Dragon Blood Emperor

Chapter 1330: War fortress is coming!

The situation in Fengyun City was arranged, and Ye Wushuang left!

The old man of Tianji practiced the deduction of the fate of the early heavenly machine, seized the opportunity and stole the destiny. He had done the opposite and was cursed. With the magic medicine, he could help him to resist the curse!

Therefore, Ye Wushuang left for the first realm!

The demon skin will appear, so he will get it anyway!

However, before that, he was going to a trip to Nine War God Fortress!

Nine War God Fortress, located in the Lianyung Mountains, faces the endless grassland!

Jiubao is located in front of the grassland and is connected together to form an indestructible defensive barrier. One castle is in danger. The other eight castles can be reinforced immediately!

the next day.

Ye Wushuang led the way, Ye Wushuang came to the Nine War God Fortress!

"Brother, these nine war gods and nine castles have become a Taigu array, supported by the power of the borderline of the steppe. If you want to break it, you must isolate the power of the baseline!"

"Furthermore, in the Nine War God Fortress, there is an ancient king and several ancient kings. Otherwise, let's find some assistants first!

The deceit looked at the castle in front and explained.

The distribution of the forces of the Nine War God Fortress is very clear and very powerful. Since the change of 300 years, the Nine War God Fortress has rapidly improved and surpassed many super forces!

The nine wise men were cut by one person by Ye Wushuang, and the remaining eight people all stepped into the ranks of the ancient kings, which laid a strong foundation!

Otherwise, how could Nine War God Fortress prestige in Fengyun City!

The people in Fengyun City are born of deduction, and they are not so powerful for cultivation!

Although there are some powerful means to guard, but they can't stop the power of the Nine War God Fortress, so they are helpless to kill the acquaintances by being insulted!

However, Nine War God Fortress is not clear. This has always been the place where Ye Wushuang cares. How can other people be so offended!

"No need to bother!"

Ye Wushuang's negative hand stood on the sky, overlooking the Nine War God Fortress indifferently!

Without saying a word or going in, just stood on the sky, about a quarter of an hour later, on the sky behind Ye Wushuang, a huge crack was ripped open, and a huge black swirl swirled out!


Heaven and earth are like thunder. The heavens and earth trembled, and the Nine War God Fortress seemed to be cracked. Many disciples were tumbled by the earthquake!

"what happened?"

The strong men in the Battle of the Nine Wars looked at the sky together, their faces changed, and they suddenly shouted, "There are strong enemies to commit crimes, open up the big array!"


Immediately, a pillar of God soared into the sky, forming a castle-like shield, enveloping the Nine War God Fortress, dozens of figures were empty, and rushed into the sky!

"Who are you? Dare to come to the Nine War Gods' Castle!"

These dozens of figures are the elders of the Nine War God Fortress, the strong kings, staring indifferently at Ye Wushuang and the deceitful two!

Ye Wushuang is still silent!

It was deceiving, turning his head to look at the vortex behind him, and saw a huge diamond-shaped giant, like the same ancient monster, awoke, and flew out of the vortex!

Hundreds of gods flying around the surface of the shield, spinning at a high speed, like an ancient battlefield, countless gods of light rushing out like hundreds of thousands of feet of sharp swords, piercing the endless void!

Those Aegis are shrouded in a layer of killing sacred light, blocking everything!

"What is this?"

Looking at the rushing war fortress, the group of elders of the Nine War Gods Fortress looked dumbfounded and horrified. On them, they felt an indestructible power!


Without any language, the Aegis circling at a high speed expands outwards, and behind it, a vortex of divine power emerges, madly gathering shocking power!

"not good!"

Seeing this, the elders suddenly came back!

Suddenly, a vortex tremor, a boom, a beam of hundreds of meters of destruction from the vortex burst out of the whirlpool, alas, the endless space was pierced into chaos, and rushed towards the Nine War God Fortress!


The beam of destruction pillars hundreds of meters large blasted on the defense of the ancient castle. The entire nine-nine war **** fortress, from the endless steppe, shuddered!

That powerful Taikoo array was broken open by a blast, and blasted away numerous space debris!


Boss with open mouth, his eyes are widening, this ... This is too aggressive, what kind of weapon is this?

"Damn shit!"

Dozens of elders from the Nine War God Fortress roared, urging the power of the ancient kings to bombard the war fortress and prepare to destroy it!


A number of powerful Aegis quickly expanded outwards, blocking the attacks of the ancient kings in a safe range, and quickly contracted!

These Aegis are made from the supreme **** gold in the veins of Gods. Each Aegis has the imprint of "Evil Slaughter Array" engraved by Ye Wushuang in ancient kings!

Not only defense against sky, but also amazing lethality!

This is a weapon for future battles, and Ye Wushuang devoted countless efforts!


Aegis flew back, and numerous vortexes of destruction appeared on the fortress of war, aimed at those ancient kings, and a bunch of hundreds of meters of destruction pillars blasted out, making them feel like they were stared at by a terrible invincible beast!

"Hurry back!"

The elders of the Nine War God Fortress changed their complexions and turned into a beam of divine light. They rushed into the Taikoo War and went straight to the depths of the Nine War God Fortress, rumbling. Through countless holes!

An ancient king had time to escape in the future, and was swallowed up directly by the pillar of destruction. It was transformed into blood mist and destroyed by energy. The shock became nothingness and shocked the countless gaze!

And in the depths of the Nine War God Fortress, in a hall!

The Lord of the Nine Wars Fortress was sitting in the upper part of the hall with uncertain expression, and below, the Eight Great Saints and others were there!

"This is the catastrophe of the Nine War God Fortress ~ www.wuxiaspot.com ~ Eight of you, go and give birth to your ancestors. Non-ancestors cannot save the fortress. This person dragged the people outside!"

Nine War God Fortress stepped out of the hall!

He was in a bad mood. Before going to Fengyun City, I remember the old man told him that there would be a catastrophe in the Nine War God Fortress. He didn't think so!

But I didn't expect that in just two or three days, this catastrophe came!

No matter who dares to pretend in front of the Nine War God Fortress, this seat will inevitably become oblivion!

The Lord of the Nine Wars Fort had sharp eyes, and he shouted a chill and glory, and a group of elders who rushed down shouted, "Gather all the disciples in Jiubao and wait for them!"


Suddenly, those elders rushed to Jiubao, and the disciples of the Ninth War God Fortress gathered quickly. There were hundreds of thousands of people!

"The God of Nine Wars is inviolable. Who dares to move the castle of Nine Wars and destroy him!"

An elder roared, eyes were sharp!

"Nine battles are invincible!"

Hundreds of thousands of people shouted in unison, the war is so high, and the Nine War God Fortress has cultivated the power of the Nine Wars.


The Lord of the Nine Battles stepped out of the air, stood in the sky, stared at Ye Wushuang, and then glanced at the sky again!

"Does Fengyun City want to go to war with the Nine War God Fortress?"

Bully, how did you not know the Nine War God Fortress?

The thought of this attack was from Fengyun City. The owner of the Nine War Fortress was so angry that he had not destroyed them before, but they in turn attacked the Nine War God Fortress. It should be destroyed!

"Today, the Emperor only needs your life, and the rest dare to resist and kill without amnesty!"

Ye Wushuang's sharp eyes, bursting into a mighty sharpness, like a peerless sword, penetrated the defense of the Nine War God Fortress, the domineering voice echoed in the ears of hundreds of thousands!

(End of this chapter)

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