Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1279 The power of the mysterious world

"Who is qualified to enter the points battle? Let's wait and see!" Yang Wang laughed loudly and glanced at Long Chen and the other four people. The two warriors at the seventh level of the Divine Martial Realm lowered their heads in despair. They knew that they were definitely arranged to be the stepping stone for Long Chen and Ji Liutang. Ji Liutang was a genius who became famous many years ago, while Long Chen was a man of the hour who had recently risen to prominence.

None of them are opponents.

"Please invite the two warriors who drew number seven to come on stage and fight!" Yang Wang shouted loudly.

Everyone cheered, another visual feast was about to be staged.

In the eyes of everyone, Ji Liutang and Long Chen will definitely not meet each other. They are both qualified and capable people to enter the top eight.

But at this moment, everyone was dumbfounded. The first to move were two warriors at the seventh level of the Divine Martial Realm. Even they themselves were stunned.

"Are you number seven?"

The two of them said such words at the same time. The next moment, they almost roared with excitement. They thought they had no chance, but they didn't expect that they still had half a chance. Their eyes suddenly became fiery.

And the people outside the venue immediately became noisy.

They were not cheering for these two seventh-level divine martial realms, but for the battle between the other two, Long Chen and Ji Liutang. No one expected that the battle between the two would happen at this time. Only Li Chong and Lu Jin showed a knowing smile. They actually didn't want Long Chen to be unable to enter the top eight. In fact, they had a higher vision and knew that Long Chen's combat power might be stronger than Ji Liumeng. However, under the Dream-Returning Immortal Grass, Long Chen would probably still win. , but the following points battle will definitely be quite exciting.

The two warriors at the seventh level of the Divine Martial Realm were fighting very hard, but they could not arouse everyone's interest. Although it was a pity that some of them, Long Chen and Ji Liutang, could not make it into the top eight, we could see the fierce battle today, and everyone still couldn't. Very exciting!

Two quarters of an hour later, the battle was decided. One of them successfully entered the top eight, but only one life was left. At this time, Long Chen Ji Liuliang made a shocking appearance. Ji Liuliang seemed to have known about this situation for a long time, so he was always calm.

The two looked at each other silently on the battlefield.

"I've seen your fight, and it's very good, but do you really understand the true eighth level of the divine martial realm?" Ji Liutan said in an extremely charming manner.

Long Chen slapped him. He hated such rude people.

Long Chen didn't speak, but the scarlet blood in his hand replaced his answer! Long Chen's expectations for this battle were even higher than those of Ji Liumeng. Li Dong was not fun to fight before. From the time he survived the Three Tribulations to now, he could finally show off his true fighting power!

The bloody sky fell on the battlefield, and in an instant, the entire battlefield was trembling.

Outside the stadium, countless people cheered for Long Chen's toughness and passion. Presumably, Ji Liutang looked like a woman.

"You impolite guy, no wonder so many people hate you. Everyone except Yan Qingchen wants your life!" Ji Liutan said with some disgust, waving his orchid fingers.

Long Chen really couldn't stand this guy anymore. Chixue Tianhuang pointed his finger and said: "Shut your mouth and do it."

Ji Liuman was furious.

This kid really didn't know how to be polite. She originally wanted to give him a way out. After all, that thing was too vicious, but since the other party didn't appreciate it, she wouldn't be polite. When he just got the thing, Ji Liutang was also shocked. He knew that if he was hit by the thing, he might not be able to see it at first, but the situation would come out after a day.

Return to dream fairy grass.

This seemingly dreamy name is actually the nightmare of all high-level warriors. Dreaming back is like going back to the past in a dream. This is a method that will destroy the body structure of the warrior, directly affect the divine martial soul, causing the exhaustion of the divine martial spirit, and causing the warrior's strength to regress one level every day until death. The medicinal liquid of Huimeng Xiancao is colorless and odorless. After being infected, there will be no symptoms at all on the first day, but starting from the second day, the cultivation level will begin to regress. On the third day, Shenwuhun was injured again, causing his cultivation to fall back one level.

The only advantage of a stronger person is that he will die later.

This kind of poison does not cause death immediately, but in the torture again and again, he watched his strength decline. It would be okay if Long Chen did not enter the top eight, but if he entered the top eight and retreated one level every day, his end would be How miserable?

At first, Ji Liutang hesitated, but now he did not hesitate. He felt that Long Chen deserved to die.

It can be said that this is the strongest battle since the beginning of the Qianlongbang battle. It starts at this time and everyone is excited. Starting from this battle, tomorrow's battle will almost be particularly exciting.

"Xuanming Divine Art!"

Ji Liumeng is the eldest disciple of Xuanming Palace, and his cultivation is extraordinary. At this time, it was revealed that the power of the Kingdom of God within his body came, allowing Long Chen to see that there was a world vaguely hidden in him.

Sure enough, there is still a gap between the real warriors of the Heavenly Dao and Li Cang Lidong.

The warriors of Qiankun Tiandao possess the power of the world. In terms of the amount of divine energy, they can reach a level of immortality. At the same time, when the world power of the divine kingdom is exerted, warriors below the eighth level of the divine martial realm, Almost unstoppable.

In Ji Liutang's body, Long Chen saw a world full of yin energy, just like the Taiyin Demon Realm.

That Yin Qi has the greatest amount and is endless. This force is the biggest chapter for the eighth level warrior of the Divine Martial Realm. The Heavenly Dao of the Universe is not just as simple as the martial arts of the Divine Martial Realm, but the beginning of the Heavenly Dao. Otherwise, It won’t be called the Heavenly Way of Heaven and Earth.

In terms of understanding martial arts, Ji Liuliu was far ahead of Long Chen.

This is normal, after all, Long Chen is only in his twenties.

"The power of the mysterious world..."

The shocking power filled Ji Liutang's body, causing his clothes to flutter.

The entire Qianlong battlefield seemed to be under Ji Liutang's control.

Raising his head, Ji Liutang showed a sneer and said, "Can you touch this power?"

Indeed, Long Chen seemed unable to deal with the power of the Xuanming world. Within the scope of Ji Liumeng's power, he was as weak as a piece of grass.

But Long Chen showed a hint of disdain.

"Real power does not need to be fancy. I have been thinking about the intelligence of this mysterious world for hundreds of years, and I will let you try it today."

Very simple, he punched Long Chen.

In the Kingdom of God, the mysterious power of the entire world converged on his fist. This was a force that caused space shock, almost causing the space to explode. After this punch, he immediately exclaimed loudly. Sure enough, the eighth level of the Divine Martial Realm is still powerful, but I don't know if this Long Chen has the power of this world?

If not, he would definitely not be able to deal with it.

Long Chen could clearly remember that Ye Wushang gave him his understanding of the heaven and earth, hoping that it would be helpful to him. Today's Ji Liupan gave him the same feeling that Ye Wushang gave him back then. That vast power, one person seemed to be the whole world. This was much better than when he was at the seventh level of the Divine Martial Realm, with the help of the will power of heaven and earth. Much more powerful.

Sure enough, at each level of the Divine Martial Realm, the higher you go, the more unimaginable it is.

At this moment, Long Chen felt like he was surrounded by the whole world.

"Fortunately, when I survived the Third Tribulation, God gave me a trace of the power of Nirvana!" A smile appeared on Long Chen's lips.

Although the power of Nirvana and rebirth is not as vast and spectacular as the power of the world, it seems very ordinary, but it is the power from the beginning of the world. It is ancient and chaotic. It is the power pursued by the most peak warriors. Compared with the power of the world, the power of nirvana It's actually much scarier.

The power of Nirvana in Long Chen's hand was only one ten thousandth of the power of the Xuanming World in Ji Liumo's hand.

However, when he punched an ordinary punch, although the power was not as powerful as Ji Liuqian, it immediately knocked Ji Liuqian away. The power of the Xuanming world was shattered, the divine kingdom was shaken, and Ji Liuqian spat out a mouthful of blood. He came out, his face pale.

At that moment, everyone stood up, simply stunned.

No one present could see clearly how Long Chen defeated Ji Liuliang, or what kind of power he used. In the eyes of everyone, Long Chen just punched casually.

The stronger he is, the more shocked he is.

The Lord of the Heavenly Temple, the Lord of the Crazy Demon Palace, the Supreme Elder, etc. all stood up one by one and looked at Long Chen dumbfounded. Only the warriors who were closest to the Nirvana Tribulation Realm knew that the power Long Chen had just displayed actually had a hint of Nirvana. They only have a vague sense of the power of Nirvana and are not sure. After all, they have not really come into contact with the power of Nirvana.

However, apart from the power of Nirvana and rebirth, what else could defeat Ji Liuliang like this?

It seems not.

For a moment, the entire scene was silent as they watched Ji Liutang wipe away the blood and get up with a dull expression.

"Are you admitting defeat?" Long Chen asked.

He and Lu Jun Yue Feng Zhilin had great conflicts. As for Ji Liu Meng, he was considered average. Long Chen is not a murderer either. He doesn't just kill his opponents when he encounters them. The true Dao is always merciful in the midst of killing.

Ji Liutang looked at him with wide eyes, took a few steps back, and then took a deep breath. For some reason, he always felt that Long Chen was invincible.

It seemed like a peak mountain, unable to move.

The power of the Xuanming World that he had cultivated so hard was broken so easily. So, what else can't this Long Chen do?

However, Ji Liutang was not seriously injured. Seeing everyone's admiration for Long Chen, he was not reconciled.

"Next, I want to show you how powerful it will be if I integrate the power of my Xuanming world into my combat skills. You have to be careful. What I am going to use next is the nine powers of my Xuanming Palace. The most amazing skill, the Rakshasa Xuanyin Hand!" Ji Liuliang said with a ferocious expression.

It was rare that he was so careless about his image.

On the stage, Li Chong and Lu Jin looked at each other and smiled.

Next, it’s time to watch the show.

They didn't know that their glance at each other this time had attracted Long Chen's attention. Long Chen knew from the beginning that they were going to trick Ji Liutang, could it be now?

So, what exactly are they going to do? Long Chen was very careful.

At this time, Ji Liutang only had one word in his mind, and that was Dream-Returning Immortal Grass.

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