Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 2001: The strong

Natural treasures.

Four vigorous and powerful fonts are written on that book.

Chu Qianye was startled, and couldn't help taking a deep breath. He quickly opened the book, and the golden light immediately dazzled.

When Chu Qianye finished reading the book, he couldn't help but breathe in air.

The sacred stone veins mentioned here are very detailed, and more importantly, there are specific methods to guide the excavation. This Tiandao Library is really terrifying, and it is suffocating to think about it.

At least ten methods mentioned in this book are suitable for him.

However, Chu Qianye wanted to try the original method, the perfect combination of gathering the spirit formation, attracting the spirit formation, and refining the formation. If nothing else, there is no need to dig the vein of the **** stone. Anyway, they need It's just the gods inside. As long as they are gathered together with the Spirit Leading Array and the Spirit Gathering Array, plus the Refining Array, there shouldn't be much problem.

"Huzi, you order to go down. In the future, you can let the sect of Longmen go to experience, and enter the secret space to absorb those gods and spirits, so that you can quickly increase your strength." Chu Qianye said.

Qin Hu's expression was startled, and then he showed a look of surprise, he seemed to remember something.

"Sect Master, you mean..."

Chu Qianye nodded.

"It's still the method in the market world, combining the three formations, gathering the spirit formation, attracting the spirit formation and refining formation, but I need to prepare some materials to seal the place." Chu Qianye said, "You should try your best during this time. Improve your strength, go out and practice more, and then absorb those **** stones. When you are about to consume the **** stones, you should be able to formally absorb those gods."

The faces of everyone were ecstatic.

In the God Realm, although the spirit is very abundant, it is really difficult to use this to cultivate and improve the martial arts cultivation level. After all, the spirit has to be refined into the gods. This process is too long, but the gods have With a very vigorous air, this is very different, as long as you have this kind of drawing power, you can quickly improve.

In the Profound Qi Continent, they have the secret space of Chu Qianye and the perfect combination of the three formations, so their strength has increased so quickly. They know this very well, so if they repeat their old skills this time, they may be able to recreate them. A legend.

Therefore, when Chu Qianye said these words, everyone's faces were filled with thick smiles.

"Aotian come with me. Others can do whatever they want, practice, and experience. Anyway, improve the martial arts cultivation level." Chu Qianye hurriedly ordered, and then began to collect sealing materials without stopping.

These materials are really hard to find. Fortunately, Chu Qianye has time, and the two people that Yuchi introduced earlier, Chu Qianye just happened to be able to use it.

Ye Ruolan is the best in business, and Chu Qianye naturally knows how to sacrifice what benefits.

And Ye Ruolan also knew that an alchemist had a rare favor, and Chu Qianye took the initiative to ask her for help. Naturally, she was always happy and quickly helped Chu Qianye find the materials for the seal.

However, it also took three days.

As for Jin Hongwen, this man's martial arts cultivation is unfathomable, so he didn't go to the other party.

The main reason is that the two people have just met, so they are not very good at talking. In this case, it is naturally better to do more than to do less. The road ahead will be long.

As for the Yang Family, they have never appeared since taking his Di'er God Pill. During this period of time, the Yang Family has been struggling with martial arts cultivation and improving combat strength. Chu Qianye knew this, so he did not Look for the Yang family, otherwise he doesn't need to look for Ye Ruolan.

"If you want to seal it, you may still need some manpower. I am afraid it will be difficult to do it with the two of us alone." Long Aotian said.

"I know this naturally." Chu Qianye nodded gently: "Anyway, I have my own way."

When Long Aotian heard Chu Qianye say this, he stopped saying more.

Now that the medicinal materials have been prepared, it is time to set off for the sacred stone vein.

Chu Qianye raised his head and looked towards the position of the void. Immediately, with a touch of the sole of his foot, his figure rushed towards the void directly in front of him, and his effort disappeared in the blink of an eye. When he appeared again in the next moment, it was already. In the other one comes the void.

Immediately, the divine ship was called out, turned into a streamer, and swept towards an area directly in front, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

After flying for two hours, I finally found the location of the sacred stone vein.

There are a total of three sacred stone veins below, but they are huge, with mountains tens of thousands of miles long, and extremely hidden, which is not something ordinary people can detect.

Chu Qianye's divine boat appeared, and two figures below turned into streamers.


After the two streamers stopped, they immediately greeted Chu Qianye.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Looking at the divine stone veins below, Chu Qianye nodded gently.

For him, this vein is actually not big, he can still control it, and as he expected, this sacred stone vein should belong to the kind of sacred stone vein that has not undergone any displacement or exposure.

When he was in the Profound Qi Continent, Chu Qianye had seen the veins of the spirit stone, which can be said to be very huge, but unfortunately they were all excavated. What made him even more helpless was that those spirit stones were destroyed because of the river. The river water was forcibly impacted, so it rushed out and was exposed to the air.

This is very bad. After all, spiritual stones or sacred stones can produce great energy fluctuations, and all beasts will feel them, and then come to occupy the land as kings, and even use these sacred stones or spiritual stones to cultivate, not only consumes, but also There will also be a great opportunity to be exposed to the martial arts practitioners, and by that time everyone will rob them.

Obviously, this kind of thing is very detrimental to the monopoly of resources for cultivation.

It's very good now. The sacred stone veins below are not exposed so severely, which is quite good.

"Very complete sacred stone vein!" Long Aotian exclaimed: "In the realm of the gods, there have been few such sacred stone veins."

Chu Qianye nodded lightly and shook his head again.

"In fact, this is not the case. Now in the God Realm, this kind of sacred stone vein still exists, but it is dictated by some strong people and strength. If we also have extremely high strength, we don't have to worry about this problem at all. If I'm not mistaken, the Nine Emperors have this kind of sacred stone veins." Chu Qianye vomited lightly:

"It's also bigger and more. In a world where the strong are respected, whoever has a strong fist will have more resources. This is the eternal truth."

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