally thought that there would be a love story between Long Chen and Ling Xi. In order to get Ling Xi, Long Chen staged a shocking counterattack. But I didn't expect that it was not the case at all. It was all this kid's wishful thinking and he took himself too seriously. From the look in the eyes of the mysterious little princess of the Sword Soul Emperor Palace, everyone could understand that she was just pretending not to know her. Long Chen.

Fortunately, they were moved by Long Chen's few words in the beginning. Thinking about it now, it was as ridiculous as it was. This time, Long Chen had completely lost the face of the Zhenwu Imperial Palace. All kinds of discussions and quite unpleasant rumors came from the mouths of warriors of all major strengths.

The faces of the people in the Zhenwu Imperial Palace also became quite ugly.

"Long Chen, what's going on?" Wenren Jingtao was extremely angry and couldn't stand this bird air.

"Just watch." Long Chen said these three words, and then amidst the shocked eyes of everyone, he did not compromise at all. He moved his eyes away from the indifferent Ling Xi, looked at Wang Chen, and walked towards him step by step. As Wang Chen walked towards him, the two young forces collided.

"This is..." Wang Chen, who was tall and handsome, frowned secretly. He had absorbed the inherited essence and blood of the Void Demonic Dragon, but for some reason, the aura of the dragon warrior on Long Chen's body gave him a very strong feeling. The feeling of fear is not suppression by strength, but suppression by blood.

This guy made Wang Chen feel that he was the one who was destined to challenge his divine power. His name had the character "chen" in it. He was also a dragon warrior. Compared to himself, his starting point was lower and lower. However, they I want the same woman!

Wang Chen had been engaged for a long time, and he had long regarded Lingxi as his future wife. This was a matter of course, but he didn't expect that someone would come to disrupt the situation. The person who came to disrupt the situation actually had such a legendary color.

There were many unknown lights flashing in his eyes. At this moment, with a strong voice, he looked at Long Chen and said loudly: "Your name is Long Chen, right? There seems to be an entanglement between us. You have unlimited potential. It's best not to bury it with your own hands. Lingxi is my fiancée. This is something promised by both parents. You once saved her life. I should be grateful to you, but you killed my biological brother. This gratitude and hatred , let him offset it, you can go, write off today's matter, if we meet in the future, I will not be polite to you."

This sentence seems gentle, elegant and extremely generous, but it reveals his natural indifference. His brother's life was actually worth just this little.

If Mo Xiaolang was killed, Long Chen would definitely kill him no matter what the reason was.

At this moment, Long Chen was in the midst of thousands of mocking and scornful looks. He was extremely lonely, but he moved forward proudly. Wang Chen's words also did not make him take a step back. His gaze was always on. On Lingxi, the girl noticed his gaze, and the murderous intent in her eyes became more and more intense.

What happened to her...

The tiny white light spots on his body fluctuated, looking very anxious.

The distance between Long Chen and Wang Chen was only more than 20 meters. He stopped. In this case, only by defeating this talented dragon warrior who was like a god in front of him could he take a step closer and reach Lingxi. Go in front of her and ask her what happened.

Wang Chen would naturally stop him in front of him, and Long Chen completely ignored what he just said. Such a ungrateful act had already filled Wang Chen's eyes with a strange murderous aura. He is a Void-refining demon dragon. The so-called demon dragon is an evil dragon just like the ancient blood spirit dragon.

The strong men from the Zhenwu Imperial Palace and the Sword Soul Imperial Palace were unable to take action under the constraints of the bet. Only Long Chen and Wang Chen were left, and the smell of gunpowder between them became increasingly intense. Feeling the fighting spirit breaking out between them, everyone turned from talking to a state of silence. There is still a lot of suspense in this ultimate battle. Will it finally begin now?

"It would be great if I could see the dragon warrior transform into a dragon."

"Yes, I live in the Dragon Festival Continent and haven't seen a real dragon yet. It would be great if Wang Chen transformed into a dragon. But I don't know, does he need to transform into a dragon to deal with Long Chen?"

In the eyes of everyone, there is only one dragon warrior, Wang Chen. Even the reputation of Long Xing, the purple-blooded demon dragon, is not as famous as Wang Chen at the moment.

No one knows that the battle between Shuangchen is also a battle between Shuanglong!

This man, who seemed like the might of God descended, dug out bit by bit the madness, rage and murderous thoughts in Long Chen's heart. His body gradually burned to its peak moment!

"Get out of the way." Wang Chen blocked the way. Long Chen wanted to ask Ling Xi why she didn't recognize him. Why? What reasons would she have?

All of these are the factors that made Long Chen gradually go crazy. He couldn't stand this kind of thinking. To Long Chen, it didn't matter to him whether he was despised by thousands of people, despised or even spurned by his opponents. What he cared about was why Ling Xi Will such a change occur? Did she do it voluntarily, or did she really forget about herself?

In his thin body, there seemed to be hundreds of millions of divine dragons, roaring and flying along his body, erupting with terrifying energy. This was an ancient beast awakening!

"Get out of the way?" Wang Chen seemed to have heard a joke, and he said: "Long Chen, because you have some talent and have saved Lingxi once, I have done my best to let you live. But if you If you are really stubborn, then I can only let you sober up."


When Lingxi left, Long Chen also realized the power of this word. At that time, he was obsessed with it, but he was even more obsessed with it and never regretted it. It's already reached this point, what does he have to regret, and what can he learn from? As long as you live, just do whatever you want.

With blood all over his body, he fights for Iraq and sheds blood for Iraq!

Long Chen did all this to show Ling Xi. He just wanted to see this woman's indifferent eyes, even if they were just a little loose, he would be satisfied.

But unfortunately, she remains indifferent to this day.

"Get out!" Wang Chen roared, and a huge force swept towards Long Chen. With his dragon power, he instantly knocked Long Chen back a step, causing sand and rocks to fly on the ground.

At this moment, a terrifying riot occurred in the sky. Broken stars, some big and small, flew across the sky, turning into countless meteor showers for a while, and it was still in broad daylight. The entire Nine-Star Chaos City All shaking.

"The turbulent flow of broken stars actually flew over the Nine-Star Chaos City."

"Yes, it hasn't been like this for many years. It seems that the tidal flow of the emperor's spiritual energy is about to arrive."

"How lucky will those who welcome Nirvana today be..."

The world was turbulent, and the entire Nine-Star Chaos City trembled slightly again and again. Above the sky, the sun had long been covered, and a bright starry sky was revealed. Countless broken stars streaked across the shining weirdness, violently rising from the sky. It flew over and pulled out an extremely bright and bright tail.

The strong wind surged, flying sand and rocks. After Wang Chen said the word "Go", the ferocious blood gradually flowed in Long Chen's eyes. The terrifying power that seemed to be no weaker than Wang Chen burst out from his body. Long Chen In his hand, two fine steel long swords appeared. In his right hand, there was a slender gray God-Slaying Sword, surrounded by a gray aura, like a nightmare. In his left hand, the Seven-Star Longyuan Sword reflected the bright stars in the sky. The seven stars were all bright, equally slender. The narrow stainless steel sword body shone with an astonishing edge.

A pair of sharp long swords exuded a terrifying killing aura. At this moment, Long Chen, with the two swords in his hands, looked like a peerless killing god. When his blood-red eyes raised his head, countless people felt frightened, as if those two divine swords , has been hung around his neck.

Although Wang Chen comes from the Sword Soul Emperor Palace, he is not a sword warrior. But the dragon warrior has very poor qualifications because he has no sword soul and Wang Chen is young.

But Long Chen came from the Zhenwu Emperor Palace, but he owned a pair of divine swords, the Yin Yang Sword Soul. The way he held the sword in his hands with explosive power made people in the Sword Soul Emperor Palace quickly think that their Sword Soul Emperor Palace had been lost, and it was incomparable. The precious art of double swords!

However, the peak battle has already begun.

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