Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 962: Immobile Pluto

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and his soul felt a slight tremor, and then swept towards the San Fu Scroll, covering all the San Fu Scroll in the blink of an eye.


The scroll of San Fu appeared on Chu Qianye's palm.

Looking at the San Fu scroll in front of him, Chu Qianye suddenly revealed a touch of heat.

He is looking forward to the spirit ability.

He took out the red scroll, the power of the soul was mixed with the cold fire of the bone spirit, and at the same time, it swept from the center of his brow, and the scroll that was close to his brow suddenly burst out with a light, illuminating the entire secret space.

To his surprise, the blood ancestor did not move anything this time, his soul power easily entered the scroll, and in his perception, the contents of the scroll finally appeared.

Blood Dragon Overlord Spear: The first-class spirit skills of the ground level, the power can be multiplied after the blood sucking. Once it is displayed, the spear light is like a dragon, and a powerful soul attack power erupts. The spear light is condensed into a blood dragon and summoned. Out of the dragon soul, you can kill the enemy more!

Seeing the introduction on the front page, Chu Qianye couldn't help taking a deep breath.

What a terrifying soul skill, it is still a gun body, and it is possible to call out the dragon soul to complete the higher-level challenge after the cultivation reaches the highest level? The power of spirit skills is indefensible. Because it is an invisible attack, it looks like harmless to humans and animals. In fact, the destructive power is terrifying. After all, the soul is the root of a person. Once the soul is destroyed, it is death. Dao disappeared.

This Blood Dragon Overlord's Spear is indeed very powerful, and it is also a spirit ability of the ground level. The existence of this level is simply even more powerful to him.

Pressing the restlessness of his heart, Chu Qianye felt his soul deep into the second scroll.

The spirit ability of the second scroll is called Fudo Pluto Body. It is a relatively low level, and it is a lower level. It belongs to the spirit ability to strengthen the defense of the soul body. It is divided into three stages, one with a half-foot enhanced soul shield, two Duan is ten zhang, and three is a hundred zhang. So far no one can reach the range of one hundred zhang. This is also the most difficult spirit ability to cultivate.

The spirit ability of the third scroll is called Mandala Kiss. ​​It belongs to the middle-level spirit ability. The power of the soul forms a soul rope invisible to the naked eye, which binds the opponent. Once tied by the rope, it cannot move. It is divided into Xiaocheng, Dacheng, Consummation and Great Perfection states. The higher the state, the stronger the binding effect and the longer the opponent can't move.

Chu Qianye was shocked secretly in his heart, these spirit abilities are really terrifying, he hadn't thought that the increased power would be so terrifying, the invisible power is actually the most terrifying, after all, it is difficult to figure out.

"I currently have a divine body, and I should pay attention to the cultivation of soul power in the later stage. Alchemy, formation, and pattern refining are all good ways to improve. If there is a alchemy arena, fighting with opponents is not a good way. Chu Qianye said softly as the light flickered in his eyes.

After closing the scroll, Chu Qianye closed his eyes, no longer thinking about this, but began to practice soul abilities.

Now the three spirit abilities are in his mind.

Cultivate the Pluto body first. This is the defense method of the soul body. If there is no strong defense method, there are strong and weak points. Once the opponent makes a move, no matter how strong one is, it will eventually be irreversible, so first practice defense-type spirit skills. .

The cultivation method that does not move the Pluto body appeared in his mind.

Soul skills are almost the same as martial skills. He possesses a super-divine martial soul, and he quickly understands the methods of spirit skills cultivation. Now he only has actual cultivation.

With a move in the heart, the power of the soul at the center of the eyebrows rushed out like lightning, like a vast ocean, filled with a monstrous breath of soul movement.

Do not move the Pluto body, and respond to everything without moving!

The light in Chu Qianye's mind flickered, and the power of the soul at the center of his eyebrows rushed out in an instant, forming a monstrous light, and then condensed into one body.

The soul body was shining brightly, accompanied by the soul skills in Chu Qianye’s mind, and the power of the soul at the center of his eyebrows began to surround Chu Qianye’s body with a strange trick. Condensed in the void position, causing his soul body to emit a faint light.

With the passage of time, a layer of soul fire gradually appeared around the soul body. This is the burning flame that does not move the Hades body. Once formed, it will form an extremely high temperature, causing invisible attacks close to the soul body to be destroyed. Shattered invisible.

This soul skill is the most difficult to cultivate at this level. If you want to condense soul power into soul fire, it is really difficult to form soul fire if you have a poor control of soul power, at least ten days and a half month.

But for Chu Qianye, this is not a problem, because he often deals with soul power, so he knows the soul fire best, and it can condense into soul fire when his eyes are closed.

With the passage of time, this kind of soul fire has become more and more prosperous, surrounding Chu Qianye's soul body, emitting indestructible light.

The first step is finally completed, and the next is the most difficult place. It is the most difficult place for the soul body to absorb the energy body and build a defensive cover.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath and let his soul body begin to follow the method of soul ability cultivation, imagining that his soul body was a huge vortex, and began to absorb the energy between heaven and earth.

"Chiff chick."

The energy was absorbed by the soul body little by little, and a faint air layer gradually appeared, and with the passage of time, this air layer became stronger and stronger, emitting two rays of blue and black light.

Chu Qianye really saw that his soul body had a layer of defensive aura. With a movement in his heart, he slapped a palm at random, and the wind whistled forward.


The atmosphere was immediately hit by the palm wind, and the muffled noise made Chu Qianye's eyes closed slightly.

Although the air layer has been broken, his palm is full of power. He is still just beginning to condense the energy air layer in the practice stage. If he is cultivated, he should have good defense power. It has not yet formed. But already has a good defense.

Keep practicing!

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and he continued to practice, running the power of his soul, causing a faint atmosphere to appear around his soul body.

With the passage of time, the air layer became more and more condensed, and Chu Qianye felt the clearest this kind of defense improvement.

Very well, he has now mastered the two difficult areas of the Immovable Pluto body. Next is the Pluto Qi, also known as Pluto's Wrath, which is the pressure of the momentum formed when the soul body is furious, and is also the most difficult part of the Immovable Pluto body. Strong defense.

But this method is also extremely difficult to cultivate. It can be said that it is the most difficult part of the entire Immovable Pluto body. If you want to cultivate, you may not be able to do it if you don't have enough strength.

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