Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1217 Black Moon Festival

At the top are the two largest and highest seats, which should belong to the two great realm kings of the Yang family, Luan Zu and Mo Zu.

This also means that the two of them must be present when the time comes.

As time went by, more and more people arrived. Within a few days, at least more than 100,000 people gathered in the small Jiehuang Mountain, including at least 50,000 warriors.

Of course, there are only a handful of people who can reach the eighth level of the Divine Martial Realm within a thousand years old.

Being able to attend such a big event like this means that I can brag about it to others for a while in the future.

Jiehuang Mountain is crowded with people, and all kinds of public opinions are everywhere. The three major sects each have warriors who have reached the eighth level of the divine martial realm before Chitose, and they all have a good reputation. However, even they admit that this time the Jiehuang Mountain is full of people. The emperor can only be Yang Lingqing, and they all came to see the fun.

Many strong men from the three major sects also arrived.

Finally, the day before the Black Moon Festival, the real strong men of the Yang family arrived, and Long Chen could only peek in the corner.

Almost all the powerful men from the Yang family have arrived and have taken their seats. Among them, Yang Dingtian and three others are sitting at almost the top position. Only the seats of the two realm kings are empty. Although it is empty, Long Chen knows that they will definitely come. Yes, it's just hidden somewhere.

For this reason, Long Chen must be more careful.

Among the crowd of Yang family, Long Chen saw Yang Lingqing again. Surrounded by the crowd, she came in such a mighty manner that even Yang Dingtian, the head of the Yang family, lost part of his luster when he stood next to her.

A person who is so beautiful and has such a scornful air is not a simple person at first glance. It is the first time for many people to see Yang Lingqing, but they have been deeply impressed by her domineering and coldness.

She stood in the sky and looked around at the people below, a sense of majesty emerging out of thin air.

Looking at this strange-looking her, Long Chen could only close his eyes, otherwise, even he would be impulsive. No one can feel relaxed when they see their sister's body being taken over.

"Damn old woman, you deserve to die but don't die. I will make you die miserably."

It would be absolutely miserable to be swallowed by the soul-eating technique.

Long Chen couldn't wait any longer.

"Calm down and win." Li Xuanji said softly.

Her words always made Long Chen calm down. Long Chen was originally very calm, but when he encountered Yang Lingqing's matter, it was too important to him and there were too many risks, so he couldn't control his emotions.

Yang Lingqing was the last person in the Yang family to take her seat. After she took her seat, the Yang family invited the heads of the three major sects to join the Yang family banquet, as if to celebrate Yang Lingqing's return as the Realm Emperor.

During the banquet, many people went to talk to Yang Lingqing, but they were all blocked by Yang Dingtian. In this lively scene, she seemed very lonely, looking at the sky by herself.

Only when she saw the sky and the earth did her originally sharp eyes show a look of awe and fear.

"Are you scared by the Nirvana Tribulation?" Looking at Yang Lingqing several miles away, Long Chen sneered.

This is not his sister, but the Yang family's Tianzu who escaped from the Nirvana Tribulation and is looking for a chance to be reborn.

As time passed, everyone's mood became tense.

"The Black Moon Festival is coming soon."

"Everyone, look at Mo Yue's changes!"

With an exclamation, everyone looked up. At this time, Mo Yue was already directly overhead. This Mo Yue, which looked like a lush forest on the surface, was actually trembling and deforming at this time.

The sky now looks like a lake, the black moon is rippling in the ripples, and the entire Taiyin Demon Realm is trembling. This is the prelude to the black moon splitting into three.

Such magical things may only happen in the Taiyin Demon Realm.

A suffocating Yin Qi came from all directions. As expected, the day of the Black Moon Festival was the final moment of the Yin and Cold Qi. In such a short time, the Yin and Cold Qi had already increased several layers, and the sky The clouds above were covered, and large swaths of clouds gathered together, covering the entire sky, leaving only the location of Mo Yue.

The ink-colored moon, after a long period of shock, finally separated into two phantoms, and then gradually solidified on the side, forming a look similar to the ink moon. There were three ink moons in total, appearing in the sky in the shape of a triangle, each other. It was spinning before, and suddenly, an overwhelming suction force formed out of thin air, and the entire Taiyin Demon Realm shook more violently, as if it was about to be sucked in by the black moon in the sky.

This huge shaking caused countless ground cracks, floods, volcanic eruptions, etc. in the Taiyin Demon Realm. However, despite this, every Black Moon Festival is still a symbol of the grandeur of the Taiyin Demon Realm.

When the Black Moon Festival arrived, everyone cheered as the mountains and rivers collapsed and the mountains and rivers flowed backwards. That was because they thought that a new Realm Emperor of the Xuanyin Demon Realm was about to be born.

When the Black Moon Festival comes, the heaven and earth change, and it is also the time when the Kaihuangtai comes. This Kaihuangtai has not come again for tens of thousands of years.

At the moment when the heroes were excited, Long Chen also raised his head and looked calmly at the sky that was surrounded by countless clouds. In the center of the countless clouds were the three black moons rotating at high speed.

While the rotation creates suction, streams of cold air spray out from Mo Yue and converge into the entire Taiyin Demon Realm. The cold air in the Taiyin Demon Realm gradually rises. When it reaches its peak, Li Xuanji has the best chance to use the soul-eating technique.

"We only have one chance."

The last moment was approaching, but Long Chen calmed down.

Rumble, the mountains and rivers burst.

The ground beneath his feet was trembling constantly.

The Yang family in the distance are still sitting in the Yang family's golden chairs, each one as steady as a mountain, looking at the sky with excited expressions, waiting for the arrival of the Emperor's Platform.

Among them, Yang Lingqing's face was particularly hot.

Long Chen's eyes never left her body, and that arrogant and stern look made Long Chen very uncomfortable.

However, even she was extremely excited when the Realm Emperor Stage was about to arrive. This is her chance to be reborn.

After obtaining the realm emperor status, she should be able to control this body more easily.

Long Chen stared at her, with anger burning in his chest.

Suddenly, Yang Lingqing, who was originally cold and cold, suddenly froze. Her eyes quickly changed in a short period of time and turned into a look familiar to Long Chen. She was gentle and touching, green but tough. This was what Long Chen had in mind. Yang Lingqing among them.

At this moment, her eyes were moist, and she was looking around, looking helpless and miserable. The huge movement around her, and no one she knew, made her extremely flustered.

Like a wounded deer, hiding in a hurry.

Long Chen was like a bolt from the blue. He knew that at this moment, Yang Lingqing was definitely back. She had taken control of his body. This was the sister Long Chen was familiar with.

Seeing her helpless and pitiful look, Long Chen burst into anger and was about to rush out desperately, but Li Xuanji held him back.

"Don't move, it's not the time!" Of course Li Xuanji knew that Yang Lingqing was occupying her body at this moment, but she was more rational than Long Chen.

"She needs me, my sister needs me..." Long Chen felt as if his chest was blocked and he couldn't breathe. This made him extremely uncomfortable, and his eyes turned completely blood red.

He couldn't bear to see Yang Lingqing's helpless look.

These people have already touched Long Chen's bottom line.

"Only impulse will destroy your sister." Li Xuanji said coldly.

"Yeah." Long Chen closed his eyes. He actually knew that he just couldn't help it.

In just a blink of an eye, Yang Lingqing disappeared, replaced by the Tianzu of the Yang family, because when Yang Lingqing came out for a while, she seemed a little angry, and her eyes were full of murderous intent. Obviously, she was very dissatisfied with Yang Lingqing's sudden control of her body.

What she needs is a perfect Taiyin Demonic Body that is always under her control!

Look up suddenly!

There was an explosion in the sky, and a bolt of lightning flashed directly above Jiehuang Mountain. In a flash of light, a simple stone slab that looked only the size of a palm appeared in the distant sky!


"The Emperor's Platform has appeared!"

"Look, it's the Emperor's Platform!"

"Oh my God, I actually saw the Kaihuangdai!"

Suddenly, countless people screamed.

The reason why it is the size of a palm is because the Emperor's Platform is still very far away from here. At this time, the Emperor's Platform was slowly descending, and it stopped falling until it seemed to be one meter long and wide.

On this ancient stone slab, there is a golden shield, with countless dark green runes shining on it.

An old aura swept over from the sky, and this small piece of stone made Long Chen feel like his soul was throbbing.

This so-called Kaihuangtai must be a very ancient thing.


I don't know if it was the master who shouted, but everyone closed their mouths. They knew that the real fight was about to begin.

"The eighth level of the Divine Martial Realm, which belongs to the Xuanyin Demon Realm and is a young disciple within a thousand years old, has the qualifications to compete for the throne of the Emperor of the World. I, Yang Dingtian, announce that the competition for the throne of the Emperor of the World will begin now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, there were bursts of cheers.

Amid the cheers, less than five figures soared into the sky. Those who could meet those three conditions were all peerless geniuses. In the entire Xuanyin Demon Realm, there were two from the Yang family, and only one from each of the other three major sects.

These two Yang family warriors, the two warriors above Yang Ding, had not participated in the battle between Long Chen and Yang Ding before.

If they appear, Long Chen will definitely not be able to escape.

These five people started to move quickly towards the Kaihuangtai, and then had a fierce battle. Each of them was a warrior who had just established the Kingdom of God in his body, and possessed vast power.

Of course, their battle is just a show, and the only person who can truly obtain the throne of the Realm Emperor is Yang Lingqing!

Amid the expectant gazes of everyone, Yang Lingqing stood up. The moment she stood up, the world seemed to lose its color, and the few guys who were still fighting in the sky also looked like clowns.

When he saw Yang Lingqing take action, Long Chen held his breath. The opportunity was now.


[Update 7 is completed today, and everything I owe is paid. I was so tired that I recovered from my illness. Because I haven’t saved the manuscript, there won’t be 3 chapters at 11 o’clock tomorrow, so don’t worry, it’s guaranteed to be updated three times a day]

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