Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1754: Seven-fold grave

Seeing Zhuli escaping from this void, Chu Qianye suddenly showed disdain.

But now that the other party has fled, it is not practical to catch up, and he is not willing to waste too much time. Zhuli is pierced into his shoulder by his sword. Although it is not fatal, it is not so much to recover in the short term. Easy.

And he still has important things to do, there is no need to waste so much time pursuing someone.

Soul Hunting Palace will be destroyed sooner or later.

After he succeeded in proving the Dao and stepped into the dominance state, at that time, the Soul Hunting Palace would fall apart sooner or later, and he didn't need to act personally.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye glanced lightly at the deeper part of the tomb of God.

The area where he is now should be the tomb of the six-fold gods, and he has to go deeper. This tomb of the six-fold gods may be a good location for others. Just hunt and kill energy bodies here to obtain energy cores. , Martial Dao cultivation is not difficult to improve, but now he doesn't need too many energy cores, so it doesn't make much sense to stay here.

Chu Qianye looked towards the area directly in front.

You can also chase Zhuli and others at the same time.

These guys came to the door, and their motive was to make the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons owe them favors. Obviously, they regarded him as a confession gift, and Chu Qianye's black and bright eyes became deeper and deeper.

"All have to die."

Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

After he finished speaking, Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at the area directly in front of him. In the depths of the tomb of the gods, a light gleamed.


At a deeper position, a huge energy light curtain suddenly appeared, and an extremely powerful energy pressure also diffused from it...

‘What a strong pressure, there should be the tomb of the seventh god, but if you want to pass its light curtain, if you don’t have enough strength, I’m afraid it will be directly crushed into powder...’

Chu Qianye looked at the energy light curtain directly in front, and thought to himself.

At the same time, he raised his head, looked at the floating energy cores in the distance, and then no longer hesitated. With a wave of his palm, all those energy cores swept toward his sleeves, and then turned into rays of light, completely. The earth disappeared into the sky.

Chu Qianye slowly raised his head, and then moved towards the position of the energy light curtain.

In the blink of an eye, Chu Qianye swept to the energy light curtain.

The energy around him madly swept out of it.

Chu Qianye's figure stopped outside the energy light curtain.

He raised his head and stared at the energy light curtain in front of him.

Put the palm lightly in it, feeling the pressure of energy.

Sure enough, as he expected, this energy is indeed very violent. Such a crazy power is enough to kill the warriors below the two corpse Dao saints. This seven-layered tomb is really no small thing.

Chu Qianye thought to himself: If he can't reach the two corpse road saints, even if he enters the tomb of the seven gods, he is probably going to die.

If this is the case, then you have to be more cautious, after all, if you enter such a place, it is indeed extremely dangerous.

This is only the tomb of the Seven Layers of Gods, if you enter the tomb of the Eight Layers of Gods, I'm afraid that there is no martial art cultivation base of the Three Corpse Dao Saints, I guess I dare not enter it hastily.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, then a little on the sole of his foot, and his figure rushed forward, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

As Chu Qianye stepped into the light curtain gradually, a tyrannical coercion squeezed fiercely, but at the moment of contact with Chu Qianye's body, a flame burned that coercion into nothingness, and the tyrannical force also All were resisted down.

Beyond the hundred meters where Chu Qianye walked out of the energy light curtain, the tyrannical pressure finally slowly weakened.

Chu Qianye squinted his eyes, and then speeded up his pace in vain, quickly passing through the huge energy light curtain of hundreds of meters, and soon he completely left the energy light curtain.


Upon seeing this, Chu Qianye couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The oppression of the energy light curtain is still very terrifying. If he hadn't had a profound fire, I'm afraid that this energy would have crushed him, and he might even collapse.

As soon as Chu Qianye wanted to observe the surroundings, a chill suddenly appeared in his heart, silver light flashed on the soles of his feet, and his body shivered and turned into an afterimage to move forward.


When he just landed on the soles of his feet, a few unusually strong energy energies rushed to his son like lightning, and the energy of Kuangbo instantly tore the tragic things into powder.

Because of the profound fire protection around Chu Qianye's body, those energies were shaken invisible and dissipated between the heaven and the earth when they were close to half an inch away from him.

He frowned and raised his head.

More than ten meters in front of him, dozens of energies are floating out of thin air, and their hollow and indifferent eyes are tightly locked on him.

It was actually an energy body, and its strength was terrifying.

Looking at these powerful energy bodies, Chu Qianye frowned more tightly.

If it's one or two, it doesn't matter, but before his eyes is Ten Brothers, he has never encountered this kind of battle, at least the energy body he has come into contact with, this should be regarded as the first time.

These lineups, placed on the Sixteenth Wilderness, belong to a top-notch first-rate sect force, but it is a pity that these are just energy bodies.

It’s correct to say that they are very powerful, but it is precisely because of this that they will attract more greedy eyes, not to mention the two corpse Dao saints, even if they are the three corpse Dao saints, the warriors on the Sixteenth Wilderness will probably do everything possible. Beheaded.

No, this energy body, logically speaking, it is impossible to appear so concentrated, it is still near the energy light curtain.

Chu Qianye suddenly became vigilant.

Immediately, a **** smell caught his attention.

He raised his head and looked around.

Not far away, the cores of several fierce beasts had already cracked at this time, the blood spilled away, and there was a strong energy that followed.

Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed slightly, and there are not many people who can do this kind of thing. It must be Zhuli that those guys are undoubtedly. One is to prevent him from chasing. If this is the case, these energy bodies can block, and second, you can get revenge. , Even Zhuli might be here nearby, just waiting for him to be seriously injured, and then he would make up the knife.

Although this is just speculation, it may be true.

Chu Qianye raised his head and looked around.

However, the most important thing at the moment is to get rid of these energy bodies first, otherwise more energy bodies will be attracted.

‘Quick battle, quick decision, or late changes...’

Chu Qianye thought to himself.

Then the figure flickered and disappeared strangely, and the next moment, Chu Qianye's palm slammed out, and an energy body shattered with a bang, and the energy dissipated in the world, leaving only one energy core. .

After removing one energy body, Chu Qianye rushed toward the other energy body again.

The battle lasted for a while. In less than three minutes, Chu Qianye killed ten energy bodies, and ten energy nuclei the size of pigeon eggs appeared in his palm, and the rich energy spilled out. , Like mist, lingers around.

For him, these things are not necessary, but for Longmen Shouzhong, they are all supplements.

With a wave of his palm, he put all those things in his sleeves.

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