Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1397 God-killing Sword

Long Chen understood. The metaphor of killing the city lord in vain was very apt. His way of fighting was condensed into the True Martial Emperor Soul, which was like a textbook on the way of fighting.

Of course, you cannot directly turn his way into your own way.

This is a free Dao Seal. Long Chen doesn't know what the highest state of this futile city lord is, so he doesn't know how long this fighting method can help him.

Moreover, something that would kill the city lord in vain is very dangerous...

Otherwise, how could Emperor Zhenwu be lost?

While Long Chen was thinking in his heart, the Lord of the City of Wasted Death continued to say: "The way of fighting is the simplest and the most practiced way among the billions of avenues. You have many unique ways of killing. Comprehension, and the way of killing is part of the way of fighting, a more violent and cruel way of fighting. So the two are completely consistent. I estimate that in the future when you reach the Nirvana Tribulation Realm, you will condense the first Tao Seal must be the way to kill.”

Long Chen took note of the other party's words. No matter what, the Lord of the City of Fu Shi was a martial arts senior. What he said should not be wrong.

"Thank you City Lord for your guidance."

The way of killing, the avenue of billions, these unfamiliar words gave him a lot of experience today.

The city lord who died in vain laughed and said: "The True Martial Emperor Soul is something you got yourself. There is no need to thank me. Even if I don't say it today, you will understand it in the future. You are undoubtedly lucky. The way of fighting is the most common way. , is also considered the most difficult path, because most people are on this path, and it is very difficult to develop abilities on this path. Unless you are super talented, I think you have this potential, so work hard. "

"Thank you City Lord for the compliment." Long Chen had to act like a sincere junior. The more he listened to the words of the City Lord, the more terrifying Long Chen felt about his identity.

What kind of existence is he?

Now he is also a ghost, so he must have had a life like the dynasty, so who was he before his death, and why did he stay in the City of Undeserved Death?

Long Chen didn't understand any of this.

"Let's go, I'll give you today's reward." The city lord of Fu Shi seemed to be quite satisfied with Long Chen. He stood up and headed towards the rooftop, where he appeared directly.

Long Chen was even more excited. Taixu Zhoulong was pointing in that direction. Could it be that he wanted to give that thing to him? What did Taixu Zhoulong leave behind?

If it was truly inherited essence and blood, it would be something that would make hundreds of millions of people excited. Long Chen didn't believe it, so the city lord wouldn't be moved by this unjust death?

Even though he might not be able to use it himself, he wouldn't just give it to others so easily, would he? What is his conspiracy?

When arriving at this place, Long Chen had to be more careful.

Burying his excitement for Taixu Zhoulong deep in his heart, Long Chen followed the lord of Wushit City to the rooftop. Here was an empty pavilion, almost the highest place in Wushit City. From this place, one could see through Under the clouds, he saw countless ghosts roaming the streets under the castle, killing the remaining warriors one by one, and then feasting.

That scene was simply disgusting to watch.

Long Chen was very angry in his heart. As a member of the living people, he couldn't do anything.

"It's really spectacular..." City Lord Fu Shi said with great excitement as he stood on the rooftop with his hands open.

"Abnormal." Long Chen cursed silently in his heart.

The rooftop was very wide, about thirty meters long and about thirty meters wide respectively. After Long Chen came up, he stood in the center. He put his hands behind his back and pointed towards the north with the index finger of his left hand.

The city lord who died in vain was looking south and laughing loudly.

Following him, Long Chen also had to look south.

But he knew that things related to Taixu Zhoulong were on this rooftop, behind him.

Long Chen didn't dare to look back for the time being and take a look to see what it was.

At this moment, he was undoubtedly suffocated inside. He kept hinting to himself that he must be calm and very calm.

"Don't look at us for being cruel. We are the people who are least favored by God. We are the ones who suffer..." The city lord who died in vain suddenly said with great sadness, his voice full of desolation and sorrow.

I don’t know why, this city lord who died in vain always made people feel very kind, but in fact, he was terrified inside. Long Chen didn’t even dare to get close to it. This was the only character that made Long Chen tremble in his heart.

There must be endless secrets in him.

When the city lord lamented that he died in vain, Long Chen pretended to look around and turned around. At that moment, he saw dense patterns on one of the steel pillars in the north on the rooftop. It was these patterns that attracted Taixu. Zeulon's claws noticed that the other three pillars had no patterns.

What do these incomprehensible patterns mean? Or is it that the thing from Taixu Zhoulong is hidden inside the steel pillar?

Long Chen was in confusion.

Fortunately, the kitten was also looking at the steel pillar.

At this moment, Mao Mao was also extremely excited. He was staring at the pillar intently, his expression changing continuously.

"How?" Long Chen asked quickly.

"Sure enough, there are clues. Let me think about it slowly!" Mao Mao said nervously. At first, he didn't think that the things left by Taixu Zhoulong would exist in this place. And now, he was excited too.

The kitten had a sense of Taixu Zhoulong, but after entering the City of Fushou, he didn't sense anything, so he had no hope for Taixu Zhoulong in his heart. Coming here was also Long Chen's own persistence.

"What are you looking at?" City Lord Fu Shi suddenly laughed.

Long Chen quickly turned around and said, "Just take a look."

The Lord of the City of Fusi came to him, looked at him kindly, and said, "Do you also think that pattern is strange? This is the territory I control. One day, this pattern suddenly appeared on this pillar. It really scared me. Half dead..."

The Lord of the City of Fu Shi said in a joking tone.

Long Chen chuckled in agreement. But he was thinking in his heart. Obviously, the thing that the City Master gave him in vain had nothing to do with this pattern. He even didn't know the existence of the things left by Taixu Zhoulong at all. The words he just said seemed to be a joke, but Long Chen knew that it was real!

Even he himself didn't know what the pattern was about.

While Long Chen memorized the pattern, he confirmed that the mystery lay in the pattern and had nothing to do with the steel pillars. In addition, he could only rely on the kitten to study what was going on with the pattern.

"I just felt that other pillars didn't have them, but this pillar did, so I took a closer look." Long Chen explained.

In vain, the city lord didn't take it for a moment. He stretched out his white jade skull finger, patted Long Chen's shoulder lightly, and said with a smile: "I talked a bit too much today. In fact, no one has been here for a long time. I'm really too busy." Lonely. So lonely... But no matter what, you have to leave. Now, I will give you the gift. You follow me..."

This guy was like an old man nostalgic. He walked tremblingly to the front of the rooftop, looked down at his feet, and stepped lightly on one of the black bricks.

Behind Long Chen, there was a sudden trembling sound. When he looked back, a huge boulder came out of the ground. As soon as it came out, cracks appeared on the black boulder. Finally, it suddenly dispersed, and a gray long sword appeared. In front of Long Chen.

This sword, including the hilt, is about one meter and two meters long. It is gray in color and looks lifeless. It is like a piece of scrap metal, and its existence cannot even be felt. It must have been rusty and covered with heavy dust since it had not been used for many years.

The blade of the sword was blunt, incomparable to the Scarlet Blood Heavenly Desolation, and even more incomparable to the Dragon-Slaying Sword. It didn't even have the aura of a Taoist weapon.

The only strange thing was that Long Chen felt the power of death from this sword.

"Ten thousand, ten thousand, don't underestimate it. It is the most precious thing in my body. It is countless times more valuable than the Zhenwu Emperor Soul..." The city lord who died in vain was like a nagging old man, and left. When he came to Long Chen's side, he looked at the strange gray sword with empty eyes, as if he was about to cry.

"Is it countless times more valuable than the Zhenwu Emperor Soul, the thing that created the Zhenwu Emperor?" Long Chen truly knelt down. What on earth is this sword?

The most mysterious weapon Long Chen has ever seen is the Lingxi Sword. Is this thing even more mysterious than the Lingxi Sword? The same goes for the Lingxi Sword, which is completely black and stained with rust. But it also has endless secrets.

The city lord was very excited. He stepped forward tremblingly, stretched out his hand, and pulled out the ordinary gray sword from the ground. Only then did Long Chen see clearly that there was a gray skull on the hilt of the sword. head.

"This is... a divine weapon that cannot be tolerated by heaven and earth... Since ancient times, hundreds of millions of living beings have died in its hands." The Lord of Wanshi City said something that made Long Chen stunned.

The Million Resentful Soul Sword is already awesome, but compared to this divine weapon, it is simply scum.

Moreover, the creatures he killed were probably much more powerful.

This kind of thing was given to me in vain by the city lord?

The first thing Long Chen felt was not a good thing, but a huge conspiracy. The better it was for him to kill the city lord in vain, the more it felt like a conspiracy.

The city lord died in vain, placed the magic weapon in front of Long Chen, and said solemnly: "This sword is not only a Tao weapon, but also the enemy of all Tao weapons. He is an absolute alien among Tao weapons, because he possesses all Tao weapons. There is an ability that no other weapon can possess, and that is...evolution!"

"He has a huge appetite. He only needs two things to feed him and grow. One is other Taoist tools, and the other is the blood of his opponent!"

"It is rumored that in ancient times, in the ancient times, there was even a real god who fell under this sword, so he had his own unique name - the God-Slaying Sword!"


PS: It’s Monday, please give me flowers

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