Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1691: 50% qualify

The two went to the battle platform.

In full view, the battle finally started!

With a roar, the candidate for the dominion of the sun took the lead in launching an attack.

The powerful martial arts cultivation base rushed out frantically.

Two corpses Dao Sheng!

The Three Corpses Dao Sheng!

The power of the powerful stars rushed out frantically, condensing the sky and the earth on his fist, and the powerful force immediately burst out frantically. Wherever the fist reached, the void collapsed and shattered, but quickly I was shattered to the invisible by an invisible force...

Everyone couldn't help but shudder in their hearts.

After all, this is a powerful Dao Sage, a punch he slammed casually, causing the void to collapse and shatter in an instant, this kind of power is very amazing, no one dare to easily block this punch.

Upon seeing this, Ziyuan and Lin Yun showed solemn expressions on their faces.

However, at this time they had no other retreat. There was only one battle before them, and they had to use Chu Qianye's previous method.

Whether Chu Qianye’s talent or the power of his bloodline made them believe in Chu Qianye, they all felt that the strategy Chu Qianye said was very feasible, so the following consciousness works in the body. The power of the stars.

Lin Yun took a deep breath.

As a result, he closed his eyes, and the fist that blasted directly in front of him solidified in an instant, and suddenly layers of faint aura appeared on the battle platform, which enveloped everyone in it.

Feeling this power, everyone suddenly looked startled.

"Create a dream?"

In an instant, everyone woke up, and instantly recognized what Lin Yun was doing.

"Hehe, they are all Dao Sages, but they want to create dreams to trap their opponents?"

Seeing this scene, everyone showed surprised expressions, more cynicism and disdain.

However, they were surprised that the candidate dominated by the sun did not show the slightest movement. This scene made many people look surprised.

Obviously, none of them knew what happened.

"What the **** is this?"

"Uh, I can't seem to wake up."

"How is this possible, they are Daosheng after all."

At this time, Ziyuan was equally surprised. He didn't expect Chu Qianye's method to be effective.

But at this time, he knew very well in his heart that he had to shoot as soon as possible. Only by killing three people or flying out of the battlefield could he be counted as eliminated opponents.

Ziyuan took a deep breath, touched the soles of his feet, and his figure rushed toward those figures, and in the blink of an eye, they rushed in front of them.

Punch out immediately.


A muffled noise spread throughout the battlefield.

The man was thrown off by Ziyuan.


A mouthful of blood spurted out, and when he woke up, he had been knocked out.

"Quickly wake up!" The man took advantage of the moment he was knocked out, suddenly sinking into his dantian and shouting violently.

According to the rules, as long as you haven't fallen on the battlefield, you are still on the battlefield, not eliminated, and once eliminated, you can't get involved in the battle on the battlefield.

Therefore, his violent shout now is not considered a violation.

The two figures seemed to wake up instantly because of this violent shout, and when they saw the other person being knocked out of the battlefield, their faces suddenly appeared in surprise.


At this moment, the two of them woke up.

The viewing stage is already boiling.

"Made, a mentally retarded thing."

"Uncle, this is okay?"

"It's over, how do I feel I am losing merit points."


Dominate the seat.

The expression of the ruler of the sun is not very good-looking. The battlefield that was originally a winner was suddenly eliminated, and he entered the dream created by the opponent. This is impossible for many strong people.

Yingyue's dominator's expression was startled, and then his eyes flickered.

She seemed to remember that Chu Qianye had communicated with Ziyuan and Lin Yun earlier, this should be his strategy.

Unexpectedly, one of the candidates dominated by the sun was really eliminated. In this way, the number was already fair, and even if she lost, she wouldn't worry about it.


The two candidates dominated by the sun apparently woke up at this time, and they immediately yelled, and then the soles of their feet were touched, and their figures rushed forward, and the powerful star power immediately came from their bodies madly. Surge out from within.

Across a long distance, the power of the stars surged out, and then condensed in his fist, roaring out in an instant, that amazing breath of power surged crazily between the heaven and the earth.

Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank at this moment.

It seems that this time is going to be desperate.

Ziyuan and Lin Yun glanced at each other, and then did not hesitate, with a touch of the sole of the foot, the figure rushed out, and the fist followed.

Invisible and visible attacks are combined at the same time.

The fist blasted out a long distance away.

A meteor burst with a punch, and the fist is full of heights!

The invisible soul attack, followed by an overwhelming sweep in an instant.

The two of them didn't expect Ziyuan and Lin Yun to use these moves.

As a result, the bodies of the two who burst into the rush suddenly stiffened. Although the movement of this figure only took one second, when the master made a move, this second of time was also extremely deadly!

The two of them did not wake up at all, and Ziyuan and Lin Yun immediately rushed to the two of them. According to the previous strategy, they focused on attacking one person and eliminated them one by one.

The two slammed their punches at the man almost at the same time.

With two fists, the man's face changed drastically.

"Boom! Boom!!!"

Two muffled sounds occurred almost simultaneously. The man paled for a while, then he vomited blood, and the breath in his body was also messed up.

"damn it!"

The other person also woke up, obviously not expecting that the two would use their souls to attack.

Based on their intelligence knowledge of these two people, they are not good at soul attacks at all, but what do they say at this time?

They suddenly thought of someone.

Chu Qianye!

Only this kid is good at soul attacks, and their previous exchanges also divided the mysterious fire between the two. It turned out to be so!

However, Dao Sheng is a Dao Sheng, and his strength is still very powerful. Despite being attacked by the two, he survived.

Swallowing the pill, the battle begins again.

In the blink of an eye, hundreds of rounds have already taken place.

Dimly, the fight was trembling.

Ziyuan and Lin Yun glanced at each other. They had expected this situation a long time ago, and the strategy Chu Qianye had given them earlier was precisely to resolve this deadlock.

The profound fire in the body revolved in a flash.

The Three Burning Technique suddenly operated.

The martial arts breath, soaring frantically...

The two have a little sole and work together to deal with one person.


In the face of the two people whose strength has skyrocketed, the candidate to dominate over the sun is not an opponent at all.

One of them was eliminated soon.

Ziyuan and Lin Yun did not hesitate, then turned their heads to deal with the remaining one.


The man was shot off the battlefield.

He raised his head unwillingly.


In this case, Chu Qianye's trio's chance of qualifying is 50% higher. As long as Chu Qianye can accept the challenge of the loser group and win, then the trio will qualify for the winner group.

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