Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 968: Meet Yeyue

"80 million merit points."

"Ninety million merit points."

"95 million merit points."

The bidding is still going on, and this range is still increasing. Seeing this posture, Chu Qianye is rather calm. He knows that this kind of momentum is only at hand, and after climbing to a certain point, it will definitely come down.

Sure enough, as Chu Qianye had expected, this momentum really began to weaken after it had risen to a certain level.

After breaking through a hundred million meritorious service, Chu Qianye finally opened his eyes.

At this level, the number of people who shot again should have decreased a lot, so he knew that the success rate of shots at this time would be very high.

One hundred and fifty million merit points, it should be almost possible to win.

With a move in his heart, Chu Qianye held the merit stone, and a bright light appeared in his hand. The gleam of this light suddenly attracted everyone's eyes.

Without hesitation, Chu Qianye put those merit points into the mark on the invitation letter, and a ray of light immediately gleamed, and the shining light on the Xuantian Stone suddenly stopped.

Seeing this scene, everyone was dumbfounded and a little surprised in their hearts. Then they swept towards the position of the profound sky stone with breathlessness. After seeing the number of merit points, everyone couldn't help but take a breath. gas.

"One hundred and fifty million merit points!"

Everyone was a little unacceptable, this number was too large, and immediately shocked those who were still preparing to take a shot behind him, and made Cheng Yaojin halfway, everyone was not comfortable.

The beautiful bidder seemed to be overwhelmed, but she was trained after all, so she woke up after a little effort.

"One hundred and fifty million once, one hundred and fifty million twice, one hundred and fifty million three times."


When the bidding hammer fell, it meant that the competition was finally over, and it was still the end of Chu Qianye's big victory. Everyone was booing.

The exercises are good, but the price is a bit high.

Everyone was secretly surprised, not knowing who paid the price.

"Brother, this is the exercise that you bid for just now."

At this moment, one of the seats next door stretched out his head and asked with a smile.

In fact, he was reluctant to answer this kind of thing, but he stretched out his hand and didn't make a smile. The other party greeted him with a smile. He couldn't go back, and this person seemed to have no malice, so Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Okay, brother, sure enough." The man said with a smile: "Brother, I want to make a deal for you, I don't know if you want to, don't rush to refuse."

Then the person changed to Shenyin Communication.

Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly brightened.

"Are you sure?" he asked Shenyin.

The man nodded slightly.

"Don't worry, there is no problem with my magical powers. Ordinary people can use the power of two souls to complete the rubbing martial arts and exercises for at least half a month, but I can complete it in only three days, and it’s not for me. Many exercises and martial arts of Qi Continent are in my mind. It's a pity that I have taken the martial arts oath and it is impossible to tell other people these things.

Chu Qianye was very shocked. He didn't expect someone to have such magical powers. He had looked for this kind of talent who could shorten the rubbing scrolls a long time ago, but he didn't meet him. He didn't expect to meet him today. One.

Sure enough, he is a great man. If he says so, then his worries can be completely solved, and there is no need to worry about mass production.

If this kind of person can join the Dragon Gate, it is absolutely powerful, and the Dragon Gate's growth rate can be increased by at least twice, while the time is greatly reduced.

Three days to complete what others may take three months to complete, one month is ten rubbing scrolls.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye was a little surprised.

"If it's not made of scroll material, I only need ten minutes to get the spirit paper. Of course, you know, the spirit paper is not good for storage. It can be stored for a month at most. If the talent is very ordinary, it has not had time to realize Thorough kungfu martial arts have disappeared." He laughed.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. This stranger is really amazing. One month's time is completely enough. What he is looking for is the level of genius. If he can't understand martial arts and exercises in one month, there are such people. What qualification is called a genius?

He pressed the excitement in his heart, and the trembling palms in his sleeves were also slightly tightened.

"Dare to ask Zun's name." Chu Qianye said in a divine voice.

"Haha, Mianzun, everyone calls me Yeyue." That person was also straightforward, and said with a faint smile.

"We are quite destined, and there is a night character in our name." Chu Qianye said.

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"I don't know what brother is called?" Ye Yue said.

"Chu Qianye."

Ye Yue's eyes widened, showing a surprised expression.

"Haha, brother, you are so courageous, isn't Wu Shi already going to block you, you dare to come here." Ye Yue smiled.

"Well, it's okay, it seems that I have quite a lot of enemies, and I don't care about these one or two." Chu Qianye said indifferently.

At this moment, the auction is still going on.

Soon someone sent that exercise method over, still under the **** of a three strong man.

The merit points in the mark were deducted, and Chu Qianye got the exercise scroll.

Ye Yue didn't reveal Chu Qianye's identity, which made him feel good about him.

"I heard that you have the Nine-turn Golden Body Pill in your hand."

After everyone left, Ye Yue asked suddenly.

Does he need this medicine?

But I don't have any at all now.

"I still lack the Holy Flame of All Souls." Chu Qianye told the truth.

"Brother, I said earlier that I want to make a deal with you because it has something to do with this nine-turn golden body pill. I don't know if you can help." Ye Yue asked.

"Well, you said I'll see if I can help."

If this person needs the Nine-turn Golden Body Pill, then he can refine it, and he seems to vaguely know what the other party has plans, in fact, Chu Qianye is already a little excited.

"If you refine the Nine-turn Golden Body Pill and divide me two, then I am willing to help you make rubbings of martial arts and exercises scrolls. I don't know what your brother wants?" Ye Yue asked.

Chu Qianye forcibly endured his excitement.

"Okay, then it's settled." Chu Qianye nodded and said.

The two hit it off, and after a few brief conversations, they began to participate in the auction, and Chu Qianye later took a lot of exercises and martial arts, as well as other heavenly materials.

Chu Qianye had a lot of merit points, and even the merit water was taken out, which made Ye Yue's eyes flicker. He didn't expect Chu Qianye to be so generous.

Suddenly Chu Qianye became the focus, and everyone cast a surprised look at him.

Many people don't understand why people with so many merit points sit in ordinary auction seats? Could it be that you can't get used to the VIP seats anymore?

Although they were all curious, they did not ask questions in person.

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