Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1201 Show off your power

Long Chen smiled in his heart, as expected, everything Yang Dingtian said was fart.

He was forcing Long Chen to do something that would be annoying to the Yang family disciples. Originally, Long Chen's previous words had already made the disciples unhappy. Now he was adding fuel to the fire, and his purpose was already very obvious.

Long Chen has no intention of blending in here.

Immediately afterwards, Yang Dingtian chased after him and released another bombshell. He said: "Since Yang Chen has returned to my Yang family, he doesn't understand the secret combat skills of my Yang family at all. He needs an elder to guide him. , coupled with the fact that he is quite physically strong, as we all know that the most physically strong among our Yang family is my brother Yang Batian, so I decided to hand over Yang Chen to Brother Batian for guidance."

This sentence has obviously been discussed with Yang Batian.

At this time, Yang Batian said with a smile: "I like juniors who practice physical training and combat skills diligently. They are all people who can really endure hardships and stand hard work. Follow me in the future, and I will definitely take you to the next level!"

Everyone was in an uproar. Among the disciples present, there were basically few people who had this qualification to be guided by Yang Batian. You must know that Yang Batian is one of the giants of the Yang family.

They all looked at Long Chen with envy and jealousy. Long Chen was originally a member of the Zhenwu Emperor's Palace, but now that he had just arrived and received such attention, how could he not make them jealous if he robbed their things?

"Huh, it's just because of his sister's identity that he is valued by the family."

"Compared to Yang Lingqing, this guy is only at the fourth level of the Divine Martial Realm. He really embarrasses her. If I had such an embarrassing brother, I would rather choose not to see him." A charming girl from the Yang family said.

"Don't think too much, everyone. If his cultivation level cannot keep up with the footsteps of the Tyrant Heaven Ancestor, he will definitely be kicked out. People can only live by themselves, especially grown men. He relies on his sister to rise to the top. People who don't get the respect of everyone." Yang Zhong said calmly, as if everything was under his control.

Long Chen heard these words.

"Since you want to play, I will play with you." Long Chen smiled coldly in his heart, and just as he was about to speak, Nangong Lie next to him spoke first. His body shape was similar to that of Yang Batian, and his voice was as loud as a bell. At this time, he laughed and said: "What kind of joke is this, Master Yang? Yang Batian is mediocre in strength. What qualifications does he have to guide my young master? The two of us are just accompanying the young master to meet his sister. I think this Let’s forget about the guidance, so as not to make a joke, there are really not many people in the Taiyin Demon World who are qualified to guide my young master.”

Nangong Lie's unscrupulous words caused an uproar. At this time, not only the young disciples could not stand, but also the warriors of the elder group stood up one by one and glared at Nangong Lie.

Of course, most young disciples don't understand how powerful Nangong Lie is, but the people in the elder group still know a lot about Nangong Lie. The people in Zhenwu Emperor Palace and Wushen Palace have very high strength and status, comparable to the Yang family and the Yang family. , it was the two Heavenly Ancestors who were in the Nirvana Tribulation Realm who personally took action to put them under house arrest.

However, in the eyes of the Yang family, since they are under house arrest, they must look like prisoners. The Yang family are all arrogant, especially after destroying the Li family. How can they bear the cold words of this prisoner?

In a moment, those disciples started to curse.

Nangong Lie's words were hard to hear, and their words were even more ugly. The disciples were really eye-opening to the arrogance of the three of them. Some people dared to say such things in front of the Yang family, and said that not many people in the Taiyin Demon World were qualified to guide Long. Chen, this arrogance is simply awesome.

"That's enough!" Yang Batian has a straight temper. In front of the younger generation, the other party was so disrespectful that it was like a slap in the face. At this time, he roared and punched, and the entire Changli Palace instantly became extremely tense. Quietly, the ink-colored light and shadow of the fist turned into a screaming devil, rushing towards Nangong Lie. Wherever the devil went, the space was actually shattered.

"Little trick!" Nangong Lie sneered and punched out with the same punch. The blazing sun and the opponent's fist mark met in mid-air and disappeared invisibly. However, everyone onlookers felt their hearts shake, and their blood flowed. Rolling, a mouthful of blood almost spurted out, especially for the weak disciples, this symptom is particularly obvious.

Warriors who are at the ninth level of the Divine Martial Realm have such power. It is reasonable that if they really fight, it will definitely result in the world falling apart.

While being injured, hundreds of Yang family disciples suddenly realized this and looked at each other in shock, all of their faces turning pale.

Nangong Lie's strength is actually comparable to that of the Tianzu of the branch family, Yang Batian...

That means Han Mingxing next to him should be about the same. To the disciples, people like Yang Batian and Yang Motian were mythical beings. They were the gods of the Yang family and the objects of their worship. But at this time, two people appeared randomly, and they were both like this. What's even more terrifying is that these two people actually called Young Master Long Chen...

They finally understood why Yang Dingtian used a family gathering to introduce Long Chen.

It can only be said that this Long Chen, his other half's identity can only be described as earth-shattering. Everyone can't help but feel a little jealous. Long Chen's talent is obviously not strong. He was not particularly outstanding at the fourth level of the Divine Martial Realm just now, but he has more than Their even more terrifying backstage was that they were the aloof Yang family. They thought they were at the top of the Dragon Festival Continent, but what they didn't expect was that there was someone above them in status.

When the heroes were furious, Long Chen suddenly stood up. Everyone immediately became quiet and looked at him blankly. They were curious, what would this strange young man say?

Yang Batian was furious and wanted to fight Nangong Lie, but Yang Dingtian held him back. At this time, Yang Dingtian was not panicked at all, and he still looked like the old god was there.

"I may have disappointed you all." Long Chen said loudly, looking directly at the strong men of the Yang family. He cupped his hands and said, "The head of the family may have misunderstood. I have no intention of returning to the Yang family this time. Although I have the Yang family in me, The blood of my family, but I am different from my sister, Zhenwu Emperor Palace is my home, my name is not Yang Chen, everyone, listen up, my name is - Long Chen!"

Although Long Chen's words were neither humble nor arrogant, they made everyone feel more aggrieved. This made everyone feel that this young man was extremely arrogant.

After all, he actually refuted something that Yang Dingtian had confirmed personally, and even openly said that his name was Long Chen in front of everyone. This was clearly not a slap in Yang Dingtian's face.

Everyone looked at Long Chen with eyes full of hatred, especially the young disciples. They were all very unhappy and wanted to beat Long Chen.

Long Chen completely ignored these glances. He looked around and saw Yang Dingtian whose expression had not changed at all. He continued: "It seems that everyone at the family gathering today is not very happy. If you don't like me, I, Long Chen, will first Withdrawal, so as not to affect everyone's enjoyment, oh, by the way..."

Long Chen looked at Yang Dingtian and said, "Excuse me, Master, when my sister comes out of seclusion, let me know. I'm here just for her this time."

After saying that, he turned around and left. Han Mingxing had no expression on his face, while Nangong Lie had a smile on his face, as if he was a victorious general, following Long Chen in a majestic manner.

Most of the Yang family disciples who walked to the outside, with Yang Zhong as the center, spontaneously stood in front of Long Chen. Everyone's face was full of anger. They were proud and noble Yang family disciples. Long Chen Although Chen's status is equally extraordinary, slapping their family leader in the face is equivalent to slapping them in the face.

"Young man Long Chen, you are just a waste. What I despise the most in my life is people like you who use the backstage to show off your power!" A beautiful woman from the Yang family said with disdain.

"Yes, if you put aside the aura of the backstage, if you have no life experience, what qualifications do you have to chatter in the Changli Palace of my Yang family? What I despise the most is this kind of grandson who has no real ability, but uses the backstage to pretend to be a tiger. "

A group of people started insulting each other without the permission of their elders.

Long Chen understood that Yang Dingtian's goal had been achieved. His original intention was to make all Yang family members hate Long Chen and make these disciples constantly trouble Long Chen. He wanted to see if Long Chen could persist until Yang Lingqing came out. close.

As for Long Chen's mysterious backstage, to be honest, he was really afraid of it. Otherwise, this kid would have silenced him long ago.

It's already very good for Long Chen to be able to deceive such a character to this extent.

"In that case, let me add more fire." Long Chen thought in his heart. At this time, he stopped and looked around at the Yang family disciples who were looking at him with eyes full of contempt.

"What do you mean, do you think I, Long Chen, am not strong enough?" Long Chen looked around and smiled coldly. He forgot to tell you that half a month ago, the Nine Nether Demon Realm developed the Nine Nether Demon Mountain to compete for the Holy Fruit of Heaven and Earth. You must have known that the Holy Fruit of Heaven and Earth finally fell into my hands. You know what that means very well, that is, in the Nine Nether Demon Realm, none of the young warriors who are under a hundred years old are my opponent. "

Long Chen looked at everyone with his contemptuous eyes, which was really too crazy. Of course, this was not his original self, or just the person he was a few years ago. Now he is mature and restrained, and he will no longer be so flamboyant. This is also It's just an act.


"You're bragging!"

"You mean, the strongest person in the Nine Nether Demon Realm within a hundred years is only the fourth level of the Divine Martial Realm?"

Everyone burst into laughter, feeling that Long Chen was telling a joke.

"What he said is true." Yang Dingtian suddenly added.

Everyone's laughter suddenly stopped. They looked at Yang Dingtian with some dullness, and then looked at Long Chen. They had heard a little bit about the masters of the Nine Nether Demon Realm. The strongest one within a hundred years old should be the seventh person who had just entered the Divine Martial Realm. Heavy.

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