Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1308 Tianshu Star City

Long Chen understood. He had never heard of paying for registration information, and he had never heard of serving in the military. This kind of gatekeeping is arranged by the Twelve Emperors Alliance, and Long Chen has no obligation to guard the gate. He is not yet a real member of the Twelve Emperors Alliance, it can only mean that he comes from Zhenwu Emperor Palace.

And these guys in front of them are the lower-level personnel of the Twelve Emperors Alliance.

Real senior leaders don't do things like gatekeeping.

"Boy, why are you standing there? Give me another three breaths of hesitation, and I will kill you, take away your ring, and divide it among your brothers. By then it will be too late for you to cry." The leader said fiercely. .

A powerful momentum approached Long Chen.

These warriors are all at the sixth level of the Divine Martial Realm, and the leader is at the peak of the sixth level of the Divine Martial Realm. There are so many people who suppress Long Chen, and they have been fighting in this Nine-Star Chaos City for many years, and they have a tacit understanding and murderous intent. Are you afraid of a newbie like Long Chen?

Long Chen was too lazy to talk nonsense. He moved quickly, stretched out his hand and pulled the leader over. Without saying a word, he directly tore off his head and kicked his head out of the Broken Star Territory.

The headless body collapsed.

During this period, everyone only heard a scream and nothing else.

This bloody scene simply made everyone stunned.

Long Chen clapped his hands and did not let the blood stain his hands. He looked around and said silently: "Who else wants to fly out? Come on. Anyway, you are the supreme golden body. You will not die even if your head is broken." .It’s just a bit difficult to recover.”

"Damn it, we met someone who was pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!" Several people looked at each other with incomparable hatred in their eyes. There were several loud noises, and waves of fierce sword energy came towards Long Chen. Everyone's hands Above, there appeared a magic weapon that contained divine light, looked very sharp, and contained huge power!

Every divine weapon is spitting out ferocious sword light.

"Brothers, tear him apart!"

Long Chen really understood that this group of desperadoes could not be convinced by such a shock. He finally understood the rules of survival here in Jiuxing Chaos City. Only killing here, ruthless killing, could scare this group of people from risking their lives for money. shit.

"Xuanjin Sword Qi!"

One of them swung the golden sword wildly, and a sharp golden sword energy swept towards Long Chen's neck. The air was cut, and screams were made one after another.

Others were equally aggressive.

"I won't shed tears until I see the coffin." Long Chen had no intention of fighting with these little people. The black gold sword energy shot out, but he stretched out one hand and crushed it casually. The Scarlet Blood Heaven appeared in his hand and transformed into a small path. At this moment, Long Chen instantly disappeared in everyone's eyes. The next moment, a total of eight headless bodies fell to the ground in the entire room, losing their vitality.

Long Chen squinted his eyes and put away the Scarlet Blood Heaven. When he looked up, the heads of those people had already flown to who knows where. Long Chen didn't kill anyone. Of course, this was also a huge lesson for them.

Even if you are a rookie, you cannot mess with him.

However, after this battle, he found that the people from the Sword Soul Emperor Realm were indeed slightly stronger among warriors of the same level.

After easily defeating this group of people and making them extremely regretful, Long Chen left here. He continued to move forward in the wilderness, and the smell of blood in the air became stronger and stronger. At some point, he raised his head and saw an extremely huge and vast city in front of him!

"This one should be Tianshu Star City, with a radius of half a million miles." Long Chen narrowed his eyes.

It was really big. From Long Chen's perspective, it looked endless and endless. The whole world was filled with countless buildings. Under the starlight, these buildings glowed brightly.

Tianshu Star City is one of the star cities controlled by the Twelve Emperors Alliance. Long Chen doesn't know exactly which part of the Twelve Emperors Alliance manages it.

In addition to Tianshu Star City, there are many small cities and endless wilderness in this Tianshu area. Of course, the most important thing is the ancient ruins.

"Now that I'm here, let's go to the ruins of Tianshu Star City to see if there is anything I want." Long Chen had already decided.

"Kitten, are you aware?"

Mao Mao shook his head in confusion and said: "Everything here, even my perception, has been suppressed. I think it may not allow us to find this thing so easily."

No matter what, it must be among these ancient ruins. If you ask around, you may not be able to find it. We haven’t entered these ancient ruins yet. Maybe after entering, the kittens will be able to sense them.

In this way, Long Chen decided to go to Tianshu Star City first.

In addition, if you want to enter the ancient ruins, it seems that you have to obtain the access order for the ancient ruins in Tianshu Star City. Without the access order, the people of the Twelve Emperor Alliance will not let Long Chen enter the ancient ruins.

Wangshan is a dead horse.

Tianshu Star City seemed very close, but it took Long Chen three full days to get here. After arriving here, Long Chen was deeply shocked by the hugeness of this place. These city walls and buildings are all very old. It seems that time has passed. The distance between each building is very large, the streets are also very wide, and no one is managing the city gate. It is still on the outskirts, and there seem to be relatively few people.

"The purpose of Tianshu Star City is to provide supplies and training for warriors. It is also the base for many gangs. In such a chaotic place, there is no need for the Twelve Emperors Alliance to manage this city."

Long Chen knew in his heart that when he stepped into Tianshu Star City, he could clearly feel that the air was filled with a very strong chilling atmosphere. There was a strong smell of blood everywhere. Many buildings and walls had been destroyed. It proves that there have been fierce battles here.

At first, there was no one on this extremely wide street. It took a while before Long Chen saw anyone else. However, these people all gathered together in twos and threes, looking at the passersby with gloomy eyes. Long Chen was not weak, so in a short period of time, no one had troubled him.

But for him, it was an eye-opener.

The Three Domains and Nine Realms are really a magical place. For example, during this period, Long Chen saw several tribesmen who were four or five meters tall. Their skin was gray, as if they were rocks, and their bodies were full of muscles. Qiu Jie, the body exudes quite terrifying power, almost like a monster. These people should be from the witch clan of the ancestral witch world.

The Ancestral Witch Realm is one of the nine realms.

In addition, Long Chen also saw the wonderful sharks in the Sea of ​​Ten Thousand Mirrors. As expected, all of them were very beautiful. They had slender fish tails underneath their bodies, and some of them had legs directly transformed into them. Their bodies had a strong aura of water. The strength cannot be underestimated.

In addition, there are the Spirit Clan from the Yuanling Ancient World and the Thunder Clan from the Ancient Thunder Pond. These are all branches of the human race, but compared to the human race, their number is slightly smaller.

The largest number of people are still the human race and the demon race.

This was the first time that Long Chen saw that the human race and the demon race could appear together in this place at the same time. He stayed in the Zhenwu Emperor's domain and hadn't seen the demon clan for a long time.

The few demon clans with short stature and broad backs next to them were gathering together and discussing in low voices. Long Chen knew that they were demon clans. They should be a kind of flaming fire turtle, and they were demon clans at the fifth-grade demon god level. However, There are also some who can grow to the sixth and seventh levels.

Seeing the demon tribe, Long Chen found that he missed Mo Xiaolang a little and wondered if he was okay there.

"If you have time, it's time to meet Little Wolf. It's been a long time since we last parted in the blink of an eye."

During this period of time, although Long Chen had made a lot of good friends, none of them really made him miss him as much as Xiaolang.

The further you go inside, various places and countless shops appear in Tianshu Star City, selling all kinds of elixirs, elixirs, combat skills and weapons that warriors need. As long as you can afford the price, you can buy them. You can buy things, of course, but it doesn’t rule out that someone will be waiting outside to kill you as soon as you come out after buying things.

Along the way, Long Chen had seen several life-and-death fights in Tianshu City within the scope of the Soul Eye Technique.

If you want to get the pass, you must find the headquarters of the Twelve Emperors Alliance in Tianshu Star City. Tianshu Star City is half a million miles away. To find it in a short time is simply harder than climbing to the sky. Long Chen had to ask others. If he just asked others, the other party would immediately know that he was a rookie, and it was not certain whether he would kill people and seize treasures next.

"Young man, please stay." A middle-aged man's voice came from behind.

Long Chen turned around, and it was a middle-aged man who called him. This man was short in stature, but his muscles were very developed. He was probably not from the Zhenwu Emperor Realm or the Sword Soul Emperor Realm.

"I see that your physical strength is good. Are you interested in joining our Iron Stone Gang? I am the deputy gang leader of the Iron Stone Gang, and I am at the seventh level of the Divine Martial Realm! You are new here, right? You may not know that in Nine Star Chaos City, there is no force The only result is to die miserably!"

Long Chen shook his head and said: "I'm not interested, you should find someone else."

The middle-aged short man's eyes were red and he sneered: "You are indeed new here and don't know the rules. I bet that if you don't join the gang quickly and let me protect you, you will die on the street in less than three days." The ring was taken away."

Long Chen stood calmly and said with a smile: "Why wait three days? If you want to teach me a lesson, just come. There are one million divine crystals in my ring. Let's see if you can snatch it away."

The other party smiled, damn, I have never seen such a weird thing before, so there is no need to be polite. At that moment, his whole body almost doubled in size. His strong body was full of power, like a wild beast, and he moved towards Long Chen. One punch.

Without saying a word, Long Chen stretched out his hand and grasped the opponent's extremely huge fist with his seemingly small fist.

The physically terrifying power made the middle-aged man almost scream. After being held by Long Chen, he couldn't move.

Long Chen smiled slightly, used one hand to twist his thick arm directly, and then said: "You take me to the headquarters of the Twelve Emperors Alliance, and I will spare you."

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