Dragon Blood God of War

Chapter 1159 Soul-Eating Technique

Long Chen's speed slowed down. He really didn't know this. However, when Li Xuanji said this at this time, Long Chen could predict what she was going to do.

"What? You want to teach me everything?" Long Chen said with a slight smile.

"Are you so confident that I will teach you?" Li Xuanji said with a chuckle.

Long Chen said: "The real soul-eating demon pupil should be a magical power that cannot be passed on to others in your Li family. This mysterious magical power has helped me a lot over the years."

Li Xuanji said: "That's natural. Our Li family is called the 'Soul-Eating Demonic Clan' because of this Soul-Eating Demonic Eye. The Soul-Eating Demonic Eye that was given to you before was made by me in a mess. In fact, the Soul-Eating Demonic Eye was made by me." The demon pupil has a total of three magical powers, namely 'soul pupil', 'soul control' and 'soul eating'. As I taught you before about the so-called soul-stealing and charm, soul-stealing is a small part of soul-eating, while charm is the control. A small part of the soul, and 'insight', is part of the soul pupil."

Long Chen thought thoughtfully and said: "In other words, the Soul-Eating Demon Pupil originally only had the third level, but I practiced it as if it were the fourth level. Haha, please tell me about the specific 'soul pupil', 'controlling pupil' What are Soul' and 'Soul Eater' really like?"

Li Xuanji clearly wants to teach Long Chen everything. Now that the Li family is destroyed, Li Xuanji is considered the strongest person left in the Li family. She has the supreme power of the family. Although the family has strict orders, the Soul-Eating Demon Eye is the highest-level member of the Li family. Except for the direct descendants of the Li family, no one else can practice the Super Secret Code, but for Li Xuanji, after the demise of the Li family, Long Chen's meaning to her has changed.

Now Long Chen can be said to be her life-and-death partner.

For now, let’s use the word partner to explain their relationship.

Li Xuanji said seriously: "The so-called soul pupil is probably the insight you use most. It can see the souls of all creatures within a mile. This is also the most commonly used magical power of the soul-eating demon pupil. I The one given to you is also a simplified version. The real soul pupil can be upgraded with the divine consciousness. The divine consciousness comes from the divine martial soul, while the soul pupil is a pupil technique, which comes from our eyes, but the soul pupil is against the heavens. The reason is that he can build a bridge through his spiritual consciousness to increase his field of vision. This requires establishing a connection between the eyes and the divine martial soul in order to complete the final soul pupil technique."

"After successfully cultivating the soul pupil, as wide as the spiritual consciousness is, the scope of the soul pupil's insight will be as wide. In other words, if you reach the ninth level of the divine martial realm, you can see within a radius of 100,000 miles. Of course, it is difficult for all living beings to process so much information, but just this one hundred thousand miles away is already terrifying, isn't it? There are soul-suppressing stones to suppress the spiritual consciousness, but there is no soul pupil."

Li Xuanji's words shocked Long Chen.

It’s no wonder that the Soul-Eating Demonic Eyes are the supreme inheritance secret book of the Li family. From this Soul-Eating Demonic Eye technique, we can see that the Soul-Eating Demonic Eyes are definitely treasures.

Seeing the shock in Long Chen's eyes, Li Xuanji was very satisfied. Finally, there was something that could surprise Long Chen. Long Chen had been surprising her before.

She smiled inwardly, but her face still had a cold expression. She was used to this expression, and it would be difficult to change it for a while.

Li Xuanji continued: "The art of soul pupil is only the first level of the soul-devouring demon pupil, and the second level is to control the soul. The soul control you have learned actually has the essence in it, but there are still key things. The first step is to condense the 'soul seal'. The soul seal is not within the scope of the pupil technique. It is a secret method, but it can be used in conjunction with the soul control technique to be planted into the controlled martial soul. In this case, as a spell caster Or, you will, to a certain extent, train this soul-controlled object to be your slave. The art of soul control is the source of the soul-devouring demon eyes that make people frightened, because one day, they will probably Completely losing his consciousness, being controlled by us, and becoming our puppet."

"Is it actually so effective?" Long Chen was even more shocked. The soul control technique he knew could only make others speak the truth in a confused state. Even to warriors with powerful divine martial souls, Long Chen couldn't do it at all. However, the real soul control technique can actually enslave others. If this technique is used well, it will have infinite magical effects.

"You may not know that the art of controlling souls is also known as the art of controlling beasts. If you are lucky, you can catch powerful ferocious beasts. The souls of ferocious beasts are not strong. The higher the chance of successfully planting a soul mark. Big, so our Li family is also a famous beast master. However, it is still difficult to catch ferocious beasts whose combat power exceeds ours. The truly powerful demon clan only exists in the desolate imperial domain, which is the holy land of the demon clan. , it can be said that none of the three Taiyin Demon Realms are opponents of the Desolate Imperial Realm, and we do not dare to provoke the powerful demon clan, so the beast control has not played any role."

Long Chen silently wrote it down without interrupting. After successfully frightening Long Chen, Li Xuanji revealed the third level of the Soul-Eating Demonic Eyes.

"After controlling the soul, there is soul-eating. This may be the origin of the name Soul-eating Demon Eye. The Soul-eating Demon Eye is a soul-eating technique that can suck the warrior's divine martial soul into his eyes, swallowing and digesting it. , and then peeling off the opponent's martial arts, which will be of great help to your own practice..."

Speaking of this, Long Chen was surprised, isn't this the true martial soul of the Emperor?

Of course, Zhenwu Emperor Soul is very gentle in analyzing the opponent's martial arts, and will not devour and digest the opponent. This soul-eating demon pupil is really cruel. However, Zhenwu Emperor Soul gave Long Chen such a powerful speed, so this soul-eating technique , should also be very powerful, why would the Li family be destroyed by the Yang family?

Speaking of the soul-eating technique, Li Xuanji felt helpless and said: "Actually, the soul-eating technique is also related to the prosperity of the Yang family and the reason why my Li family has declined. In fact, the full version of the soul-eating demon pupil is not perfect. , the soul pupil technique is the most perfect, the soul control technique has a high chance of failure, even if it is successfully controlled, there is still the possibility of rebellion, and the soul-eating technique is regarded as an evil technique by the outside world, our Li family should Thousands of years ago, when it reached its peak of development, we were the contemporary emperors of Xuanyin Demon Realm. At that time, there was the art of soul-eating. The warriors of our Li family were promoted very fast, at least faster than the Yang family, but... soul-eating It can be said that this technique hurts others and hurts oneself. If it devours the soul of the other person, my own mind will also be affected to some extent. It is indeed not a good thing, so I did not practice it carefully, so I will not mention this soul-eating technique. "

"You said that the soul-eating technique has something to do with the decline of the Li family?" Long Chen asked.

Li Xuanji nodded and said: "Because of the cruelty of the Soul-Eating Technique, the Realm Lord banned our practice. Since then, it seems that my Li family has started to go downhill."

Long Chen couldn't explain the right and wrong of this. In fact, the way to kill, to wipe out the opponent's divine martial soul, and to devour the opponent is actually the same. However, some people want to use inexplicable moral principles to prohibit this magical power, and it is still a realm. At this level, the Li family probably has nothing to say.

This soul-eating technique has an impact on himself, but Zhenwu Emperor Soul has no impact at all. From this, we can see the difference between the two.

It can be said that even something as heaven-defying as the Soul-Eating Technique cannot compare to the True Martial Emperor's Soul.

Long Chen understood even more how precious the soul of the Zhenwu Emperor was.

"Starting today, I will teach you the Soul Eye Technique and the Soul Controlling Technique until we reach the Nine Nether Demonic Mountains in more than two months. You should practice hard. Maybe it will be effective by then, okay?" Li Xuanji finally revealed her plan.

"Of course, being respectful is worse than obeying orders. With a teacher like you, I will definitely complete the task ahead of time." Long Chen said with assurance.

"With your talent, you can certainly do it." In seven years, to achieve today's achievements, luck is important, but talent is even more important.

After being silent for a while, Long Chen suddenly said: "If you want to teach me, teach me the soul-eating technique as well. I want to study what is so strange about this soul-eating technique."

Long Chen's words made Li Xuanji a little surprised.

"Research..." To be honest, Li Xuanji herself believed that the soul-eating technique was not a good thing. This kind of behavior of peeling off the opponent's martial arts seemed a bit cruel.

However, she believed in Long Chen.

"Then you have to promise me first that you can't spread the word about soul pupils, soul control, or soul-eating. Otherwise, I will settle the score with you." Li Xuanji said in a gloomy voice.

"It's done, don't scare me, I naturally know this." Seeing Li Xuanji agree, Long Chen smiled.

For more than two months, the Soul Devouring Demon Eye was Long Chen's mission, and there was also another important task. After reaching the peak of the Heavenly Realm, he seemed to have enough true energy to use two-ninths of the power of the Nine Dragons Sutra to conquer the third one. The dragon scales of the two-headed divine dragon have been cultivated, and now Long Chen has six dragon scales, all of which were given by Han Mixing.

At least until you reach the sixth level of cultivation, there will be no obstacles.

All that is needed is enough divine energy for display.

In the past, the Soul-Eating Demon Pupil could only be regarded as a superficial pupil technique, but now the complete version of the Soul-Eating Demon Pupil is the real pupil technique. It is not easy to practice. There are countless more pupil techniques in Long Chen's eyes than ordinary people. Blood and meridians are involved, so it is more complicated to practice. The meridians in the eyes are often very small. Careful steps will lead to mistakes. You can only try carefully over and over again.

Now that Long Chen is at the peak of the Heavenly Realm, the range of his spiritual consciousness is close to one mile. At this time, it is the best time to practice the soul pupil and make the soul pupil and spiritual consciousness overlap.

In the Taiyin Demon Realm, there is only Mo Yue.

"You are very lucky. To cultivate the true soul pupil, you must have one condition, which is to face the black moon. The moonlight pouring down from the black moon is instilled into the pupil and mixed with your own divine energy. This This magical power will really change your eyes."

As he spoke, Li Xuanji's eyes flashed with an ink-colored light.

"What kind of world will it be up there?" The dark moon in the sky is different from the moon outside. It looks like there is an emerald green forest on it.

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