Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 211: Power of blood

Chu Qianye, the martial arts has broken through again!

Seeing this scene, Wenren Muyue's beautiful eyes sparkled. If it weren't for staying, I'm afraid this scene would have been missed.

Chu Qianye, what kind of secrets do you have in your body? First, the martial soul shattered, and then the martial soul awakened, and then rose. It was out of control, red and purple, like the sky!

"Tomorrow's qualifying is interesting." Wenren Muyue covered her mouth and chuckled, "I don't know how many girls will be charmed."

She said this, but there was a bit of resentment in her eyes.

After Chu Qianye blasted out a punch, he immediately retracted, and nodded in satisfaction.

With my current physical strength, there should be no problem dealing with the second-order of the Profound Extreme Realm. But if you really want to meet the Seventh Prince in the battle, with my current martial arts cultivation base, the odds of a head-to-head win are only 30% certain. After all, the opponent is a martial arts of the fourth-order Xuanji realm. Such strength should not be underestimated.

With the temperament of the seventh prince, he should want to fight me close, so that I have to prepare for close stunts.


Chu Qianye's eyes shot a sharp light in vain.

Huang Quantian is angry!

Huangquan Tianwu, according to legend, is the stunt of Huangquan Demon Saint, belonging to the lower rank martial arts.

There are three types of this martial art: Huangquan Finger, Huangquan Palm and Huangquan Anger. I only mastered the Huangquan Finger, but this martial skill was created by a strong celestial realm after all.

Especially the last form of Huangquan Skywrath, it is even more extreme, human rage, ghost rage, sky rage... the power rises gradually.

Huang Quan points to life and death; Huang Quan is angry and breaks human souls!

If it is said that the most explosive martial arts in close proximity, among the martial arts that one has mastered, only this martial technique can be used, and it is also the most suitable to use against the Seventh Prince.

Blood qi is the most terrifying explosive point of Huangquan Tian's Fury. It has nothing to do with martial arts cultivation, nor does it have much to do with profound energy. It is just blood qi. The stronger the blood qi, the higher the bloodline, the more terrifying the explosive power.

His own bloodline is a god-rank bloodline, and the family pattern is also activated, and the blood qi is quite abundant, especially the Qiqiao Linglong bloodline, which is connected to the martial arts heart palace, and the blood qi is twice the previous.

Therefore, for him now, it is the best time to practice Huangquan Tianwu!

After he entered the inner palace, he rarely used Huangquan Skywrath. It is not that he dislikes, but that he understands that if his physical body and blood are not strong enough, the use of this martial skill will not have enough explosive power, and it will be a shame to the Huangquan Demon Saint who created this martial skill.

The more important point is that he knows very clearly that he can only remain invincible only if he retains his strength and is not completely exposed to others.

Especially now that he has limited resources for cultivation, he can't show his strength too frequently, otherwise he will be collected by Takeshi and thoroughly studied by his opponents. In the end, he will only suffer.

"It seems that Huang Quantian is angry and needs to practice again. If it is at a critical juncture, it might be a good choice to cooperate with Long Lidan." Chu Qianye secretly thought.

He closed his eyes and settled down, and entered the practice again.

This time, he stopped practicing and removed five small spirit gathering formations, leaving only four.

If the nine seats are running at the same time and you don’t practice, the profound energy here will be quite terrifying when he wakes up. It is very likely that his body will be shattered. The Spirit Gathering Formation, even if the profound energy gathers for one day, he can bear it.

"Continue to deduct the three variants of warfare."

With a move in his heart, he continued to deduct the three variants of the battle body, and his fingers began to pinch the strange fingerprints, and the blood in his body suddenly flowed in his flesh.

"Chiff chick."

In the martial arts heart palace, blood flowed back, passed through the seven orifices and exquisite bloodline, happily flowed into the main bloodline, and quickly moved around in Chu Qianye's body.

A faint blood glow slowly appeared around Chu Qianye's body.

With the blood qi running at high speed, a layer of blood qi slowly emerged behind Chu Qianye, this layer of blood qi slowly became rich, and a mysterious pattern was slowly condensed.

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Behind Chu Qianye, the Eye of Huangquan unexpectedly formed, and the movement of blood energy caused a layer of blood energy to appear in the Eye of Huangquan.

Two feet of huge blood pupil!

The blood pupil was faint at first, and then became clearer.

Wenren Muyue stood in the sky, her beautiful eyes shone with shock.

She was condescending and could clearly see the pattern behind Chu Qianye. At first she didn't feel anything, but when it became clear later, her face finally showed shock.

"Blood Wu!"

She is quite familiar with this pattern. Only when the martial artist fully understands the martial arts or supernatural powers, and fully enters the state, will such a scene appear. At this time, the combat power of the martial artist has also reached the strongest magical power or martial arts!

In other words, Chu Qianye now unconsciously, he has cultivated Huang Quanzhi to the strongest state.

The turning speed of his fingers became faster and faster, blood boiled around his body, and the blood pupils behind him became clearer.


He opened his eyes abruptly and jabbed his finger forward.


Fingerprints erupted terribly with monstrous air light, the void suddenly shattered, and the place where the finger had been poked collapsed suddenly, forming a crack spreading three feet!

The blood rushed forward and hit the test stone.


Swallowing blood like the sky, straight into the sky!

Wenren Muyue stared at the blood light in a daze, her eyes filled with incredible expression.

"Forty-five tripods of great power!"

She murmured: "Such a terrifying combat power can be erupted just by the surging of blood. If the test stone was just hit by the real fingerprint, wouldn't it be the great power of hundreds of dings?!"

Thinking of this, her pupils suddenly shrank slightly.

The great power of hundreds of dings, the warrior of the eighth-order of Huangji realm,...

What an enchanting talent is this, it is also rare on the path of profound energy!

"The first person in Jianhou Mansion, well deserved!"

Wen Ren Muyue looked at Chu Qianye, her eyes flickered.

She believes that tomorrow's Chu Qianye will shine, and the big sects of the Chiyun Dynasty will inevitably throw olive branches to attract.

Compared with Chu Qianye, her talent gap was too big. She was once a genius and praised by others, but compared with Chu Qianye, she suddenly felt ashamed of herself.

Not only Jianhou Mansion, but the Four University Mansion, there is no such warrior.

The spirit of martial arts shattered and re-emerged, but came step by step. Who had ever seen the tenacity and unyielding of a young man?

Because of forbearance, so bright;

I work hard because I am unwilling;

Be strong because of a fall!

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