Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1355 The mythical beast Jade Kirin

Hearing the words "Peace Pact", Long Chen smiled.

He knew it wouldn't be easy to get along here either. Of the twenty teams that came in, it can be said that everyone came here for those three rewards. They came to Eternal Hell just to fight and snatch each other's golden tokens.

But now, there are eight teams on site.

If you get them all, it will directly mean victory.

However, everyone was deeply afraid of other teams and did not dare to take action. In addition, there are all ghosts and beasts outside now, and we don’t know what is going on, so everyone dare not act rashly for the time being.

So, the peace treaty was born.

Yuan Xiaozhou smiled, with a friendly light shining in his pure eyes, and said very kindly: "The so-called convention is what the seven teams before us agreed upon. In this place inside Tiewei Mountain, no one can do anything to anyone. Take action, let alone kill the fire and snatch the gold token. Whoever takes action first will be jointly punished by other teams. This punishment will be equal to the degree of injury. If someone kills someone and robs the gold token, then no matter who it is, They will all be jointly attacked by other teams until they are eradicated."

This peace treaty is simple and clear at a glance.

Anyway, it's just that they can't fight, but Long Chen understands that the agreement is just an agreement, just words. The real conflict later will be a melee. Anyway, Long Chen himself understands that if you take this kind of thing seriously, you will lose.

Speaking of this, Yuan Xiaozhou asked: "I wonder what the Evil Dragon Palace team thinks?"

Long Chen said: "Of course I will participate and strictly abide by the rules."

Yuan Xiaozhou smiled and said: "That's good, I believe Captain Long is a smart man. The ruins of Tiewei Mountain are rumored to be characters left behind countless years ago. When they were excavated hundreds of thousands of years ago, There are a total of seventy-eight Taoist artifacts, as well as the immortal spirits and innate Taoism that were well preserved in the medieval period. It is a huge treasure. However, today, the treasure has been found. Treasure hunters for tens of thousands of years, They’ve almost dug three feet into the ground here.”

I didn’t expect Tiewei Mountain to be such a place.

After Yuan Xiaozhou finished speaking, he returned to the team in the Yuanling Ancient World. It was estimated that everyone had been here not long ago. The ruins were quite scary. No one dared to walk around. Their respective teams stayed in their own teams and whispered, Long Chen, Mo Xiaolang and others walked to the center of the square and looked around at the pool.

Long Chen didn't dare to relax at all, because he knew that one of the ten ghost kings must have followed them inside.

This square is a good place. As long as that ghost appears, Long Chen can see him clearly.

There are many people here and it feels a little safer.

Just when Long Chen was about to settle down, the team from the Zhenwu Imperial Palace followed their captain and stood behind Long Chen with a somewhat serious expression. Seeing this, everyone became nervous and watched.

The Yuanling Ancient World team and the Huanggu Leichi team came together and looked at each other, somewhat unaware of the actions of the Zhenwu Imperial Palace team. Do they want to break the rules first?

The people in the Zhenwu Imperial Palace team are relatively arrogant. The peace treaty was drawn up by Yuan Xiaozhou, but the captain of the Zhenwu Imperial Palace team also agreed.

The captain of the Zhenwu Emperor Palace team is also an absolute figure in the Martial God Palace. He is the real senior executive of the Zhenwu Emperor Palace. His status is much higher than that of Han Mingxing and Nangong Lie. He is qualified to aspire for the top spot in the future. The supreme figure in Zhenwu Imperial Palace.

There are talented people in every generation, and he is very close to the realm of Nirvana.

Compared to the two idiots, he has unlimited potential.

Such a person was facing Long Chen at this moment.

It can only be said that Long Chen's soaring speed was really too fast.

This time when we came to Eternal Hell, the lineup of Zhenwu Emperor Palace was no worse than that of Sword Soul Emperor Palace. The combat power of three of them is similar to that of Li Qiuyue, but I heard that they have a combination method that is very terrifying and can restrain the martial arts masters. That day, Li Qiuyue fought with Long Chen, but she didn't show her full strength.

The core strength of the Zhenwu Imperial Palace team and the key to victory is still their captain.

Long Chen had seen him at the Polar Star Battlefield and was very impressed by this guy.

This is a man wearing a golden dragon royal robe. He has black hair and black eyes. He looks very ordinary. He is incomparable to the boys and girls of the Spirit Tribe. But he has a kind of martial arts temperament. This kind of temperament Long Chen was also beyond his reach.

The implication of Zhenwu Imperial Palace is to pursue the true martial arts, and Long Chen seemed to see the essence of the word 'Zhenwu' in this man.

Neither arrogant nor impetuous, calm and composed, follow one's heart in martial arts, and face difficulties in the face of difficulties.

From this man's eyes, Long Chen saw such a temperament.

He can be sure that this guy can definitely be ranked in the top three among the powerful men of the new generation in the Zhenwu Emperor's Palace. He is a very famous figure in the Martial God Palace.

If Long Chen had not come to Nine Stars Chaos City, but chose to advance to the Martial God Palace, he would not have had the opportunity to advance like the Inverse Divine Art. Maybe a year later, he would still have to look up to this true martial arts master.

At this moment, he and Long Chen were standing on the same position.

Before Long Chen came to Eternal Hell, he had looked for this guy's information. His name is Huang Yu, he has perfect martial arts skills and practices the Zhenwu Emperor Palace's supreme martial arts ceremony, the Zhenwu Wuxiang Battle Ceremony. There are also mysterious magical powers and terrifying Taoist tools.

What’s even more shocking is that he has the bloodline of one of the ancient mythical beasts, the ‘Jade Qilin’. He is a direct descendant of the mythical beast family.

Ancient mythical beasts, such as the Golden Crow, various phoenixes, unicorns, etc., have all been submerged in the dust of history. Divine beasts are not demons, but demons can become sacred beasts. And the bloodline of the divine beast can be possessed by both the demon race and the human race.

For example, Long Chen once encountered the Purple Fire Phoenix Su family. However, the Purple Fire Phoenix is ​​not a divine beast, but is only a type of monster among the true descendants of divine beasts.

The Heavenly Phoenix Divine Bird that Long Chen encountered in the Divine Martial Dynasty in the Territory of All Nations only had a trace of the blood of a descendant of the divine beast.

And Huang Yu is a person who truly has the bloodline of the ancient mythical beast ‘Jade Qilin’.

Rumor has it that the talents of the blood descendants of these ancient beasts are no less than those of ordinary dragon warriors, and can at least surpass the inherited essence and blood of low-level dragons such as the Azure Dragon and the Red Dragon. Of course, there is still a long way to go before the dragon warriors like Wang Chen who refine the void demon dragon and inherit the essence and blood. Of course, this all refers to talent, and Long Chen can definitely beat them in this aspect.

Talent and current strength are not necessarily comparable.

Huang Yu's 'Jade Qilin' bloodline is quite amazing. If it weren't for this bloodline, he wouldn't be among the top three in the Martial God Palace.

Among the hundreds of millions of disciples in Zhenwu Emperor's Palace, Huang Yu is considered to be someone who stands above all living beings. His temperament is several times higher than that of Lu Junyue and Lu Jin. Anyway, Long Chen rarely saw negative emotions in his eyes.

His eyes were like white jade, without any sparkle at all.

At this time, he was looking at Mo Xiaolang.

Long Chen vaguely knew what he was going to do.

"My dear Huang Yu, I have heard for a long time that the emperor of the demon clan is invincible in the realm of Nirvana. I hope we can compete." Huang Yu cupped his hands and looked at Mo Xiaolang with expressionless eyes.

This man was really good-natured and ignored Yuan Xiaozhou's peace treaty, but Huang Yu also said that it was just a competition. It's not really a fight.

The other party openly challenged him. If he refused, he would not be able to survive in terms of face. Mo Xiaolang was actually very proud in his heart. As the emperor of the Demon Clan, he naturally had his own majesty. However, in front of Long Chen, he looked completely different. .

Xiaolang is a very down-to-earth person. No matter what happens to his status and strength, he will never forget his brothers who have been walking with him.

This time, he also gave the decision-making power to Long Chen.

"Decide for yourself and follow your heart." Long Chen said solemnly.

If it were a challenge from an ordinary minion, Long Chen wouldn't care, but this Huang Yu was different. Mo Xiaolang almost represents the strongest power of the new generation of powerful men in the Nine-Star Chaos City in the Desolate Imperial Palace, while Huang Yu represents the Zhenwu Imperial Palace and challenges him!

A great martial arts genius must also have this belief.

Long Chen's words gave Mo Xiaolang a reason to express himself. He didn't hesitate and said directly: "Okay, come on."

At that moment, Long Chen felt that Huang Yu's heart was heating up.

The rest of the Zhenwu Imperial Palace team did not dare to underestimate Mo Xiaolang. They had tried to persuade Huang Yu before, but to no avail. At this time, Mo Xiaolang agreed to a fight, and they could only retreat and give the ground to them.

"Behave a little longer." Long Chen laughed and moved out of the way with Li Xuanji. In any case, he still supported his brother. As for the Zhenwu Emperor Palace, although it was a good place to belong, it was different from his own. Brothers can't compare.

"I know, brother!" Mo Xiaolang chuckled.

Others have keenly felt that this will be an amazing battle. They are excited but also worried. The weak team is worried that the Zhenwu Imperial Palace team and the Evil Dragon Palace team will come into conflict, and then the peace treaty will be destroyed. They are outside. Death, coming here is also death. The teams from the Ancient Thunder Pond and Yuanling Ancient Realm had strange expressions and didn't know what they were thinking.

Mo Xiaolang and Huang Yu were the only two people left within a radius of three or four miles.

The top geniuses from the Three Domains and Nine Realms gather here!

At this moment, Long Chen finally reached the peak!

Looking at Huang Yu in front of Mo Xiaolang, he is neither humble nor arrogant, nor arrogant nor impetuous. Facing a famous master like Mo Xiaolang, he is still calm and determined. There is no emotion at all. This is the true martial arts wizard cultivated by a martial arts holy place like Zhenwu Emperor Palace.

Long Chen knew that in a short while, he would be qualified to face such a master.

Before both parties could take action, their auras began to boil. Facing the sun-devouring giant Mo Xiaolang, Huang Yu showed no weakness at all. The bloodline belonging to the ancient divine beast Jade Qilin awakened and gradually let out a thundering roar.


At that moment, the fierce battle begins!

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