Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1170 Poison Shadow Clan

Qin Shi was also the only person Long Chen had ever seen who could rival Su Zhe just now.

Because she is also one of his most important opponents, Long Chen is quite fond of her.

At this time, Qin Shi stood among the three people, her face was calm and expressionless, and she was wearing a dark green dress dancing in the wind. She was actually not very old, and she had a childish look on her face. She was not as charming as Li Xuanji, but in fact There are similarities in temperament.

This woman has an aura that is incomparable to other people. Although she has no words to express it, the arrogance in her bones is incomparable to the disciples of the nine major families. After all, she is the disciple of the strongest person in the Nine Nether Demon Realm, and she will also be the disciple of the one in the future. A character who wishes to become the strongest.

The arrogance that comes from the bottom of his heart, he looks at everything with contempt, but he just doesn't show it.

Even if she smiles at you and talks to you, in fact, she still thinks that two people have levels and levels.

From the look in her eyes, Long Chen could roughly grasp her character. Over the years, he had traveled all over the world and met too many people. The more people he met, the more he gained experience.

Long Chen was not familiar with the other two.

One of them looks gentle and elegant, and his appearance seems to be somewhat similar to Shangguan Ya, but he is not at the same level as Shangguan Ya. Shangguan Ya's arty elegance is just a show, but this man is indeed noble and elegant in his heart, which is unique. His temperament cannot be imitated by others. At this time, he was the only one who smiled at Long Chen, making people feel as friendly as a spring breeze.

The other one was wearing a black outfit, with sharp eyes, a proud expression, and sharp edges all over his body. The corners of his mouth were slightly upturned. At first glance, it was obvious that he was the eldest son of that kind of family, and he had been far ahead of his peers since he was a child.

A total of three people stood in front of Long Chen.

At this time, Qin Shi and the boy in black attire did not move. The man who looked like Shangguan Ya took a step forward, walked to Long Chen, smiled slightly, and said very decently: "Let me introduce myself, I am Shangguan Feng, I am One of the nine major families, they are members of the Shangguan family. As for the reputation of these two people, they are even more famous. For example, this one..."

He pointed at the arrogant young man in black attire and said: "This is Zhao Yunlong, a strong young man from the Zhao family among the nine major families. In the Zhao family, at least within a hundred years, no one is his opponent. It's Zhao Yunlong." The number one genius in our family in a hundred years, as for this one, I won’t introduce him, anyone in the Nine Nether Demon Realm knows him.”

He was referring to Qin Shi.

"I know, he is the disciple of the Realm Emperor." Long Chen took his words and said.

Seeing Long Chen's neither humble nor arrogant expression, Shangguan Feng was very satisfied, while Qin Shi remained expressionless, as if the matter had nothing to do with him. Others thought Zhao Yunlong smiled disdainfully, folded his arms, and said to Long Chen ignored it.

Shangguan Feng was confident that any young disciple of the Nine Nether Demon Realm would be shocked when they saw the combination of these three people, but Long Chen obviously had the composure to match his strength.

At this time, Shangguan Feng said with a smile: "We saw your battle just now. According to our estimation, your strength should be at the peak of the sixth level of Shenwu Realm. The three of us, brother Zhao Yunlong and I are also at this level, and Miss Qin Shi is outstanding and has understood the laws of heaven and earth. We are of similar strength, and it is also fate that we can meet here."

Long Chen roughly knew what he meant.

Just now, he heard the warriors in the front group say that the place ahead is where the real demon clan is entrenched, and it may be the last level of the Nine Nether Demon Mountain. Those who dare to break through here are basically in the divine martial realm. Six or more layers.

At this point, Shangguan Feng smiled and said: "By the way, we have talked about it so far, and I still don't know your name?"

Long Chen thought for a while, he didn't want to be hostile to the disciples of the nine major families at this time, especially Qin Shi, so he said calmly: "Jiang Yunfan, from the Jiang family in Dongsheng City, in the Shangguan family Under the jurisdiction, Master Shangguan must know about Dongsheng City, right?"

Shangguanfeng smiled when he heard the name Dongsheng City. He vaguely remembered that there was indeed such a medium-sized city in the family's jurisdiction.

Of course, he didn't know who was in the city.

The area under the jurisdiction of the Shangguan family occupies one-ninth of the entire Jiuyou Demon Realm. It is so huge that it is impossible for him to remember it so clearly.

However, it would be easier to handle if they were warriors in the area under the jurisdiction of the Shangguan family.

Shangguanfeng was very satisfied, but Zhao Yunlong was not satisfied. He raised his voice and said: "Shangguanfeng, if you have something to say, just say it. You are just a disciple of a small family, so there is no need to go to such trouble."

His eyes were full of contempt. He didn't take Long Chen seriously in the first place. After hearing about Long Chen's family background, he became even less interested.

It is indeed good for a strong man from such a small family to be talented to this level, but after all, he does not have the background of a big family. In the future, Shangguan Feng and Zhao Yunlong who are present will definitely pull Long Chen down a lot under their family's training. Gone far away.

Shangguan Feng's face was slightly angry, but he didn't get angry. Instead, he seemed to have not listened to Zhao Yunlong's words and said to Long Chen: "Actually, Brother Jiang has probably guessed my purpose. I think Brother Jiang also knows that the monster living here is The Poison Shadow Clan is one of the Monster Clan. The Poison Shadow Clan has the blood of the Wolf Clan and the Bat Clan. Not only is it fast and vicious, but it is also surprisingly poisonous. The Monster Clan is not comparable to ordinary ferocious beasts. , the fighting power is amazing, and they can often kill warriors beyond their levels, and our nine major families have imprisoned the Poison Shadow Clan in the Nine Nether Demonic Mountains for tens of thousands of years. The Poison Shadow Clan’s hatred towards our human race can already be regarded as They have a huge hatred. Our once-in-five-hundred-year competition for the Holy Fruit of Heaven and Earth is their only chance to take revenge, especially for the young genius warriors among the nine major families, such as us. If we act alone, we will be surrounded by them. If so, it may really be life-threatening, after all, they are a group of vicious lunatics."

Long Chen's fight just now happened to be seen by Shangguan Feng and the others. They estimated that Long Chen's strength was at the peak of the sixth level of Shenwu. When they happened to meet, Shangguan Feng suggested that Long Chen join their team. One more person would at least give him more. Guaranteed.

After saying this, Shangguanfeng looked at Long Chen with some expectant eyes.

Long Chen was actually weighing the pros and cons in his heart. If it was true as they said, the more talented the Poison Shadow Clan saw, the more they would want to strangle them. If Long Chen really encountered a strong person from the Poison Shadow Clan, he would die. Impossible, but there will definitely be a fierce battle, which may affect the competition for the Holy Fruit of Heaven and Earth.

Of course, if you go forward alone, the advantage is that you are fast and can get to the place where the Holy Fruit of Heaven and Earth is earlier.

However, Long Chen found that his biggest disadvantage was that he knew nothing about Jiuyou Demon Mountain. Li Xuanji didn't know much about it, and a disciple like Shangguan Ya knew even what bloodline the Poison Shadow Clan had. He may also know more about the Holy Tree of Heaven and Earth in the future. Regarding when the Holy Fruit of Heaven and Earth will mature, Long Chen is completely confused.

Moreover, even Qin Shi was not in a hurry. Su Zhi even ran directly into the ground to kill the Ten Thousand Transformations Evil Vine. Long Chen didn't have to be too anxious to run up. Not the first person to arrive would be able to obtain the Holy Spirit of Heaven and Earth. Fruity.

If you stay with these people, you might be able to get more useful information.

After weighing the pros and cons in his mind, Long Chen had already made a final decision.

Another point is that Qin Shi, Shangguan Feng and Zhao Yunlong are all top geniuses in the Nine Nether Demon Realm. They are all people of status and think highly of themselves. Even Shangguan Feng is a very arrogant person. If their invitation to Long Chen If you refuse, isn't that a slap in the face?

Therefore, Long Chen made a quick decision, smiled slightly, and said: "You have kindly invited me, and Jiang is of course happy to join you."

Not much to say, this is appropriate.

Hearing Long Chen's reply, Shangguan Feng also smiled. He patted Long Chen's shoulder lightly and said: "Then from now on, we will be partners fighting side by side. You are not from the nine major families. You may get information It’s not big enough. If you have any questions, you can ask me.”

"Thank you very much."

Long Chen nodded.

They came together as if they were very happy, but Qin Shi still had no expression. After making sure, she turned around and walked in front. Zhao Yunlong also snorted coldly and walked away, obviously treating Shangguan Feng with such a polite attitude. Coming to deal with a disciple from a small family made him a little dissatisfied.

In his opinion, Shangguanfeng had lost the value of the nine major families.

Anyway, we finally set out on the road. Long Chen then carefully looked at this desolate forest. Compared with the forest that was full before, this forest did not have the rancid smell due to the many poisonous beasts, but it was very eerie. It was full of chilling atmosphere, and even the branches and leaves of some trees looked sharp.

Everyone moved forward without saying anything.

Long Chen and Shangguan Feng were walking behind, scanning the surroundings with their soul-devouring demon eyes. If the so-called Poison Shadow Clan came over, he would definitely be the first to discover it.

"This forest leads almost all the way to the top of the Nine Nether Demon Mountain, where the Holy Tree of Heaven and Earth is located. The Poison Shadow Clan may appear on the way, so we can't slack off. The number of the Poison Shadow Clan, excluding the old, weak, women and children, should be Around three thousand, when the Poison Shadow Clan reaches adulthood, their strength is generally at the fifth level of god level. According to the name of the demon clan, they are fifth-level demon gods. However, some of them will reach the level of sixth-level demon gods, or even seventh-level demon gods. It is very troublesome. Maybe among them Even we can't deal with the powerful ones. Fortunately, there are many people coming to this forest, and the Poison Shadow Clan also needs to distract their attention."

While moving forward, Shangguan Feng explained to Long Chen in a low voice.

"Why would you put the demon clan in this place?" Long Chen asked tentatively.

Shangguan Feng smiled and said: "Don't you know this? Of course it is for the experience of young disciples. Our Taiyin Demon Realm and the Desolate Imperial Territory have always been at odds with each other. We have many disputes with the Desolate Imperial Territory. We are likely to have conflicts with the Desolate Imperial Territory in the future. The demon clan fights.”


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