Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1976: Ten days and a half month

The fire dragon and fire phoenix swept towards Danding


With a muffled sound, Danding trembled, and the voice stretched for a long time, spreading wildly, endlessly.

Everyone stared at it, but saw that the pill cauldron was burned to red for a while, and Chu Qianye's palm swept across the thousands of phantoms, rushing towards the pill cauldron violently.

Everyone looked at the battle in front of them, and couldn't help taking a breath of air. These medicinal materials all felt numb on their scalp, let alone the person who personally controls these medicinal materials?

How much soul control does it take to do this?

The people looked at the overwhelming phantoms and couldn't help but take a breath of cold air. In their eyes, the light flickered for a while, looking at the Danding, and couldn't help taking a deep breath.

For them, controlling so many medicinal materials is simply not something ordinary people can do. After all, such a huge amount of medicinal materials feels terrifying to look at.

Those medicinal materials swept into the Danding, and then quickly burned, and finally they were refined into powder or liquid form, suspended in the air, and appeared crystal clear under the sunlight.

Everyone looked at the scene in front of them, and couldn't help but wonder.

This refined medicinal material still looks very spectacular and has a great visual impact. It feels very glorious glass when you look at it like this.

They had never thought that refining the pill could be so beautiful, some girls with a heart, watching this scene in front of them, they were all surprised.

However, some alchemists were shocked.

The so-called layman watch the excitement, and the insider watch the doorway.

This seems to be nothing more than refining medicinal materials. At most, I think it looks better, but for their alchemists, this is indeed an extremely difficult refining technique to control.

"Glass refining method!"

"Very ancient alchemy methods have been lost for thousands of years. If I remember correctly, only a few people in the God Realm can do it, and one of them is a **** emperor."

"You mean Emperor Wudi?"

"Yes, it is him!"

"Awesome, who is this person, who is actually good at such alchemy methods, I am afraid that the identity is not simple."


Everyone looked at this scene and talked about it.

Chu Qianye stared straight ahead, he did not have the slightest mood swing, or that his face was calm.

The Yang family needed four God Pills for Crossing. In order to prevent the phenomenon of destroying the pill, the medicinal materials refined by Chu Qianye were fully prepared to refine six God Pills for Crossing. In this way, even if two of the God Pills were destroyed. , Then he can also hand over to each other.

The process of Chu Qianye's refining was not too difficult. After all of these more than a thousand kinds of medicinal materials entered the Danding, they were refined and separated immediately, suspended in the air. These are all classified medicinal materials, Chu Qianye fundamentally He didn't care how much, anyway, he had enough confidence, after extracting it, he smoothly condensed it into a pill.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, and then continued to refine.

Soon, all the medicinal materials have been refined. The medicinal materials suspended in the air are densely packed and huge in number. If there is no super high soul power, let alone condensing pills, it is separation. These medicinal materials are a big problem. Fortunately, Chu Qianye's current soul realm spirit has already been upgraded to the early stage of the spiritual realm, otherwise it would be really not so easy to control these medicinal materials.

Now that the refining has been completed, the next step is very simple, and the next step is to condense pills. This process may be very long. According to his calculation, it will take at least eight or nine days. There is no ten days and a half month, and it is really not necessarily Able to refine so many Di'er God Pill.

Moreover, the next period of time will be very important. He needs to capture the energy from all directions and compress it so that it can successfully complete the condensing pill. This process is also very long and must be carried out gradually. Otherwise, if you are too anxious, it is easy to destroy the Dan.

Chu Qianye's current alchemy methods and mentality are naturally not so irritable. Anyway, he has time. He did not slowly refine these pills to ensure the rate of alchemy. This is very important and the key point. To fully control the whole process, as long as there is a slight difference, it will fail.

Chu Qianye stared at the pill cauldron directly in front of him, his palms kept forming seals, and masses of medicinal powder and medicinal liquid were fused together, and then went straight to the pill cauldron and swept away, burning in the terrifying temperature, continuously He made a sneer, but because of the existence of Chu Qianye's soul power, it was not the refined medicinal materials that were directly burned, but the refined medicinal materials were continuously burned at a controllable temperature.

Under the burning of these profound fires, the medicinal materials finally gradually merged, and this process was very long. Although visible to the naked eye, it was very slow, and Chu Qianye had already known this process.

With a move in his heart, Chu Qianye's palm was sealed, and a strange handprint was formed. The refined medicinal materials rushed towards the pill cauldron, and gradually merged under the burning of the pill fire.

One group, two groups, three groups, ... a total of six groups of medicinal materials gradually merged under the burning of this pill fire, and the fusion of this process seems to be slow, but there are traces to follow.

Like an old monk entering concentration, Chu Qianye closed his eyes and settled down, sitting cross-legged there. His hands suddenly became imprinted, and he stopped, and kept turning his hands. The medicinal materials in the pill cauldron were gradually burned and merged.

Time flows quietly between fingers, half an hour, one hour, two hours,...

One day, two days, three days,...

Chu Qianye didn't make the slightest movement, as if he didn't care.

Countless energies surging from all directions frantically, Chu Qianye's magical powers were used to the extreme, capturing all the energy between heaven and earth.

With the passage of time, the energy gathered in this way has reached the essence, condensed into a liquid state, and swept towards the Danding as if the nine-day Shenhe River poured down.

The strange sound of rushing, faintly audible.

But the world shook suddenly at this moment. Everyone raised their heads and looked in the direction of Chu Qianye, with a shocking expression on their faces. Their eyes were filled with disbelief. Look.

On the ninth day, bursts of strange pill incense came out of the Danding.

Everyone was shocked when they smelled this pill incense.

"Is it finally becoming a pill?"

"It's so long, ten days and a half months."

"You know what a fart, this is a normal time. This is the God of Die Pill, not an ordinary pill. Ten days and a half months is a normal time. It will take a month or two for a later date. He is fast. ."

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