Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 2025: A tragic break

This result is obviously unexpected.

"This is the end?"

"It's so fast, I have never watched it."

"Actually, the most exciting part of the formation theory is not in this round, but the second and third rounds, as well as the fourth round. Set up and break the formation, these two are the most test of the strength and strength of a formation mage. ."


Everyone looked at the figure below, with surprised expressions on their faces.

The martial artists on the formation platform were obviously relieved when they heard the bell.

In the second round, the ratio is the speed of breaking the formation. This round has no pressure for him, and he can basically enter the third round.

In the third round, there was no problem, and the fourth round was almost locked.

"This first round is over." Shi Zhengqing said: "The next round is the second round. This time the comparison is the speed of breaking the formation. The last fifty are eliminated and will miss the third round. You guys. The formation you entered is the same formation. You cannot break the formation forcibly. If you want to break the formation forcibly, the formation will send you out and you will be eliminated."

When they heard this, everyone felt tensed, knowing that the next time, they may be desperate, and if nothing happens, the second round will be extremely fast. After all, 100 people eliminated 50 people, half of them Probability, it is really difficult to enter the third round. They all understand each other very well, and even this point.

"Very good, I believe you should all know it." Shi Zhengqing said lightly: "The second round of competition begins now."

Everyone looked startled, so it started?

Many people have not awakened. This speed is a bit faster. After all, they have just finished a round of competition. Is this going to start again?

This kind of speed is really too fast. I think it’s weird when I think about it. What’s most important is that the time before and after this seems to be only a few minutes past. The most important thing is that you let us compete. What about the formation, where is the formation?

Countless doubts flashed in the eyes of everyone, and Chu Qianye's mind flashed.

This is also a test. As a formation mage, the most important thing is to be sensitive to the formation. If you are in the formation but don't know where the formation is, this is the biggest mistake, because you may be trapped in the opponent. The formation of the enemy might be a matter of nine out of ten.

Moreover, according to Shi Zhengqing, this formation is very likely to be on this formation platform, and the reason why they did not notice it is because the formation has already existed since they first landed in this area. And will always be there.

Array mage needs to have super keen perception, if you can't even perceive the formation, it would be quite dangerous.

In fact, after this sentence, many people's first reaction is to ask, is this the beginning? Where is the formation?

As for the smart and sensitive people, when they heard Shi Zhengqing's words, their first reaction was to expand their perception, spread the perception, and find out where the formation was.

Chu Qianye is like that. The moment Shi Zhengqing finished speaking this sentence, he started his soul perception almost at the same time, and he soon discovered that on this formation platform, there are actually formations, and this formation is very delicate, thinking It’s really not that easy to break this formation. You have to find the right way. If you want to break the formation forcibly, it will be tragedy. As Shi Zhengqing said, if it is such a law enforcement, it will be Send it out, eliminate it.

The most important thing is that this formation is still very sensitive and belongs to the formation in the formation. If you want to break this formation, you need to have a very sensitive perception. Only in this way can you break this formation.

Chu Qianye began to perceive, and completely enveloped the entire array of formations, and under the shroud of his perception, the structure of the array became clear.


Chu Qianye frowned. This formation is a bit weird. No matter how you crack it or avoid the organs in those formations, it will always inspire another type of organ, and then cause a huge impact on yourself. Deep down, like a swamp, hard to extricate yourself!

Thinking of this situation, Chu Qianye couldn't help flashing a trace of doubt in his eyes.

Hey, this formation is very delicate. If you are too impatient to break the formation, it may be counterproductive and it will only take more time to solve those organs.

A thought flashed across Chu Qianye's mind. When his thoughts flashed past, someone had already broken the formation.


At this time, there was an array mage in the area directly in front of him. He tried to break the formation, but the tide-like power immediately surged towards this area and hit him fiercely.

"Boom! Boom!!!"

A series of ice cones smashed towards him fiercely. On the formation stage, the temperature dropped to the freezing point in an instant, giving him an invisible sense of oppression, that amazing power and terrifying.

Everyone looked at the figure one after another. In an instant, everyone’s pupils suddenly shrank, because he knew very well that this is the most typical formation in the formation, and there are formations in the formation, and this The formation mage, because he was anxious to break the formation, did not realize that there was another formation in this formation, and activated the formation in an instant, so this ice cone appeared.

The man's face changed drastically, and he quickly took out a war sword and cut off the cone of ice that had fallen over the sky.

Almost at the same time, other formation masters were also facing this situation. Numerous formations were activated. On the formation platform, from a distance, various organs appeared.

"Boom! Boom!!!"


Some people can stop it, maybe there is nothing, but some people can't support it soon, and immediately shouted to give up, and some people have been strangled by the heavy organs before they had time to give up.

The formations at this level are crazy enough to make people fearful. After all, there are too many formations and too fierce. Once the formations are activated, the impact generated is quite terrifying. They strangled so many array mages in an instant. It is even doubtful that the comparison is not the speed of breaking the formation, but who can hold on to the end.

In an instant, the seven array mages were eliminated immediately.

There were also six people who were strangled. Unknowingly, a hundred people were fighting. In a blink of an eye, only 87 people were left, and no one can tell this situation. After all, it is still going on. Be eliminated.

Chu Qianye frowned. This formation in formation is actually powerful. At least for ordinary people, it is not too easy to break through.

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