Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1358 Purple Blood Demonic Dragon

This scene is extremely reminiscent of the fact that the Evil Dragon Palace team killed them. Only the Evil Dragon Palace team could kill one of these teams in such a short period of time.

The people from the Zhenwu Imperial Palace team heard the movement here and were coming here, but they did not get close. Instead, they watched the movement of power on the roof a mile away. With their arrogance, He doesn't want to be with other people.

Everyone looked at the five people lying on the ground, and they were miserable. Then they looked at the Evil Dragon Palace team with angry eyes, and many people started shouting.

"What are you doing! Killed them all! Didn't they make a peace treaty?"

"Is the peace pact just bullshit?"

"We made an agreement at the beginning about who would attack whom, so the other teams and the people who worked together to kill and take action have now become obvious. What are you waiting for!"

Even the people from the Yuanling Ancient World and the Ancient Thunder Pond had uncertain expressions. The leader of the Yuanling Ancient World team, Yuan Xiaozhou, stepped forward at this time, his kind face became a little serious, and asked: "Can you guys Can you give us an explanation? Why do you want to kill them? What grudges do they have with the three of them?"

At this point, he changed the subject and revealed his murderous intent, saying: "If you three turn a blind eye to the peace treaty, then we will fulfill our previous agreement and jointly sanction the three of you."

There were a total of six teams present, and the Zhenwu Imperial Palace team also agreed to the peace treaty. If they also agreed to kill the Evil Dragon Palace team together, then Long Chen and others would have no way of escaping.

Others also gathered around, looking at Long Chen and the other three, with murderous intent evident in their eyes, especially the weaker ones. They were already living in fear, but the Evil Dragon Palace team set a precedent and killed people first. …

Long Chen had no intention of entangled with them and said: "Look carefully at their injuries. Don't accuse others without knowing anything. Who said we killed him?"

Everyone was dubious, and immediately turned around to look at the injuries of the five people. At this time, the injuries between their eyebrows had expanded, and their heads had gradually turned into gray liquid, and everyone's corpses began to melt.

Yuan Xiaozhou from the Yuanling Ancient World narrowed his eyes and said: "We have never seen this method before, and we don't know who it is, but are you kidding us? There are only seven of our teams here. As soon as we arrive, you will If I stay here, who else could I be?"

Others think so too.

"Can you have some brains? Isn't the golden token in his hand still there? If we kill him, will we still stay here for you to capture?" Long Chen looked at them with disgust, especially this Yuan Xiaozhou. He Shan has clearly seized the opportunity to target Long Chen and the others.

Everyone started shouting, and Yuan Xiaozhou opened his arms to stop everyone's conversation. His handsome face was extremely serious and said: "Everyone, please be quiet first and listen to his explanation? You said you are not the murderer, then you If you came here first, you must have seen who the murderer is? Are you saying there are others in the ruins? "

Long Chen felt arrogant in his heart and was too lazy to say more, saying, "You will soon know if there is anyone else."

Too lazy to pay attention to them, Long Chen was about to leave. People from the Yuanling Ancient World and the Ancient Thunder Pond stood in front of him and said coldly: "No one can leave until today's events are explained clearly. Unless you dare to face our six teams alone. Long Chen, you can't be so arrogant. You're at this level. Tell me, who did it?"

The two sides confronted each other, and the smell of gunpowder was very strong. Li Xuanji's pretty face was cold and she said: "One of the ten ghost kings, in human form, wearing tattered armor and iron chains. The reason why they died was that the iron chains passed through their eyebrows. "

Hearing what Li Xuanji said, everyone suddenly felt a chill. They looked at the corpses of the five people. They were obviously very similar to what Li Xuanji had described. They also knew about the ten ghost kings, but it was almost a legend...

Everyone is wandering between belief and disbelief. They are afraid in their hearts and choose not to believe it. After all, they are all things in legends and may not exist. But now that the ghost clan is in riot, it is normal for the ten ghost kings to appear...

At this time, Huang Yu from the Zhenwu Emperor Palace spoke, and he said: "You should be more careful. If the ten ghost kings really arrive at the ruins of Tiewei Mountain, everyone will die. I will not accompany you any longer."

Obviously, the Zhenwu Imperial Palace team believed what Long Chen and the others said.

The others looked at each other, not knowing whether to believe it or not.

"If the top ten ghost kings really come, we'd better hide quickly..."

"Yeah, you can't risk your life here." Seeing the five corpses on the ground, the more they thought about it, the more they looked like them, and it was horrifying.

The people from Yuanling Ancient World and the people from Huanggu Leichi looked at each other and communicated with their eyes. The Zhenwu Emperor Palace team had left. If they jointly deal with the Evil Dragon Palace team, they would definitely pay a price. Now is really not a good time to fight.

So, Yuan Xiaozhou said: "Anyway, we can't get out. I want to see if the ten ghost kings are really here. If we don't see them in three days, the team that should be judged will still have to be judged. No matter what, in order to avoid chaos, we must strictly follow the rules. Now everyone is reduced to helping each other, instead of still thinking about those treasures."

Everyone was convinced and said that Yuan Xiaozhou was right.

"What about your golden token?" Suddenly, a warrior from the Sun God Realm said.

Yuan Xiaozhou glanced at the corpse and said, "Whoever kills someone will take the token away. It's not my Yuanling Ancient World team anyway."

After saying that, they took a deep look at Long Chen, and a group of handsome boys and girls turned and left proudly. The five big men in the Ancient Thunder Pond clapped their chests and said, "I, the Ancient Thunder Pond, didn't kill people, so please do as you please."

After that, they also left.

Long Chen sneered in his heart and thought: The fox's tail has finally been revealed. If you don't take the golden token now, are you going to take it back after all the teams have been wiped out by you?

The Evil Dragon Palace team followed Long Chen and also left here. The remaining three teams looked at each other in confusion. Among them, the warrior from the Sun God Realm said: "Brothers, let's go and ignore our affairs."

The Sun God Realm had all left, and the remaining two teams were even more afraid to take the golden token and left quickly. When the five corpses turned into liquid, the golden token was left alone.

Half an hour later, a warrior from the Sun God Realm rushed over. He looked left and right. After finding that no one was around, he quickly took the token and ran away.

In the darkness, people from the Yuanling Ancient World and the Ancient Thunder Pond all laughed.

"Both the Zhenwu Emperor's Palace team and the Evil Dragon Palace team have top-notch experts. Although we are not weak, our energy will be severely damaged if we deal with them. It seems we can only deal with them one by one."

"The Zhenwu Imperial Palace team has entered the depths of the ruins, so let's deal with the Evil Dragon Palace team first. As long as Mo Xiaolang is trapped and the other two are killed first, there will be no problem."

"That's right. There are six tokens in total, three for each team. We will cooperate to the end. Anyway, there are three treasures!"

"Eight teams have gathered here. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity..."

"By the way, the top ten ghost kings that Long Chen and the others mentioned?"

"You believe this too?"


Because of the appearance of the top ten ghost kings, Long Chen decided to find a place to settle down. It seems that the square is the best place, because that place is very open and will not allow that ghost thing to take advantage of it.

That ghost thing is very weird. He has always followed Long Chen, but he has never made a sneak attack on Long Chen and the others. Every time, the fright he caused was more serious. I don’t know what he was thinking.

After returning to the square, Long Chen and the others were about to find a corner to stay. Suddenly, he saw something in the hands of the white skeleton in the center of the dry pool.

The aura of that thing was so obvious that it could never be hidden from Long Chen.

Because this is the breath of dragon...

Without saying anything, Long Chen led the other two people to the skeleton. When they saw clearly what was wrapped in the skeleton's hands, Long Chen and the others were stunned.

They clearly remembered that there was always nothing in the skeleton's hands.

During the short period of time they left, it seemed that no other teams came here.

So, what's going on with this deep purple dragon scale?

That's right, the thing surrounded by the skull statue is a piece of dark purple dragon scales. The dragon scales are shrouded in surging demonic energy, and the domineering energy that makes people's souls tremble is released towards the surroundings.

On the dragon scales, the purple mist condensed into the shape of a long purple dragon, staring at the intruder, and then transformed into the purple mist again.

"This... should be the scales of the purple-blooded demon dragon. The purple-blooded demonic dragon is similar to the red-blooded horned demonic dragon. They are relatively similar dragons, but their aura is more ferocious than the red-blooded horned demonic dragon. The combat power is comparable to that of the Nine-Winged Heavenly Dragon." The little cat was very surprised when he poked his chubby head out of the Taixu Realm, looked at the scales of the purple blood demon dragon blankly, and shouted: "What the hell is this? Who put it here? Isn’t this specially prepared for your boy? "

Long Chen was shocked and quickly looked around with the Soul Eye Technique. Unfortunately, there seemed to be no suspicious people within a ten-mile radius, so there were three possibilities. The first possibility was that the scales of this purple-blooded demon dragon were , it was the ghost king of the top ten ghost kings who had been following Long Chen and his ghost to put it there. This was impossible. The ghost undoubtedly resented Long Chen very much, and he seemed to be an unintelligent thing. How could he Do this kind of thing?

The second possibility is that there is another strong person who cannot be sensed by Long Chen's Soul Eye Technique.

The third possibility is that the person who placed the purple blood demon dragon scales here has now left the ten-mile radius of Long Chen.

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