Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 291: What can you do to me!

When General Mo heard these words, his face changed slightly.

The huge power of the two hundred and fifty tripods is indeed terrifying, and Chu Qianye's sword intent is at the extreme position of Dzogchen, with one sword going down, the huge sword aura must be wiped out!

Concubine Xian had a cold glow in her eyes.

She originally hoped to provoke Chu Qianye and let Chu Qianye do it, so that she could also write to Qingyun County by writing to Qingyun County for an excuse to destroy the marriage.

However, this Li Shangshu's words are so sharp, and a sophisticated army may not be as good as his three-inch invulnerable tongue.

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Moreover, Li Shangshu has just begun.

The face of the seventh prince was already a bit unpleasant.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

This Li Shangshu was really good at his mouth, and in a few words, everyone's attention was turned away.

"Mr. Chu, the martial arts talent with one mind and one mind, I think you should know it too." Li Shangshu said lightly.

The courtiers nodded slightly. They were fortunate enough to watch this trick when they were on the viewing platform. The astounding way of fighting was something they had never witnessed in their entire lives, so they still have a deep memory.

"Huh, what's the use?" an old official said disdainfully.

Li Shangshu glanced at the man lightly.

"Master Chu, use one mind and two purposes, with one fourth, and finally win the enemy. Oh, yes, these four warriors are Qingyun County Guoyun Feiyang, Wuyun County Liu Taiqing, Taiyun County Guo Li Yidao and Chi Dong County King City." Li Shangshu sneered, "General Mo is a martial artist, so you should know what it means. As for Wang Shangshu, you are a civil official after all, so you don't know how powerful it is."

"These four warriors are all geniuses in the Xuanji realm. If there are no warriors in the county, the four together can destroy a middle-level county country!"

Before Li Shangshu finished speaking, another courtier took over.

"In other words, Master Chu alone can slaughter a middle-class county country!"


Hearing this sentence, everyone took a sigh of relief.

With one's own power, a county can be destroyed!

"Huh, Li Shangshu, you said it yourself, that was when there were no warriors in the county. Therefore, Lord Chu was better than ordinary warriors at best. Maybe the martial arts competition that day was a big part of luck. Right." General Mo coldly snorted.

Li Shangshu looked at the so-called General Mo, he smiled.

"Haha, do you know that on the day of the martial arts contest, after witnessing the martial arts talent of Chu Yun Dynasty, the elders of the four major sects invited Chu Chu into the sect and prayed for Chu Chu to enter the sect as a guest, but he would be treated as a formal disciple. "Li Shangshu smiled.

"Ling Wuzong’s promise to Lord Chu is... the sovereign has an initiation every year for five consecutive years. As for other martial arts training resources, enough!"

Initiation, five consecutive years, that is five initiations!

This is a rare opportunity, and it is still the Sect Master level empowerment of the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty, isn't that power against the sky?

The palace master of the Four University Mansion is already very powerful, but the opportunity for enlightenment is so rare. Only Chu Qianye competed in martial arts, so that Ling Wuzong was so frantically grabbing people?

Crazy, really crazy, Chu Qianye's martial arts talent has reached the four major sects to compete at all costs?

"Samsara Sect, all the exercises and martial arts are selected by Young Master Chu. After entering the Profound Realm, the Sect Master will personally teach and comprehend supernatural powers."

Liu Batian's eyes suddenly shot a sharp glow.

It's terrible, such a tempting condition, you can't refuse it with other warriors.

"The elder of Lingxiao Palace Lingxu, he personally promised Master Chu that, in terms of martial arts training resources, the Lingxiao Palace fully supports him, and he can comprehend the pictures of the Lingxiao Palace and practice the five unique "Lingxiao War Gods", which the palace owner will teach him. Of course, It's just entering the sect as a guest, and coming and going freely, and in his lifetime, within the scope of his ability to satisfy Chu Qianye's wish." Li Shangshu said lightly.

"General Mo, have you ever been to the Scarlet Cloud Dynasty? I'm sure you haven't been, but you should have heard of the Lingxiao Palace Picture and the Five Wonders of "The God of War" promise."

Everyone was shocked, their expressions petrified.

The four major sects of the dynasty tried their best to recruit him, such a genius, he still wanted to stop?

General Mo was also extremely angry at this time. He didn't know these information at all, but people like Li Shangshu knew so well. Obviously the Eighth Prince told him these things.

In other words, Concubine Xian and the Seventh Prince deliberately concealed them!

It turns out that they were sacrificed when they came to court, and were they considered abandoned children?

The courtiers of the Seventh Prince's camp only felt sad.

These veterans, they helped the concubine and the seventh prince to suppress the other princes and concubines, and even the queen was emptied by them. Now the ship is leaking under the load, and they have become useless guys who were dropped off the ship.

Once a minister, life as a chess player!

At this time, the courtiers of the Seven Princes camp were all in a mood to refresh themselves.

Especially those vacillating courtiers, at this time have already regretted that their intestines are blue. They still joined the Seventh Prince camp, and now they are finally sinking.

At this time, Concubine Xian also had a slight face, and the eighth prince seemed to have already laid out.

This kid really fought with his mother, and she had seen it when she first came to Chishui County, so she tried to get rid of it.

Now, the son of that cheap woman has finally grown up and started to fight back in a Jedi. She should have rushed to kill him.

The Seventh Prince, his complexion was not very good-looking, it was really like a broken bamboo, and everyone pushed the wall down.

The current courtiers were obviously reluctant to stand up and speak, because they were afraid of offending the saint, fearing that the Eighth Prince and Chu Qianye would settle the accounts, so they simply shut up.

If they could refute the previous reasons, they could even pretend to be crazy, but now the palace lord of the Lingxiao Palace agreed to Chu Qianye's wish, which is quite deadly, and it is like a Taishan Mountain, it is impossible to cross it!

In the battle for the crown prince, the seventh prince has lost the bargaining chip.

All the courtiers knew this fact very well.

Unexpectedly, the seventh prince, the most promising, was finally defeated.

"General Mo? Why aren't you talking? The picture of the High Heaven Palace and the Five Wonders of "The God of War", I think you should have heard of it, after all, you said you belonged to a general." Li Shangshu laughed.

"It doesn't matter if you haven't heard of it," Chu Qianye said.

When everyone heard Chu Qianye speaking suddenly, they all turned their heads.

"A superior county? I'm not afraid! Liuyun Sect? I just need to open my mouth to destroy it."

Chu Qianye stepped on the soles of his feet, his black clothes were like ink, and his hair danced wildly.

"You, who can do anything to me?!" Chu Qianye said lightly.


Who can do anything to me, make the courtiers of the Seven Princes camp fearful and pale.

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