Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 946: Defying record


"Hehe, those are old things." Venerable Withered Bones smiled faintly: "It's rare that there are people who have this mindset and remember those things about me. Seeing that you all know my past, then I will wait. I'll give you a good time. Those who have offended me will die tragically, you juniors are lucky."

Chu Qianye stood with his hands behind and did not respond.

"Hmph, all you know are old things, and they are still old things. You definitely don't know what Venerable Withered Bones has done recently." The black-faced old man said lightly:

"For example, the eight celestial realm powerhouses of Xuanyun Pavilion together besieged Venerable Withered Bones, what happened? One attack killed the three powerhouses, and the other five powerhouses wanted to escape when the situation was not good. Venerable Withered Wood one Recruiting bones and destroying soul palms, the other five celestial realm powerhouses were almost hit hard. If it weren't for the last Xuanyun pavilion's veteran to arrive in time, I'm afraid the five celestial realm powerhouses would be buried."

Eight celestial realm powerhouses!

And killed three strong men in one move?

This strength is really strong. Although they have not witnessed it with their own eyes, it is really strong. Although they have only heard about it, this powerful thinking impact is very powerful. Everyone thinks that this person is How powerful, it is possible to have such power.

Monstrous supernatural power!

Everyone was surprised secretly in their hearts, and everyone in Longmen, with their faces all shocked, stared blankly at the Venerable Withered Bones.

Very strong, really strong, this kind of power is at least not what they dare to imagine.

"How about it, be scared." The black-faced old man grinned, his eyes full of coldness.

"It's normal for you to be afraid. After all, for you now, you are not qualified to contact such a powerful person. In your eyes, the extreme stage is already very strong. Have you seen the celestial realm? Have you seen it? You must have never seen it before, Venerable Withered Bones is a veritable Venerable!"

The words are full of pride.

He swept across Chu Qianye with condescending gaze, trying to see the panic on the faces of these people, even if only a trace is enough, he likes to see others living in fear, which is his great pleasure, after all At their level, killing is meaningless to them, and it can be done in two or two ways, which cannot satisfy their vanity.

The crowd at the Dragon Gate was shocked again upon hearing this.

Venerable Withered Bones, one person killed eight strong men in the celestial realm? Three celestial realm powerhouses killed by one face? The other five celestial realm powerhouses were also hit hard?

This level of strength is indeed quite impressive, and it does have the courage and courage of a powerful person in every gesture.

The people of the blood race also showed shocked expressions. They couldn't even think of the strength of Venerable Withered Bones, and only the blood ancestor had this strength.

The black-faced old man seemed to see Venerable Withered Bones showing an expression of enjoyment, and knew in his heart that he had a good flattery, and he was suddenly excited. If he could continue flattering and slap the substance, let Chu Qianye and others kneel down. Begging for mercy, that's definitely good. Venerable Withered Bones has killed so many people over the years, and you can imagine how rich his collection is.

Hehe, he felt excited when he thought of this, and it should be almost the end. There is absolutely no problem if you continue to work harder. Thinking about the appreciation of Venerable Withered Bones, the black-faced old man became more excited.

Excited flashes of light flashed in those eyes. Although he was concealed in time, he still tried to restrain this excitement.

"The Lingyun Pagoda sent a Venerable and four celestial fourth-tier powerhouses to join forces to deal with Venerable Withered Wood. As a result, Venerable Withered Wood only had ten moves. Those powerhouses in Lingyun Tower had almost no power to resist, so they had to be sent again. Reinforcement. Venerable Withered Wood only used 70% of his strength."

He continued, the excitement in his eyes completely filled his eyes, wishing that he was Venerable Withered Bones.

The Longmen group was surprised again.

The expressions on the faces of those blood races around Venerable Withered Bones were even more admiring.

The Profound Qi Continent respects strength. Whoever is strong is the boss. Venerable Withered Bones possesses this level of combat power. They are all extremely excited, and they can't wait to join the ranks of the black-faced elders, so that they can get a little reward. Venerable Withered Bones is usually like this, flattering loudly will definitely reward him, which is exciting.

Chu Qianye was still expressionless.

Everyone once again showed more shocked expressions.

A Venerable and a few strong in the celestial realm can't even kill Venerable Withered Bones?

Thinking of this, the Longmen crowd was also secretly shocked.

Is the Withered Bones Venerable in front of him so good?

Chu Qianye showed a cold expression.

Life is like a play, it all depends on acting.

What the black-faced old man in front of him said may be true, but the exaggeration of the words was deliberately said, nothing more than to win the joy of the Withered Wood Venerable.

"Oh yes, I remember a saint who admired the martial arts talent of Venerable Withered Bones. This kind of martial arts talent is indeed quite powerful. I think of it, that is Venerable Nantian, he even I also recommended Venerable Withered Bone to the ruler of their Great Wilderness, and let Venerable Withered Bone be the commander of their imperial forest army, but Venerable Withered Bone naturally did not put the leader of the imperial forest army in his eyes, so he refused very simply. ."

When all the blood races heard this, they were immediately shocked.

This monstrous strength is indeed very strong, dominating and dominating half a step are amazed, this kind of martial arts talent that is against the sky is not covered.

Longmen listened to the crowd, and was quite surprised.

This black-faced old man, from the beginning to the present, every word they have said is like a heavenly book. There is such a tyrannical person in this world? It's like killing all geniuses. There is a posture of gods coming to kill gods and Buddha coming to kill the Buddha.

At this moment, everyone raised their heads and looked at Chu Qianye. They all hoped that Chu Qianye would react. After all, he was the master of Longmen.

It's a pity that Chu Qianye didn't hesitate at all, he was still expressionless, making it impossible to see his true thoughts.

"Oh, yes, this time the blood ancestor participated in the good fortune, and stepped into the ranks of the nobles, all thanks to the help of the dead bones." The black-clothed old man said lightly:

"Blood people, all have to thank Venerable Withered Bones, who can let the blood ancestor step into the power of the Venerable with a finger point, even if it is a half-step master and master, it may not be possible."

Can the blood ancestor become a venerable by just pointing it?

The people of the blood race are full of excitement.

If you just point them at your fingertips, wouldn't it be possible for people like them to step into the celestial realm?

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