Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 825: Tiantu Zhuxian Formation

"Tian Qi, you stay here, I will solve the matter." Chu Qianye said in a divine voice.

After he finished speaking, he took out another puppet, and a strange handprint was submerged between the puppet's brows.


Zhang Tianqi, Chu Nun and Qiu Yu all stayed.

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Chu Qianye gestured to Ba Tian, ​​who nodded in comprehension.

"Qingcheng faction."

A gleam of brilliance flashed in Chu Qianye's eyes. These guys wereted a lot of time. Had it not been for this episode, he would have been in the blood domain of Huangquan by now.

"Batian, your court master, you can help you watch, Little Treasure and Tyra, you go and watch the other two sects first, and let me know if there is any movement," Chu Qianye said.

Ba Tian seemed to understand Chu Qianye's thoughts, and a look of surprise suddenly appeared in his heart.

"Qianye, the Qingcheng faction is a first-class sect. There are many strong in the extreme realm, and at least six or seven strong in the extreme celestial realm, you..." Ba Tian said worriedly.

Chu Qianye waved his hand.

"No problem, I have a sense of measure."

Seeing that Chu Qianye said this, Ba Tian did not continue to question.


A thought flashed in the Tyrant’s mind. Chu Qianye’s thoughts were vaguely known to him, but this thought was a bit too terrifying. After all, it was also a first-rate dynasty-level sect. It was really going to conflict, Chu Qianye probably couldn't help it. The extraordinary sword aura could support a few rounds at most, and the celestial realm powerhouse still had a lot of magical powers. If you encounter a warrior with powerful magical powers, it is not an opponent at all.

However, he knew that Chu Qianye would not do things that were uncertain, so he didn't ask any more when thinking of this.

And he was in the dynasty, all of this was under his control.

"Okay, then you pay attention to safety." Ba Tian said.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, then took out Kunpeng's wings, his figure flickered with light, and chased up the law enforcement elder of the Qingcheng faction, and soon reached the mountain gate of the Qingcheng faction.

He glanced lightly, not paying attention.

Observing the surrounding terrain, Chu Qianye moved in his heart and took out the spirit stone and the mysterious soldier.

Here is suitable for setting up a big killing formation, when you can invite you to enter the urn, and kill it in this big formation.

The figure flickered, he took out a sharp-nose hoe, began to dig a hole, and filled the spirit stone with the marks of the gods inscribed in advance.

The **** pattern of the spirit stone is the key to the formation, and belongs to the rudiment of the formation. He filled ninety-nine and eighty-one spirit stones, covering the vast mountain range.

The light flickered in his mind.

Since it is a killing array, then you have to use a killing-type **** pattern mark.

He began to search for those **** patterns.

In a moment, Chu Qianye's eyes opened suddenly, and a sharp glow was shot.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and he took out the scroll that the Blood Moon Lord had given him.

This scroll seems a little different.

Normally the two ends of the scroll are made of wooden sticks, but this scroll is not the same. It is made of two jade-white ribs. I don't know what kind of ribs of a wild beast.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath and quickly removed the two ribs.

Looking carefully at the jade-white ribs, Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly shot a sharp light.

These two jade-white ribs were crystal clear, like precipitated crystals, and on the ribs, there were strange lines. Under careful observation, the lines of the ribs gradually became clearer.


Chu Qianye was secretly surprised, and he continued to stare at the rib lines.

These lines are very special, more complicated than the **** lines, and the amount of information contained in them is also extremely complex. If it were not for his high mental power, it would be impossible to bear it.

Chu Qianye shook his head. Although these lines are also very important, the more important thing is the words on them. Thinking of this, Chu Qianye hurriedly looked at those words.

When his eyes fell on those words, his breathing increased slightly.

"Tiantu Zhuxian Formation!"

Chu Qianye stared carefully, his soul power and martial soul power swept across the two souls, and when he finished reading these words, his whole body suddenly showed a touch of shock.

That day, the Tu Zhuxian formation turned out to be the formation skill of the God Realm, and for some reason, it actually fell to the Profound Qi Continent. This is an extraordinary sword formation martial art, and the people who created this martial skill during their lifetime had quite advanced formation skills.

After reading it, Chu Qianye was even more shocked.

This formation is not simple. According to the introduction, even the master can be killed!

Suppressing the excited thoughts in his heart, Chu Qianye quickly closed his eyes and carefully comprehended the Tuzhu Immortal Formation that day. Among the formations he has learned, this formation is the most against the sky. This kind of power really needs to be able to burst out completely and kill people. Very easy, as long as you can successfully introduce the opponent into the formation, you will definitely die!

Chu Qianye covered the soul power, and began to participate in good luck.

These two white jade-like ribs are really mysterious, and the lines on them should be **** lines.

Formation base, formation spirit, formation eyes, formation pattern.

Chu Qianye stroked his thoughts and quickly understood the Tiantu Zhuxian formation.

After comprehending this formation method, Chu Qianye began to inscribe those **** marks with dual purpose, and soon completed, a total of seven or seventy-nine grain marks.

The formation is complete!

Chu Qianye took out Xuanbing, Longwu, Shawu, and arranged them according to the formation.

The formation is complete!


Chu Qianye's speed was very fast, and the sword formation was set in less than half an hour.

With a move of mind, he quickly swept around the formation, and he was relieved after repeated confirmations.

This was his magic weapon to win. He stepped on the seven-star step and felt that the formation had already played its role. Only then did Chu Qianye carefully conceal the aura of the formation.

If you want to invite the monarch to enter the urn, the formation must be concealed well, otherwise once the opponent notices it, it is impossible to enter the formation.

After doing this, Chu Qianye looked at these two white jade-like ribs again.

After leaving his palm, the words and lines on it disappeared again.


Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. He decided not to use the dual spirit power and profound energy, but when he caught the white bones, there would still be this strange pattern and words appearing.

He was secretly surprised, thinking for a long time but didn't figure it out, so he had no choice but to stop thinking about it.

Putting away the white ribs, he raised his head and looked at the mountain gate in front of him.

"Qingcheng faction."

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, and flickered away.

"This is the Qingcheng faction, please indicate your identity and purpose!"

When Chu Qianye was about to swoop to the front of the mountain gate, several patrolling figures appeared.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly.

"Chu Qianye. As for what you are here, destroy the sect!"

He smiled faintly, his figure suddenly rushed out, and in the blink of an eye, the Qingcheng school disciple who had been scolded by him, before the other party woke up, he slammed out with a fist, as far as his fist was. Shattered!


A punch passed through the man's chest, and the other disciple of the patrol doorman, when he saw this posture, he turned his head and was about to flee.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, thunderbolt exerted a large suction palm to retain his figure, and stepped out with the palm of his foot. It was another punch and palm he saw. Those patrolling disciples were given to the town by Chu Qianye without waking up. kill.

Chu Qianye put all his merit stones and Qiankun ring into his bag.

He slowly raised his head, killing intent in his body.

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