Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

: Announcement: readers, please click in

Open a single chapter to talk to everyone.

First of all, the author is here for the first time, without any fan base, thank you friends who like this work, thank you for your support/bow.

Let me talk about my own status first.

The author Jun has resigned for half a month. Writing books is the author's only source of income. We are not hypocritical, but in actual life, we have to face it, right? Money is used for rent, water and electricity, internet expenses and living expenses.

The author comes from a rural area and lives in a broken brick house. When it rains, there is basically no leakage in the bedside room, and the rainy feet remain unbroken!

The author also has the mother of Weishuang on the temples, frail and sickly, and her son wants to support her and does not wait for a kiss! The author is desperate every day, just to repay his elderly mother.

Father... long in bed.

There are two younger brothers who dropped out of school.

The above is the basic situation of the author, there is no exaggeration or modification!

Everyone's rewards, unblocking and guarding are the greatest recognition and encouragement to the author!

The website has a rule that a maximum of 10,000 characters are updated every day. The excess part does not count as the manuscript fee. Only when readers’ rewards and guardians reach about 200 yuan, the author can add 2,500 words, accumulating about 400 yuan, and can add 5,000 words. And so on.

Readers’ rewards are a gift, and the author cherishes this gift!

Everyone who rewards, guards, and unblocks has Devil Fruit, 1 yuan = 1 Devil Fruit. The author needs fruit very much. The top ten is rewarded with a hundred dollars. If you can get this reward, you can usually use it to treat diseases. The author thanks everyone, you really need it!

Full-time is not easy, it requires courage, 4D every day, it is perseverance, thank you not to leave, and hope not to give up!

The following is a list of thanks to the authors who recently rewarded, unblocked and guarded. If there is any omission, please understand.

Look ^ positive 6C version...Chapter, Section U: on Coolsmith

"Guardian List"

1. Take-off Cai Ba 2. Candle Love 3. Simple Happiness 4. Stone Fish 5. Drunken Sunset 6. Wayward Resignation 7. Silence is Golden 2509 "Reward List"

1. The head wolf 2. The taking-off Cai Ba 3. The smell of smoke is like you 4. The noisy and presumptuous youth 5. Li Yunlong 6. Mo Yunluo 7. I'm Can Meng 8. Liu Yongqing 9. Sailor 4f6f10. Against the sky Yufeng 11, Kongcheng 12, 13 on the surface, hope f66514, LuNa Yeyue "Unblocking List"

1. Unknown 26842, Dr. Lin 3, LuNa Yeyue 4, SKY Piggy 5, Take-off Cai Ba 6, Ren Lianggao 7, Gz Dongsheng 8, Angry Bold Man 9, Super Beautiful Girl 10, Guards of the Sky 11. Starfire e44612, Learn to cherish LV13, Doflamingoo14, Kongcheng ぃ15, Magic Eagle 16, Drunken Sunset 17, Longxingqizhou 18, Winter Sun 18de19, Eternal Deai 20, Sincerity 7e6b21, KINGW0e6b22, Su Huanzhen cffe23 , Cheng Hong 24, the other shore flower fba625, ice maple leaf cold: Xiaoqiao 26, silence is gold 250927, noisy and unbridled youth 28, YN429, filial loyalty 30, cloud 4fdb31, Luo Yangbing 32, the voice of darkness thanks to the above book friends ,thank you all!

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