Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 2077: Zun Gun

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and a clone appeared.


All the clones disappeared, and the clone that finally condensed in front of Chu Qianye.

"Thank you for the Five Elements Flag." Chu Qianye vomited lightly, and then tapped the sole of his foot, and a heavy ruler suddenly appeared in the palm of his hand, slapped viciously towards the Five Elements Flag.


With a muffled sound, the Five Elements Flag was photographed on the ground fiercely. Unable to help, an astonishing force shot the Five Elements Flag on the ground.


The Five Elements Banner seemed to be conscious. After being attacked by Chu Qianye, he immediately wanted to leave the area under his control, rushing towards the void directly in front of him as fast as lightning.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly.

The reason why they have to fly back when they are in front of him?

"Since it's here, stay."

The voice uttered faintly, and then the palm of his hand was turned over, an invisible handprint suddenly appeared in the air, holding the Five Elements Flag in his hand.

The handprints quickly retreated towards Chu Qianye, followed by the Five Elements Flag.

"Bastard!" Upon seeing this, Huatian Zhenren couldn't help but furious. After all, the Five Elements Banner was his treasure, but Chu Qianye was holding it tightly at this time, as if he wanted to take it for himself. He jumped into thunder in a moment.

Chu Qianye smiled faintly, and his palm shook, his invisible control was shocked by him, and Huatian Zhenren's expression changed drastically.

His final control was completely removed by Chu Qianye. When he wanted to continue to control the Five Elements Flag, it was already too late.

At this moment, while Chu Qianye got rid of the control of that innocent person, the deity was not idle either. He swept towards the position of the eye and suddenly took out a war sword from his palm.


In the area directly in front, there was a sudden wave of violent fluctuations in the void, and then countless phantoms appeared. Those phantoms swept across the sky and the earth toward Chu Qianye. The horror of such battles, after all, the oppressive force in it. , Quite terrible.

Feeling this breath of amazing power, everyone looked towards Chu Qianye’s position one after another. At this moment, Chu Qianye’s face also showed a dignified look, because he understood that this was the core of the entire formation. , Is not so easy to crack, usually there are at least three or four formations, so it is not so easy to crack.

Chu Qianye looked towards the area directly in front, a strange light flashed in his eyes.

He had anticipated this situation a long time ago.


Chu Qianye vomited lightly, then took out a magic pen and waved it towards the void. The war sword in his palm burst out with a radiant light in vain.

This is Chu Qianye swiping ink across the sky, forming an astonishing void inscription. The battle sword has produced a tremendous increase, which is equivalent to attaching an inscription to the battle sword, so it has produced an amazing increase in strength.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them with a look of horror on their faces, because they had witnessed amazing methods to attach inscriptions in the air. Such supernatural powers and abilities are rare in the gods, at least they are This method is not common.

The main reason for this is that it is very difficult. It is not very easy to attach the entire inscription to the war sword, and Chu Qianye can completely do this. What does this mean?

First is the formation attainments, and then the inscription attainments. Chu Qianye’s identity is certainly not simple. At least in this respect, he is very talented, and talent can explain a lot of things, especially at their level. I understand in my heart that talent is savvy, it is the reason that is stronger than them,

The same martial arts cultivation base, but because of different talents, combat power is also very different, and future achievements are also very different.

What exactly is Chu Qianye's identity?

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye with a strange light shining in their eyes. They were very curious in their hearts, and they were full of all kinds of speculations about Chu Qianye's identity.

Chu Qianye held the war sword in his hand and stepped out with the soles of his feet. In an instant, an astonishing force swept out of his body, forming an astonishing force, and rushed straight to the front. Go ahead.

There was a terrifying sword intent, and everyone was shocked to see that in the area directly in front of Chu Qianye, the sword energy went straight, and the void vibrations in front of him had not yet condensed. When it succeeded, it was shocked into nothingness in an instant.


The void in front of him, that is, the area where the Array Eye is located, suddenly produced a dazzling light, and that astonishing force was extremely tyrannical, roaring fiercely in the world.

At this moment, the real Huatian who was fighting Zhao Lisi suddenly shrank his pupils, raised his head, and looked towards the area where Chu Qianye was, and he couldn't help showing an unbelievable look.

He now finally confirmed that Chu Qianye was truly aware of the existence of the Array Eye, and not only that, Chu Qianye was not only aware of it, but also had corresponding strategies and methods to deal with the organs and traps around the Array Eye. .

His face suddenly sank, and his entire face suddenly showed an ugly expression.

At this time, if he is not yet conscious. Then it really failed. This amazing tyrannical force completely surpassed his imagination. This is a very tyrannical divine power, completely surpassed his imagination, especially Chu Qianye's condensed brushstroke. The successful inscription means completely surpassed many array mages, which is not something ordinary people can do.

Zhao Lisi seemed to be able to see something from Hua Tianzheng's eyes, but he dared not take it lightly, trying to deal with Hua Tianzheng seriously, and to fight for more time and opportunities for Chu Qianye.

At this moment, Chu Qianye was holding a war sword, and he continued to plunder straight ahead. The war sword in his palm burst out with a dazzling light, and the dazzling sword light violently plundered the void straight ahead. Going away, in an instant the effort swept to the area directly in front.


In an instant, the area right in front was suddenly distorted and shattered, and then Chu Qianye saw that in that void position, those amazing powers were all shattered and collapsed by Chu Qianye's sword.

But Chu Qianye Jieyin slammed his punch towards the front eye.


In an instant, an astonishing force exploded fiercely in the area directly in front, and everyone was shocked to discover that in the area directly in front, the astonishing force completely moved the position of the eye. Give it a complete shock.

At this time, the area directly in front of Chu Qianye collapsed and shattered fiercely under Chu Qianye’s fist, and immediately revealed a black long spear, the breath and oppression from that long spear. Completely cover up all the breath and fluctuations.

Respect the gun!

Three vigorous fonts appeared on the gun body.

Everyone raised their heads suspiciously and looked towards the area where Chu Qianye was.

"Chaos artifact!" A voice resounded with excitement.

At this time, everyone's eyes flashed a touch of greed.

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