Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1545: This woman is sick!


Chu Qianye's body suddenly radiated from the ground.


At the same time, the four-star sage who had troubled him for a long time broke through in an instant and stepped into the realm of the five-star sage!

At this moment, Chu Qianye didn't have time to feel the changes in his body. His eyes flashed with a faint light, staring at Fang Tong in front of him, and there was not the slightest emotional fluctuation in those eyes!

I don’t know why, when Fang Tong saw Chu Qianye’s eyes, he instinctively had a trace of fear and invincible feeling, as if standing in front of him was not Chu Qianye, but possessing divine power. The undefeated God of War blessed is so majestic, so tall, and so majestic!

At this moment, Fang Tong's eye pupils suddenly shrank, and he felt that his spirit power was distorted.


There was a shallow crack in his martial soul unexpectedly, like a spider web, it cracked like that, and the feeling was very strange, it just cracked like that.

Fang Tong has never seen this feeling before.

Chu Qianye slowly raised his head, staring at Fang Tong.

"It's a great fight, right? It's my turn too!" Chu Qianye stared at Fang Tong, with a cold look on his face. Immediately, he raised his fist and punched Fang Tong as well.

That's right, it just doesn't have the slightest fancy, just hit it with one punch, without the slightest energy fluctuation.

However, the pupils of the people suddenly shrank, because Chu Qianye's fists were filled with extremely terrifying power, and that fierce power made the soul involuntarily shiver.


Fang Tong was thrown off by Chu Qianye with a punch.


Fang Tong's whole body turned into an arc in the void, and then he was thrown away severely, just like that, without the slightest sign!

The person was in the air, his face was pale, and he couldn't help it anymore and vomited a mouthful of blood.

The whole popularity is sluggish!

Seeing this scene before them, everyone's pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly. When everyone looked at Chu Qianye, there was only fear in their eyes!

Chu Qianye's hair is like ink, and his sword is like snow.

With a stroke of his palm, he stared at the space cage around him.

"Is this also called the Absolute Domain?"

Chu Qianye spit out lightly, his feet stepped forward, and a sword slashed out. This sword also didn't have the slightest radiance, or it was magnificent.

It's a simple sword!

However, after witnessing the sword that Chu Qianye slashed out, many people present shuddered. When they looked at Chu Qianye, their eyes were filled with deep fear.


The so-called space cage collapsed and shattered in an instant.

Immediately, in front of everyone, the entire space cage instantly collapsed and broke apart.

Looking at the space cage that collapsed and shattered, everyone was surprised.

This sword is so simple, so simple that many people can't understand it, it's as simple as a woodman chopping a tree and cutting wood.

Maybe ordinary people can't understand it at all, but San Tian Shenhuang obviously has some people with fierce eyes, seeing the sword that Chu Qianye slashed, but his heart is full of deep shock.

"Back to Basics!"

Seeing Chu Qianye holding the war sword in his hand, Bu Qianchen murmured in shock. His eyes were full of incredible expressions. Has Chu Qianye's war sword actually reached this level?

Returning to the basics may seem simple, but in reality it is very difficult. It is beyond the realm of extraordinary swordsmanship, that is, sanctification!

Transcendence and sanctification are two realms in it. Extraordinary swordsmanship is very difficult to step into, requiring super talents and opportunities. This is why so far, only five swordsmen on the Profound Qi Continent have stepped into this state.

As for the sanctification, no one has done it at all. Some thousands of years ago were sanctified, but these people have been annihilated, completely fallen, and disappeared in this space.

And Chu Qianye, his kendo has actually reached the state of returning to the basics?

Returning to the basics is known as the symbol of swordsmanship.

Now, Chu Qianye's swordsmanship has actually reached the goal of returning to the basics?

How could this be possible? !

When everyone looked at the young man in black, their eyes were filled with deep fear and extreme shock.

If Chu Qianye really reached this level, then in the following time, Chu Qianye almost stepped on all the sword repairmen, the so-called four extraordinary swordsman martial artists, there is no guts and such. People confronted, and almost turned away when they saw it.

Not to mention the four extraordinary swordsmen, even ordinary saints would not dare to fight against Chu Qianye.

When Chu Qianye was in the supernatural kendo realm, it was only a four-star saint who was able to fight against a seven-eight-star saint. It wasn't luck, but true strength!

Without absolute strength, he dared not fight against Chu Qianye at all.

Therefore, when Bu Qianchen uttered the four words "return to nature", the pupils of Chen Daxi, Lin Xiong, and Zhulong suddenly shrank. When they looked at Chu Qianye again, their eyes were obvious. Full of deep fear.

If Chu Qianye really reached this level, then he could still be an opponent?

At least in the absence of desperately, it is not its opponent at all!

Therefore, upon hearing this sentence, everyone's expressions changed drastically.

"It's not about returning to the basics." Lin Wanxue looked at Chu Qianye and said coldly and proudly: "Swords like him, my senior can perform this kind of kendo. His kendo is too far away to reach the holy state. !"

"Have you seen an aura of returning to nature? Obviously, it is not returning to nature. It can only be said to be close, so I can only say that it is slightly better than the sword repairmen of extraordinary swordsmanship, nothing more!"

When everyone heard this sentence, they immediately recalled the previous sword carefully. Thinking about it, it really made sense. The sword that Chu Qianye used earlier did have a little aura, so it really has a certain relationship with the return to the original. gap.

Chu Qianye raised his head and glanced lightly at Lin Wanxue.

Was this woman forced to bow by her own overlord in her previous life? Why is it so difficult and disdainful? No matter what he did, what he did, even he didn't do anything, didn't speak, just so cynicism?

Is it just the armor?

Impossible, that armor is indeed very strong, but it can't resist soul attacks, so it is a defective armor, and Genen doesn't have to be like that.

Chu Qianye thought for a long time, and finally came up with a truth: this woman is sick! And also very sick!

Chu Qianye ignored Lin Wanxue, but turned his head and looked at Fang Tong who was punched by himself. His eyes flickered cold and murderous.

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