Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1520: Space entrance

"It's directly below the main hall." Wang Chuan spit out lightly.

Everyone was suddenly surprised, from here to the main hall?

It's terrible.

"Hehe, it's easier to get to the entrance from other sub-temples. Although the journey is a bit farther, it's very difficult to get in from the main hall. After all, the Huns there are the most powerful." Wang Chuan said lightly.


Everyone couldn't help but took a breath.

This kind of place is really scary. If the martial arts cultivation is not enough, it is really easy to die halfway. To break through this place, it requires not only courage, but also strong combat power.

If it is the five scum of war, basically there is no extravagant hope.

"I have a solution." Chu Qianye said, "but I need your cooperation."

Everyone looked at Chu Qianye one after another.

Motioned him to continue.

"I have a battle formation that can form an airtight defense and can also move, but as long as a small area is breached, the power of the battle formation will be greatly weakened, so each of you needs to stick to your position. Don't move easily, because once you move, the entire battle formation will change and its power will be weakened." Chu Qianye said.

After speaking, I took out the spirit pen and the paper and sketched it with a slur, and in a moment a gossip array was formed, covering the four directions of east, west, south, and north.

"This is the sketch map of the battle formation. Each of you only needs to stand at the outlined point." Chu Qianye said, and then handed the picture to everyone.

Many people looked at that picture, and for a moment they understood clearly what Chu Qianye was talking about.

"We have a total of twelve people here. There are not enough three positions. We need to replace them with puppets. I don't know who of you has puppets?" Chu Qianye actually has three puppets, but he doesn't seem to be too exposed or exposed. Thinking about it.

"I have." Wangchuan vomited lightly.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, obviously he didn't expect the other party to be so straightforward.

Three puppets, plus twelve people, formed the battle formation.

"Very good." Chu Qianye nodded gently, and then assigned people to form a battle formation.

"Okay, it's time to go."

After the words were over, they began to spread out, forming a battle formation. Many people were betting that they hoped that Chu Qianye's battle formation would be effective. They were also forced to helplessly, and finally they could only choose the method Chu Qianye said. .

Fortunately, this battle is still very effective.

Accompanied by their actions, the honobos awakened and rushed toward them, roaring to the sky, but they were not afraid. People who can get to this stage are ordinary people?

Everyone possesses extremely tyrannical strength, so those Huns can't get close to them at all.

"Roar! Roar!"

The powerful Huo Nu rushed toward Chu Qianye and others, and before they even approached, they were crushed in midair and flew out.

With the passage of time, the movement speed of the battle formation has also accelerated.

Before they knew it, they had already swept a hundred feet away, and the Hono in front of him became more and more powerful and more numerous, and people began to feel the pressure.

Continue to swept forward.

"Mad, these beasts can't finish their work, when will they be tall?" someone couldn't help but say.

The same is true for other people. Although they are all ruthless people on the Profound Qi Continent, their methods are not so tyrannical. The power of the stars in their bodies will be exhausted sooner or later, and when they are exhausted, perhaps they can only Let me explain it here.

And they did not dare to easily operate the technique, sucking the surrounding energy and the power of the stars into the body, because these golden flames are easy to cause hallucinations, and they can't stop them with powerful profound fire and medicine. Maybe it will be hallucinogenic, and it doesn't matter to hurt other people, I'm afraid I will die first.

Even the saints couldn't keep making ends meet.

"Hold it, hold on!"

Someone spoke.

In fact, they also feel that their hearts have collapsed. If this continues, they also feel hopeless, but if they think of giving up, they may not be able to escape, so they just gritted their teeth and kept going.

The nine ancient temples all have strong fluctuations, countless killings, screams, and counter-roars...

It constantly resounded between the heavens and the earth, endlessly, and when everyone heard these sounds, they all secretly squeezed sweat, which means that the next battle will continue to consume, and it may be quite bleak.

"Junior, don't complain, we did come here before." Wang Chuan said lightly: "Although the Jinling Emperor Yan was not that strong last time, it was not weak. We worked hard to enter the gold The space of Lingdiyan."

"Don't be discouraged, the space in front of Jin Lingdiyan is now."

The words were full of encouragement, which made Chu Qianye's view of the old man in front of him greatly changed. No matter what the other party's purpose is, since the other party can say inspiring words in such an unfavorable situation. , It seems that there is no harm.

However, according to Zhou Ruolan's words, the old man in front of him is definitely not a good one, he should be careful in the end.

Be careful to sail the ship for ten thousand years, he doesn't want to capsize in the gutter.

Obviously, after hearing this sentence, everyone was not so impatient and desperate, and continued to move forward, and the places where the battlefield had moved, the honois were swept away, and they continued to sweep forward.

"Continue to go!"

The people continued to move forward.

Soon, the entrance of a passage appeared in front of everyone.

Seeing the entrance of this passage, everyone could not help but breathe a sigh of relief.

However, Chu Qianye couldn't help but frowned.

A strong sense of anxiety!

Right at the entrance of that passage!

"The three of you are careful. The location of this entrance is not that simple. We are not qualified to be the first bird and let some people rush to the front." Chu Qianye's voice gave Zhou Ruolan the three.

Zhou Ruolan nodded irresponsibly.

At this moment, those figures showed a little excitement on their faces, and they finally rushed here. Seeing that the door to the space through the Jinling Emperor Yan is in front of them, they only need to take a step to enter the Jinling Emperor. Flame space, compete for that Golden Spirit Emperor Flame!

However, Wangchuan showed a cunning light.

"Everyone rush, Jin Lingdiyan's entrance is right in front of you!"

It’s okay for Wang Chuan not to say this sentence. Maybe everyone can control their emotions a little bit, but because of his words, everyone can’t hold back for a moment. Then the soles of the feet are a little bit, and the figure flashes towards The void directly in front swept away, disappearing in the blink of an eye.

Chu Qianye sneered secretly as he looked at these anxious warriors.

However, Wangchuan is still insidious and cunning in the end. He actually used the weakness of human nature to encourage these people to rush forward. This method has to be said to be really unkind.

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