Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1602: Illusion and reality

The Baguio female emperor was holding a war sword, violently plundering, and then bursting towards Chu Qianye's chest, and when Chu Qianye was sinking into her body, she was about to merge with that Hongmeng Purple Qi. He lost his dantian, and a monstrous energy burst out from the war sword, and immediately rushed toward his soul.


Without warning, an explosion resounded.

Chu Qianye was dying. He opened his eyes and showed incredible gaze, staring at the Baguio Empress.


He asked.

The Baguio Empress did not speak, her face was cold.

Chu Qianye crushed a piece of white rabbit jade.


A huge energy immediately swept away with him as the center, wherever it went, the void collapsed and shattered...

Chu Qianye glanced at it, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be a few phantoms outside the main hall gate, one of whom was wearing a cloak and couldn't see clearly.

Chu Qianye's heart was shocked and tried to go back, but he couldn't control it at all. Almost all the pictures flashed past.

Although this phantom is very pale, Chu Qianye can see it clearly. Obviously, this person exists. At least the mottled phantom has proved that when the Baguio Empress killed him, this People used to stand by.

Thinking of this, Chu Qianye couldn't help but feel chills in his back.

No matter who this person is, if he has ever really existed, it would be terrifying to think about it. After all, with his original strength, it is impossible to be unaware, unless he appears later.

But even later, Chu Qianye, after he was pierced through the chest by the Baguio Empress’s sword, he felt so powerful and so keen, how could he not notice it?

Therefore, there is only one such possibility, and the opponent's strength is not weak, at least he can't detect it, and being able to achieve this level is one of the few in the entire God's Domain!

Therefore, the person in this phantom is very important, or the key person in the whole incident.

The Empress of Baguio, why did she take the shot at that time? Why didn't you make a move before? She obviously had a chance before, why did she choose that time?

And who is this phantom?

These kinds of questions flashed through his mind almost at the same time.

This is, he repeats the deduction, but can no longer reproduce the past, it seems that there is a dark shadow, and he can't capture other important information at all.

It seemed that it was useless to try hard now.

Next, we need to deduce the man who killed the old man Jian. Who is behind this scene? Why is it also a member of "them"? Who are these "they"?

Several thoughts flashed in Chu Qianye's mind, he gave up recreating his past life, and then turned to deduct the death of Old Man Jian, his eyes flickered.

In the constructed space, there was a chaotic atmosphere scattered around.

Chu Qianye began to deduct.

Because this matter has nothing to do with him, he cannot reproduce the past, and can only deduce some relevant information from it. In fact, these "them" messages are not many, but they are all extremely critical.

Message 1: The death of the old man Jian, in fact, there is a clue to the high-level Wushi;

Message 2: The death of the old man is also related to an ancient person. If he guessed correctly, he should be the king of beast Kun;

Message 3: The death of Old Man Jian, the result of the deduction, life and death is not clear, which made Chu Qianye extremely suspicious.

Almost all other information overlaps and has little reference value, but these information is almost all he already knows, so for him, the value and significance of reference are not great.

In this case, only Message Three is of value to him.

Why is the result of the deduction not so clear in terms of life and death?

This made him feel very incomprehensible, because life and death are very simple, either life or death, there is no such existence in between. If a person dies, then the soul may reincarnate. A soul that does not reincarnate, unless it is very powerful, can take the initiative to cultivate, and finally resurrect with a corpse.

Therefore, this result Chu Qianye felt very strange.

As a result of the deduction, neither said death nor sentenced life. Is this life or death?

Chu Qianye frowned.

Regarding the death of Old Man Jian, Chu Qianye also felt very weird. He had never seen Old Man Jian at all, but someone passed a message to him. He did not witness the death of Old Man Jian, and that fellow Tang Feng , Also denied homicide, and said that they had left, but why would someone disguise their appearance and become Tang Feng's appearance to kill the old sword man?

Who witnessed the death of Old Man Jian with his own eyes?

It seems that there is no explanation, saying that he was forced to blew himself up, but who can prove this matter?

This matter is getting more and more weird, and even Hetu Luoshu can't predict it?

Thinking about it, he felt that his back was chilling. He always felt that an invisible hand was controlling all of this, and these dolls could not control his own destiny from beginning to end.

Chu Qianye tried to deduce "them" again.

It is a pity that a huge force spread him out, and there is still a cloud of mist.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised to be able to possess such a powerful energy. The identity of these people seemed to be really not simple. Although it might also be related to his strength, it should be noted that he used Hetu Luoshu. It's not just speculation or news from various parties.

As an acquired Chaos artifact, this thing is really weird, it is impossible to explore these existences, like a mist shrouded in front of him, making him see it not really.

No matter what the opponent's background is, if he can achieve this level, he needs to be cautious. He always feels that this matter is not as simple as it seems.

This thing is very weird!

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, before quickly retracting his soul perception into his body.

But the black dot vortex of Hetu Luoshu immediately disappeared before his eyes, and his calmness was restored, just like it had never appeared before.

"My lord, did you find something? A cloud of black mist appeared. If you deduced that this happened, it was nothing more than a powerful person on the other side, who used great supernatural powers to cover up everything, you It’s impossible to detect it at all. If you can detect it, you need to be careful, because what you see may be an illusion. Therefore, the deduced thing still needs to be considered, which requires a powerful martial art. Nothing can be changed even if it is a deduction," Zhan Tian said.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

Zhantian's words are rough and not rough!

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