Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1252 The method of dispersing souls

When Long Chen came out of the door of Wangyue Pavilion, he saw someone rushing towards him within a few steps. Long Chen knew who it was at the first sight. It turned out to be Qin Feng. When Long Chen entered Wangyue Pavilion before, he seemed to have met him here.

"Qin Feng, you..." Long Chen was in a good mood and was greeting him when he suddenly saw this guy's red eyes and swollen eye sockets. He was definitely crying. It can be seen from his gray face that this guy has definitely experienced a very tragic thing. Otherwise, he wouldn't be like this.

"What's wrong?" Long Chen walked forward quickly, his expression became serious, and he had a lot of premonitions. Although Long Chen became the master of the Evil Dragon Palace, because of the rules, the two did not fight as much as before, but the relationship between senior brothers still exists in Long Chen's heart. He is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. , Li Xuanji also once said that he is an emotional animal.

Qin Feng seemed to be unable to control his impulse. He tried his best to suppress himself and not let himself go crazy. He shouted to Long Chen in a hoarse voice: "Palace Master, Jiang Cha is dead."

Long Chen's face changed drastically, and a murderous aura instantly burst out from his body, alarming the surrounding crowd. Everyone looked at Long Chen in fear, recognizing him as the Master of the Evil Dragon Palace, but they didn't know what the hell this kid was angry about. So scary.

Long Chen really didn't expect that something like this would happen after he had only been away for three days.

Jiang Cha, who seemed like the sister next door, actually died.

This news was like a haze hanging over Long Chen's head, especially when he thought that Qin Feng and Jiang Cha didn't seem to get along for a long time.

This is not a place for anger and noise. Long Chen gritted his teeth and said, "Follow me first."

Qin Feng also knew what was right and followed Long Chen out of the square of Wangyue Pavilion. It was the most mixed-up place and any news would spread. In this huge emperor star, the two of them found a remote place. At this time, Qin Feng could not help but shed tears. His face was livid, he was breathing heavily, and his body was extremely dirty, but he suddenly didn't realize it. .

"What's going on? Aren't you alive and well? How could you die?" Long Chen couldn't hold back his anger anymore and asked with a rather ugly face.

Although I didn’t get along with Jiang Cha for long, she was still my senior sister and a kind and good girl. Why did she suddenly disappear...

Thinking that such a girl had lost her beauty and died, the flames of hatred in Long Chen's chest were blazing, especially the way Qin Feng collapsed at this time. Long Chen understood him very well. The most powerless and painful thing for a man is the woman who cannot protect him. If Long Chen couldn't protect Ling Xi, I'm afraid he would be even more helpless and miserable than Qin Feng at this time.

"She... is not dead yet. But she is almost dead. She will never wake up again in this life." Qin Feng said sadly, which was heartbreaking.

"Not dead yet? That means there is a chance of rescue. Let's go back to the Evil Dragon Palace first. She is in Jiangxin Pavilion, right? I'll go take a look and talk while walking on the road." Long Chen said decisively.

"It's useless. She used the 'soul-dispersing method' to make herself die. The 'soul-dispersing method' can make all three of his souls and seven souls disperse, leaving only the spiritual soul sleeping in the sea of ​​consciousness. This is almost the same as death. If you want to summon all the three souls and seven souls back, you have to have the means to reach the sky or have a peerless treasure. Anyway, I have rarely heard of people who can still survive using the 'soul dispersing method'." Qin Feng He said with grief and anger.

Long Chen had heard of this 'soul-dispersing method', which was similar to the 'soul-melting method'. They are all some strange secret techniques, but this method of dispersing souls is more widely spread. Generally speaking, if a warrior in the Divine Martial Realm commits suicide, his Divine Martial Soul will not dissipate, which means he is almost alive. But the method of dispersing the soul can almost make you die. It's a rather cruel method.

Most people will not use the soul-dispersing method unless they encounter a situation where they have to commit suicide.

Why did Jiang Cha use this soul-dispelling method?

Long Chen immediately asked Mao Mao: "After the method of dispersing the soul, is there a way to save it?"

Mao Mao didn't care and said: "It's not a big deal. There are many panaceas, treasures from heaven and earth, which can do this. It just depends on whether you can find them in this imperial palace. But they are very valuable, and they will not be more expensive than The nine-turn golden soul elixir you used before is even more valuable."

Long Chen breathed a sigh of relief, and finally there was a chance to recover. He quickly told Qin Feng the news, because he knew that this man must have been tortured crazy at this time.

"The method of dispersing the soul does not mean that there is no way to save her. If I have this opportunity, I will definitely find something that can save you. You just need to preserve her body. Trust me." Long Chen stared at the other party, he could not guarantee it. You can find something that can be saved by yourself, but you will definitely try your best.

After all, Jiang Cha was also his friend Long Chen.

When he got the Holy Fruit of Heaven and Earth for Li Xuanji, didn't Long Chen also work very hard? He has secretly taken this matter to heart.

"Nine Stars Chaos City is a mixed bag of fish and dragons, and treasures from heaven and earth can be found. There is probably something you need there. Don't worry, Master Cat will remind you when the time comes when you find the right one." Kitty said proudly.

With Mao Mao's guarantee, Long Chen felt much more at ease.

After listening to Long Chen's words, Qin Feng was extremely excited. He had been desperate before and all he wanted was revenge, but Long Chen's words brought him new hope. Although he was not sure, it was better than nothing. Qin Feng He trusted Long Chen immensely, otherwise, he would not have stayed in this Evil Dragon Palace, waiting for Long Chen to come out!

"Thank you, Palace Master. Qin Feng will definitely take good care of Xiao Cha's body until you find a way to save him. Thank you, thank you!" Qin Feng was about to kneel down in front of Long Chen. He was so excited that he said thank you several times in a row.

Long Chen helped him up and said solemnly: "You still need to wait for me for a while. I can only say that I will try my best."

After he was assured of recovery, Long Chen shifted the matter to the focus. His eyes became gloomy and he said, "Then, you should tell me who did it."

No matter who it was, a young woman was so desperate that she used this soul-dispelling method. Such a person should definitely be killed.

Speaking of this, Qin Feng, who was originally gentle and elegant, also showed hatred, and his eyes revealed a murderous intention. At this time, he gritted his teeth and said: "Palace Master, do you believe me?"

"Letter." Long Chen only said one word.

This word was infinite power for Qin Feng. He was excited, angry and hateful, and roared in a low voice: "Then let me tell you, although I have not seen it with my own eyes, I can be sure that this person is definitely from the Tianshen Temple. Heaven’s proud man—Lu Junyue! It must be him!”

Lu Junyue?

At first, Long Chen thought it was Li Cang. After all, he had a feud with Li Cang, and Li Cang had also kidnapped Jiang Cha and Qin Feng. Long Chen was filled with self-blame at first. After all, Jiang Cha's incident must have something to do with him.

And now, he actually said it was Lu Junyue?

The Lu Junyue appeared in Long Chen's mind. It seemed that this guy had outstanding cultivation and elegant conversation. How could he be the person who did such a thing? He was obviously very cruel when he forced Jiang Cha to use the soul-dispersing method.

"Do you have evidence?" Long Chen asked in a deep voice.

"I have." After saying these two words, Qin Feng's bloody eyes were already filled with tears. He took out a note from the ring and it said: I want to know the cause of your parents' death. Come to me in Silent Valley.

Qin Feng said with tears: "This is what I found in Xiaocha. That day when you entered Wangyue Pavilion, we happened to go out to play. She was not in a good mood that day. I don't know what she was thinking. Damn it, she was with him There was a quarrel, and she disappeared in the blink of an eye. I thought she had a quarrel and went back, but I didn't expect to find this at home. Then I rushed to Silent Hill..."

After arriving, it was obviously too late.

Long Chen took the note. The handwriting on it was clearly written by a man.

"The cause of death of Jiang Cha's parents?" Long Chen had never heard of this matter. Long Chen knew that Jiang Cha and Jiang Qing were related.

"Yes, Xiaocha's parents were once ordinary disciples of the Tianshen Temple. However, Jiang Cha died mysteriously when he was young. It has been a long time. The reason why I said it is Lu Junyue is because Lu Junyue is the Tianshen Temple. Only he could think of someone who could use the cause of his parents' death to lure Jiang Cha! It must be him!" Qin Feng said from the beginning that this Lu Junyue was not a good person and had many murder cases of female disciples on his hands. In the end, he was The punishment hall was suppressed.

This series of things made Long Chen frown. He always felt a little strange, so he said: "This note, even if it is Lu Junyue, you can't even think of proving anything. This does not constitute any evidence."

Indeed, the same note can be made by many people, not necessarily Lu Junyue.

"It must be him. I want to retaliate against him. Palace Master, I must retaliate against him severely. I am willing to do so!" Qin Feng roared anxiously.

"How are you going to take revenge?" Long Chen asked helplessly.

He knew that Lu Junyue not only had a distinguished family background, but also had reached the eighth level of the Divine Martial Realm. She was a warrior of Ye Wushang's level and could not even deal with the current Long Chen.

"I'm going to the Punishment Hall to report him. I have enough evidence to prove that he intended to rape a female disciple, causing Jiang Cha to commit suicide! I have enough evidence. If these evidences are given to the Punishment Palace, I don't believe that the people in the Punishment Palace will ignore it. Zhenwu Imperial Palace, using strength to invade others is a major crime! This crime is more serious than murder. I must at least let this beast be ruined! Xiaocha loves me, and she uses the method of dispersing the soul to defend her chastity. , I will make this scumbag pay a heavy price, so that I can be worthy of Xiaocha!"

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