Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 331: Road interception

Chu Qianye continued to fly forward, and it was really like what Luo Yichen said. He passed two peaks, and someone really came out to meet him.

"I am the leader of the second team of the patrol. Please show me your merit stone."

Chu Qianye took out Elder Ling Xu's jade talisman, the man looked blank, and then nodded lightly.

"You follow me and do the level."

After finishing the words, he immediately walked ahead and walked towards the formation.

After entering the formation, Chu Qianye was passed into the Lingxiao Palace.

"Old Chen, this is a new disciple."

Inside the spacious eaves, an old man raised his head, looking up and down Chu Qianye with muddy eyes.

"The Meritorious Stone." The old man said lightly, and Chu Qianye once again took out the jade charm of Elder Ling Xu.


The old man saw the jade talisman in Chu Qianye's hand, and he knew who the jade talisman belonged to without even investigating.

"Name," the old man said.

"Chu Qianye."

The patrol leader of the second team who brought Chu Qianye to the eaves suddenly shot a sharp light, and the other two patrol members who were waiting outside the door also showed surprised expressions.

"He is Chu Qianye? A new guest from the same institution as Li Ling?"

"Our boss seems to have confessed to Junior Sister Li Ling and was rejected. The boss said that he had the opportunity to challenge Chu Qianye and teach him."

The whispers of the two people outside the door fell into Chu Qianye's ears.

I'm dizzy, Li Ling, this girl, is really amazing. It's really good enough to meet an inexplicable love rival before he enters the High Heaven Palace.

With a move in his heart, the old man took out a white jade.

Entering profound energy into it, a figure appeared, reflected in a clear water pool, and Chu Qianye appeared in a scene of one enemy and four.

Holding a war sword and a war halberd, Chu Qianye stood firmly in the martial arts training ground with black clothes like ink and hair dancing. His face was slightly green, but his outline was exactly the same as Chu Qianye's.

The old man put the white jade into the Universe Ring, with a smile on his face. If he smiled deeply, he said, "That fellow Ling Xu told me, it’s not easy for you to fight one against four. At that time, you, martial arts. It should be the eighth stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm. In less than two months, he has reached the first stage of the Profound Realm."

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised in his heart, he didn't release his breath, so that the old man could penetrate his martial arts cultivation at a glance, how terrible it was.

The captain of the second patrol team also had a stunned face, and immediately looked at Chu Qianye in a bit of astonishment. In two months, he went from the eighth stage of the Yellow Extreme Realm to the first stage of the Profound Realm. This kind of cultivation speed is also It's pretty good.

Chu Qianye smiled slightly, neither denying it nor admitting it.

"Welcome to the Lingxiao Palace." The old man smiled slightly, "You can call me Old Chen or Old Man Chen."

Chu Qianye immediately developed a good impression of the old man.

This guy, and the old man Jian's character, seem to be quite similar, and he is also casual and eclectic.

"Good old Chen." Chu Qianye said.

"Are you planning to go to Lingxiao Palace now?" Old Chen asked with a smile.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Put your blood in, and you can enter the Lingxiao Palace." Old Chen took out a white badge from the Qiankun ring, handed it to Chu Qianye's hand, and said, "This is your identity badge. Xiao Palace, you must carry it with you, otherwise it will be as complicated as your entry this time. With it, you will be able to pass unimpeded."

Chu Qianye gently swiped his finger on the badge, and the blood flowed out, one drop and two drops were absorbed by the badge, and immediately the light was bright, an inexplicable connection connected him to the badge.

After finishing all these tasks, Old Chen nodded gently.

Old Chen looked at the sky outside and said, "I think it's too late. If you are so anxious to enter the High Heaven Palace, I won't keep you, but there is a virgin forest outside the High Heaven Palace. There are many savage beasts. If you want to walk through it, it is still a bit dangerous. Don't let me send you to take you there. Take the Kunpeng in the sky, and you can reach the palace before night falls."

Chu Qianye was taken aback for a moment, but he didn't expect that this place wasn't actually Lingxiao Palace.

Entering the Lingxiao Palace is really quite endless, with twists and turns, and finally through a virgin forest. However, without resorting to the formation method, although it is inconvenient, the safety factor is improved a lot.

"Okay, thank old Chen," Chu Qianye leaned slightly and said.

"You're welcome." Old Chen waved his hand, suddenly remembering something, and said, "Tomorrow, there seems to be an Inner Palace Trial. You are lucky and just caught up."

Inner Palace Trial?

Chu Qianye's face was surprised.

Looking at Chu Qianye’s expression, Chen Lao explained patiently: “Our Lingxiao Palace is divided into the inner palace and the outer palace. The disciples and Keqing who have just entered can basically not enter the inner palace. Only through the trials can they enter. The inner palace and the outer palace are mainly different in the richness of profound energy. The inner palace is stronger and possesses higher-level exercises and martial skills, which is also one of the ways to obtain merit points."

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

Yes, this kind of trial has such benefits.

"But boy, I'll give you a kind reminder before leaving. Although you haven't entered the High Heaven Palace, you already have many potential opponents. As for the reason, you should know it very well. A good woman like Li Ling, yes. For many of the princes of the High Heaven Palace, the temptation is too great. She has just arrived in the High Heaven Palace and has already become the number one person in the outer palace. Those who pursue her have not simple identities and backgrounds. When the time is right, I think it's better for you to forbear." Old Chen smiled with squinting eyes.

Chu Qianye smiled softly.

Although he didn't enter the Lingxiao Palace, his two months of life and death polishing would definitely not lose to any Xuegong disciple. In these two months, the geniuses and elders of the Scarlet Cloud Sect and Lingwu Sect were not afraid at all. He fought against them, and even against the blood clan, would he be frightened by his peers like Lingxiao Palace?

"Thank you for reminding Mr. Chen, the kid keeps it in mind." With a fist to Mr. Chen, Kun Peng's murmur was already heard outside the eaves, and he stopped staying.

Out of the eaves, a Kunpeng has hovered above his head.

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"Junior Brother Qianye, come up and take you into the palace."

Above Kunpeng sat a man and a woman, waving to Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye hit the sole of his foot and swept towards Kun Peng in the air, one step, two steps, three steps, just like climbing a ladder, and finally landed on Kun Peng.

The eyes of the two people above Kunpeng were surprised.

Chu Qianye's hand is really too free and easy, it seems to walk from the sky, but it doesn't seem like it, by virtue of the body method, it is like walking.

One of them moved his mouth, and a whistle sounded from his mouth. Kunpeng's wings shook and swept forward.

In the blink of an eye, the effort disappeared.

"Hey, dare to fight with the boss for women? Have a good show."

The two people below laughed softly.

At this moment, Chu Qianye, who was sitting on Kunpeng's back, took a short break, and looked up with a sense of understanding. A huge building complex was like this giant beast in the wild forest.

"Is this the Lingxiao Palace?"

Chu Qianye's eyes suddenly became a little fiery.

"Junior Brother Qianye, today is the day of the introduction, we have to perform the task, so we won't send you in by ourselves, so you can go down from here." Kunpeng said with a smile on his back, a man and a woman.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Thank you brother and sister."

The two of them were satisfied with Chu Qianye's attitude and smiled slightly.

Chu Qianye left Kunpeng's wings and looked up at Kunpeng who was spreading his wings and traveling far away. He slowly let out a sigh of relief and turned to leave the open space.

A bluestone paved street appeared in front of Chu Qianye. The street was full of people and was extremely lively.

Looking at the battle in front of him, Chu Qianye was also secretly speechless.

This kind of popularity, the total of five or six counties, is less than one-third. It is worthy of the first-class school of the Chiyun Dynasty, and this name alone is enough to attract many geniuses here.

Chu Qianye was about to move forward, and a sharp voice suddenly resounded.

"You are Chu Qianye? I finally waited for you!"

The violent breath attacked violently, causing Chu Qianye's brows to frown, and his expression suddenly sinking.

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