Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 820: Penglai Jiao Nu!

Ye Wushuang both looked at each other before turning their heads.

I saw a Qianying walking up, a **** and charming woman, with a slender water snake waist swinging, and when she stepped on, the plump Holy Peak made her whole person appear as a charming curve!

The way she walked, like a swaying willow branch, was tall and tall, and her dress was extremely **** and exposed, and her pink arms were exposed. Even from the front, she could faintly see the white gully on the woman's chest, full and firm , It is easy for men to have a fire!

Coupled with that kind of charming eyes, with the charm of charm and charm!

"This figure has a fight with Sona!"

In terms of body, this woman is similar to Sona, but in terms of temperament, she is much worse, but the charm of this woman is stronger than Sona!

Slightly said, Ye Wushuang suppressed the tiny throb in her heart, her eyes were behind her, and a group of young men followed.

Most of these people are above the seventh level of the sages. On the state of cultivation, everyone is higher than Ye Wushuang!

"Those students in the Penglai Sanctuary!"

Ren Pingsheng reminded Ye Yeshuang's ears.

The woman also stepped forward, staring at the emperor's tears, and it landed on the two for a long time. She just stayed on Ye Wushuang and turned to Ren Pingsheng.

"This boy, the little girl likes this necklace is tight. Can you give it to the little girl?"

The necklace was on Ye Wushuang's hands, but this sentence was spoken to Ren Pingsheng, ignoring Ye Wushuang, maybe she didn't put Ye Wushuang in her eyes, after all, as cultivation, Ye Wushuang was not qualified to stand by her front.

And Ren Pingsheng is different, his cultivation is very high!

Hearing this woman's words, Ren Ping was amused for a moment, and he was happy. Is he familiar with the other party? Could he let him give her something from someone else's hand!

Immediately, the corner of his mouth burst into a smile and teased, "Sorry, I want to give it to the girl too, but it's not mine. I don't seem to have the power to give it to you, does it?"

"Isn't that necklace yours, by your own means?"

The woman smiled charmingly, with a provocative meaning, tempting Ren Pingsheng!

On the one side, Ye Wushuang's expression did not move. The woman's words were very clear. She wanted Ren Pingsheng to help her grab the necklace from his hands and give it to her!

Immediately, Ye Wushuang's eyes fell on Ren Pingsheng.

"I don't understand what the girl said, can you understand me!"

Ren Pingsheng laughed, and turned his head to look at Ye Wushuang. The smile at the corner of his mouth was a little fun!

"It shouldn't be difficult to take one thing from a saint who is triple-minded by the practice of the son condensing the saint's body."

The woman said again, for that necklace, I will win!

"That's what happened, Brother Ye, what do you think?"

Ren Pingsheng turned his head and asked.

Ye Wushuang didn't answer. He closed the necklace before raising his head, staring at the woman with a slight mouth, and spitting out a word: "Go!"


On hearing that, the charming smile on that woman's face condensed, her eyebrows narrowed, and suddenly, Ye Wushuang felt a cold chill, very cold!

"You let me go?"

The woman asked unbelief.

"Would you like to say it again?" Ye Wushuang asked, a self-righteous woman, as if anyone would listen to her!

Upon hearing that, the woman stared deeply at Ye Wushuang, did not speak, turned and walked on. Ye Wushuang stared, only to see her walk in front of the group of people behind her.

In front of that group of people, there are two upright men whose cultivation is sage-nine and the strongest being among a group of people.

Staring at this woman, the eyes of a group of people were fiery and greedy, even for the two people in front!

"Qian Qian, what's wrong?"

The young man standing on the left asked He Qian who came down!

"Zhuang Jun, someone bullied me."

He Qianchu said pitifully, walking gently to rely on Zhuang Jun, Sheng Feng constantly rubbing on Zhuang Jun, the kind of teasing made Zhuang Jun's eyes freeze, and he glanced greedily at the white gully!

Of course, a person who can cultivate to the sages of the sage is so determined that he will not be lost because of this, but such a woman is too seductive. In his spare time, he will not refuse to see it!

As for the others, there was a hint of jealousy.

He Qiannai is a famous beauty and a fairy-like woman in Penglai Shengyuan. Numerous people have coveted her ketone body for a long time, thinking of a pro-Fangze, but their strength is not enough, and they have never had a chance to get it!

The young man on the right has a sinking eye, and the color of jealousy is even more disguised!

"He dares to bully you!"

He spit out a few words coldly.

Seeing this, He Qian looked up at the young man, and left Zhuang Jun's body instantly, leaned on the young man's chest, grabbed the young man's hand, and put it on his own peak. Lost in mind.

"Cui Jian, I really hope that necklace, but they won't give it to me ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ and let me roll, what do you say I should do?"

He Qian spit out a word gently in Cui Jian's ears, and the aroma smelt, which even made Cui Jian throbbing!

Ye Wushuang watched quietly on the side, and had to say that this woman would use her body to tease with her body, not only provoked the relationship between Cui Jian and Zhuang Jun, but also put him to death. It was not simple. woman!

"Qianqian, don't worry, not only does he have to pay today, but he has to pay if he doesn't, and I have to make him apologize."

Cui Jian's chest was straightened, and he immediately promised that if he had the opportunity, how could he stop performing well in front of the beauty!

Immediately, he stepped forward and stepped forward, "Miscellaneous things, Jiao Jiao can see your things, it is your blessing, you dare not give up!"

"A sage with triple rubbish, dare to scold her and roll, who tells you?"

Zhuang Jun was not to be outdone, stepped forward and drank, his voice was full of domineering!

"Follow me, is it my blessing?" Ye Wushuang stared at the two, and laughed indifferently. Are these two ready to deal with him to show himself?

"It's a pity, that necklace, if anyone could carry it around my neck with my own hands, how nice!"

While they were scolding each other, He Qianchu reached out her hand and touched a ditch on the chest, and Zhuang Jun and Cui Jian stared at each other suddenly.

"Is it you or me?" Zhuang Jun stared at Cui Jian.

"I won't give up." Cui Jian spit out.

"I won't." Zhuang Jun also knew the other side's thoughts and said coldly: "Since you and I will not give up, let's take a shot together to see who takes the things from him first, and how."

"That's what I meant!" Cui Jian nodded sneer, and immediately fell on Ye Wushuang's body at the same time, flickering with a sense of killing, and flung Ye Wushuang away.

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