Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1250 Half Claw

It's rare to see a fat cat with such an expression on his face.

He opened his mouth wide and looked at a certain aspect, his eyes full of disbelief.

"What's wrong?" Long Chen asked in a low voice. He knew that there must be many people on the eighth floor of Wangyue Pavilion, so he did not dare to be too public.

Fat Cat shook his head for a while, and then the somewhat frightened expression on his face finally dissipated. The reason for fear is that it is like seeing a natural enemy. It is a momentary physical reaction. After a while, the kitten stabilizes its mood. Said: "You kid is really lucky. You happened to come to this eighth floor. Hurry up and go to see what it is. There is the breath of Taixu Zhoulong!"

Long Chen was shocked all over!

It turned out to be Taixu Zhoulong!

Both are ancestral dragons, Taixu Zhoulong controls the eternal rules of time, and its power is only more terrifying than the ancient blood spirit dragon. After getting the Taixu Dragon Talisman, Long Chen also had clues about the Taixu Zhoulong. Mao Mao said that the inherited essence and blood of the Taixu Zhoulong is very likely to exist, and it is still in the three imperial realms, or the three realms. Among the nine realms. Even some unknown corners.

Long Chen hasn't even fully absorbed the essence and blood of the ancient blood spirit dragon, so he doesn't think too much about the inherited essence and blood of the Taixu Zhoulong. But if this thing really exists, he has the kitten and the Taixu Dragon Talisman. Put forward conditions first, and you must not let others get it.

If another Ancestral Dragon warrior emerges from nowhere, and if his talent exceeds that of Long Chen, he will definitely crush Long Chen in terms of talent.

This is not the result Long Chen wants to see.

However, the three imperial domains were so large that Long Chen really had no confidence in finding the inherited essence and blood of Taixu Zhoulong. And now he doesn't even have the qualifications to possess Lingxi, so he can only work hard here in Zhenwu Emperor Palace.

However, this does not mean that Long Chen has no ideas about Taixu Zhoulong.

Most of what he is today is thanks to the ancient blood spirit dragon. It can be seen that if the inherited essence and blood of the Taixu Zhoulong really existed, what a valuable treasure it would be. A Void Demon Dragon Refiner appeared in the Sword Soul Empire. Dragon warriors are all so precious, not to mention Taixu Zhoulong.

Long Chen first concealed the excitement in his heart. His speed was not very fast. He even looked around a little, and slowly moved towards the direction pointed by the kitten. At this time, he himself could roughly feel the influence of the mysterious item through the Taixu Dragon Talisman. exist.

With a sweep of the soul-eating demon eyes, there are dozens of people on the eighth floor looking for secrets and combat skills. Basically, the strength is at the seventh level of the Divine Martial Realm, and some are at the eighth level of the Divine Martial Realm. As for those under the sixth divine level, there was almost no one who could use the eighth-level divine energy, except for the pervert Long Chen.

The reason why he didn't rush over all at once was because he was afraid of attracting others' attention.

After finally grinding for a short period of time, Long Chen passed through countless tiny stars and looked at the original combat skills placed on them. These are the essence of Zhenwu Imperial Palace. It was founded by countless immortals in hundreds of thousands of years of inheritance and then left behind.

What is suspended in front of you is a dim star. Basically no light can be seen. It can only be regarded as a stone suspended in the starry sky. It is completely different from other bright little stars. This is what makes this thing special.

There are no combat skills on this stone. Suspended here, no one is paying attention at all. Without saying a word, Long Chen took advantage of the time when no one was paying attention to him and put this ordinary-looking stone into his realm of tai xiu. At that moment, the kitten let out a scream, and it was about to Boiling.

Long Chen couldn't show off too much. He walked for a while, found a secret book called 'Great Chaos Thunder Fist' and looked at it. This is also an eighth-level god-level combat skill, but Long Chen just pretended to watch, and his attention was entirely on the realm of Taixu.

"What's so strange about this stone? Is it that it has the aura of Taixu Zhoulong?" Long Chen asked.

The kitten circled around the stone that was bigger than his body and said, "This thing has been here for so long and no one has been able to find it. I think the thing that really makes me throb should be inside this stone." , who put him here?"

Who is it? Long Chen is also confused.

Now, he didn't even know what it was in front of him.

"Open him gently." Long Chen suggested.

The little cat nodded. He had rested for a long time, and he still had the power to break through this ordinary but mysterious stone. He found a sharp weapon in the Taixu Realm, and he carefully polished it on the stone. This was the first time that Long Chen saw this guy paying full attention.

In this way, he kept pretending to be watching the 'Great Chaos Thunder Fist', but his attention was entirely in the realm of Taixu.

The kitten used the sharp weapon to chip off the stone piece by piece. The stone was not made of hard material. But because it is too ordinary, countless people have been placed here, and no one can find it.

Inside the stone, there was a hollow area about ten centimeters in diameter. Soon the kitten came into contact with this hollow area with excitement. Apparently there was something here.

When the mysterious thing finally revealed its mysterious veil, Long Chen and Xiaomao both felt a surge of excitement in their souls. Compared to when they were still in Baiyang Town, Long Chen's divine martial soul was much more mature now. . But at this moment, he still had the same feeling as when he faced the blood essence of the ancient blood spirit dragon for the first time.

That kind of trembling and awe that came from the soul, no matter how strong he was, could not resist it. Long Chen's eyes became blurred, and it took a long time for him to come back to his senses.

The thing in the stone seemed to be only the size of a palm. Long Chen observed carefully and finally discovered that the thing should be a claw. The broken claw only had a sharp part.

This claw is gray, with pits and pits, and is full of traces of time. It must be hundreds of millions of years old. Although it seemed ordinary and unremarkable, it naturally exuded a kind of suffocating awe. Long Chen seemed to be in a vast place with no horizon, and the claws in front of him turned into a huge beast, looking at himself. .

This giant beast is a dragon.

This small piece of dragon claw seemed ordinary, but it made Long Chen feel mixed emotions in his heart, and he even had the urge to cry. He stared blankly for a long time, unable to stabilize his mood.

The kitten's gray eyes widened. He took a breath and exclaimed: "His claws are broken. What happened to him? His claws are broken. This is the hardest thing in his body." Place! Back then, with all my strength, I could only break off one of his scales, and his claws were actually broken..."

The usually funny kitten was now gibbering, his eyes full of disbelief and madness.

"Impossible, how could his claws be broken! He..." At this time, he suddenly thought of all the dragons that were almost extinct.

"Yes, they are all dead, how can they keep their claws..." At that moment, he was so lost, as if his faith had collapsed.

Long Chen suddenly felt that this guy must have a story. He has quite a few stories.

This reincarnation beast has survived for too long.

No matter how many times I looked at this claw, the awe in my heart could never go away. Long Chen did not dare to touch it, but asked in a small way: "Kitten, who are you referring to.

The kitten had recovered from his madness at this time. He raised his head blankly, lowered it again, and finally said: "The Dragon of Time and Eternity - Taixu Zhoulong. This is his small half claw. Back then he was Use these claws to tear me apart easily."

Long Chen took a breath of air. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the claws of Taixu Zhoulong.

The most powerful weapon in his hand, the Red Blood Heaven, is the sharp horn of the Red Blood Horned Demon Dragon. The horn left behind by the Red Blood Horned Demon Dragon alone could bring Long Chen such power, and this Taixuzhou If you think about the dragon's claws, you will know how terrifying it would be if it could be used.

However, Long Chen has no hope, because this claw is now rotten and mottled, as if it is an ordinary piece of wood, as if it has died. Long Chen cannot feel the slightest emotion from him. This ancient ancestral dragon is in Long Chen's body. In the eyes, it is still mysterious and untouchable.

The kitten looked at the half of the dragon's claw and couldn't speak for a long time.

At this moment, the half of the dragon claw suddenly trembled and disappeared in an instant. Long Chen was shocked. If such a thing was gone, it would be a lifelong regret. Just when he was nervous and anxious, that Taixu Zhoulong's dragon claw actually appeared in front of his eyes.

"What's going on!" Kitten asked quickly.

Then he saw that the claws of the Taixu Zhoulong actually melted into the index finger of Long Chen's left hand. It was like two liquids merging without any conflict. When Taixu Zhoulong's claws completely disappeared, Long Chen's fingers did not change at all. It seemed like it had disappeared out of thin air.

However, both Long Chen and Xiaomao knew that this claw had indeed been fused with Long Chen's index finger.

Maybe, his index finger is already the claw of Taixu Zhoulong. This caused Long Chen's heart to stir up a storm.

The only fly in the ointment is that Long Chen still can't notice the slightest change in his body, but he believes that as long as this claw still exists, one day it will display unimaginable power.

"How do you feel?" Kitten asked anxiously.

Long Chen shook his head and said: "There is no intuition at all, it's as if it doesn't exist."

"It's strange. How come the claws of Taixu Zhoulong appeared here and were sealed by someone? After they appeared, how could they be integrated with your body..." Mao Mao's face was full of doubts. He knew many things. I couldn't figure it all out, and in the end I was overthinking it.

"Still no movement?" Kitty asked again.

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