Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1515: Nine ancient temples

Bu Qianchen stared at Chu Qianye, his eyes flickered, and then he took a step on the sole of his foot, and the power of the stars in his body immediately surged out of his body, and there was a terrible breath of power between the heavens and the earth. Surging.

Seeing that the matter had been revealed, Bu Qianchen did not hide the slightest, his soles stepped forward, and the power of the stars in his body surged out in an instant.


The violent power surged from his body in an instant.


With a punch, the flames in the entire space trembled violently.

Chu Qianye looked at the violently plundered fist, and immediately his face sank, and the power in his body burst out suddenly, and everyone felt that this power was extremely violent.


The two punches collided fiercely.

In an instant, the force smashed the two of them out.

"Your martial arts cultivation base?!"

Bu Qianchen raised his head and looked at Chu Qianye in surprise.

At this moment, he was surprised to discover that Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation level had broken through again, and the fluctuation of his soul was much stronger than before.

A breakthrough in martial arts cultivation, even the soul realm has also improved a lot.

He looked at Chu Qianye with murderous intent in his eyes.

This guy, absolutely can't keep it, otherwise, let him participate in the Divine Wilderness Contest, the consequences will be quite eye-catching, maybe he will have another terrible opponent invisible.

Compared with other people, he already has a big gap. If he lets this kid rise again, it is definitely the existence of a hedgehog.

Chu Qianye felt the other's murderous intent, and there was no expression on his face.


Bu Qianchen stepped out, swooping in front of Chu Qianye, and smashed out a punch.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head, when I was still in the previous state?

He took a step with no expression, his five fingers were gathered together, and then he burst out with a fist, wherever his fist reached, the void was broken and collapsed.


The fists of the two of them immediately hit, and this time, Bu Qianchen was not as lucky as the last time. He was stunned by Chu Qianye's punch and flew out. The whole person fell and flew out. After fluttering in the air for a few times, he immediately raised his head, staring at Chu Qianye stubbornly, with an incredible expression on his face.

"how can that be?!"

He stared at Chu Qianye with surprise on his face.

At this time, his martial arts cultivation base had already stepped into the seven-star saint, but he didn't expect to be unable to crush Chu Qianye. How shocking he was.

The two warriors on the side also had this expression, which was a shocking expression.

Bu Qianchen's strength, how can he say that he is also a seven-star saint, he can't even stop Chu Qianye's punch?

If this kind of shame is spread out, I am afraid that people will laugh out loud.

The seven-star saint was actually oppressed by the four-star saint.

"Hmph, there will always be a chance to clean up you!" he said coldly.

After the words were over, his figure teleported out, and the other two Yuanfu powerhouses quickly disappeared between the world.

Chu Qianye raised his head and looked at the direction where Bu Qianchen and others were leaving, but he did not chase him down either. The top priority was to find Zhou Ruolan and the others as soon as possible.

However, the previous hallucinations made him alert.

Although these golden flames were not the fire of the Jinling Emperor Yan's body, they were also some of the flames derived from it. Unexpectedly, they could produce hallucinogenic effects. It is difficult to distinguish between true and false, and it is quite tricky.

This kind of flame is quite weird. It seems that you have to be more cautious, otherwise it will be used by others, just like Bu Qianchen just set up a trap.

With a heart move, he took out a pill and swallowed it quickly.

With a move in his heart, Zhan Feng came out of his chest, curled up, pressed against his chest, and fell asleep again.

If it weren't for the crisp sound that Zhanfeng had made earlier, I'm afraid I would have been beaten.

"Little guy, thanks a lot."

Thinking of the previous situation, Chu Qianye couldn't help but feel a little surprised. It was too weird before. A bunch of golden flames were so realistic that he believed it to be true. He felt that Bu Qianchen had mastered the soul body of Old Man Jian, but In fact, this is not the case.

Therefore, it is these golden flames that make people hallucinate.

Chu Qianye suddenly recovered, he understood the weirdness of this matter.

With a sudden move from his palm, the golden flames in the distance swept towards him.

"Chiff chick."

Chu Qianye's heart moved.

"Bu Qianchen!"

Then in his surprised expression, the golden flame formed the appearance of Bu Qianchen!

Sure enough, these flames are easily hallucinogenic things.

Chu Qianye suddenly thought of All Souls Sage Yan.

However, the mysterious fire that time was because the Holy Flame of All Souls laid down the space, and the entire void was hallucinogenic. The more they plunged into the night, they almost couldn't get out. If it wasn't because he woke up quickly, it would definitely be difficult. Freed from the inside.

"These flames really don't seem to be contaminated." Looking at the profound fire in front of him, Chu Qianye understood the weirdness.

Chu Qianye slapped the palm of his hand and slapped the golden flame away.

"It's time to leave."

Chu Qianye said, and then the sole of his foot was touched, and his figure quickly swept forward, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and when he reappeared in the next moment, he was already outside the Baizhang void not far away.

Chu Qianye's speed is fast.

He was so fast that he appeared in another void in the blink of an eye, and the void he was in, the sea of ​​fire below it, gradually decreased, replaced by nine golden ancient temples, which revealed a powerful wave of power.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised. The eight ancient temples below were all surrounded by a golden ancient temple, crawling forward, and the aura fluctuated quite surprisingly.

He stared at the ancient temple in front of him, and couldn't help but frown.

This ancient temple is really a bit weird, the aura has a very boiling feeling, revealing an extremely powerful aura.

How do you say this feeling, that is the breath of a superior person!


A terrible flame burst out from the ancient temple, shining brilliantly, shooting into the sky.

And this light is like the light of summoning. It is also like a lighthouse, showing a clear path for the lost.

"call out!"


In the distance, figures are constantly approaching in this direction. When everyone sees the huge nine temples below, there is a look of surprise on their faces, especially when they see the ancient temple in the middle. The pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly.

These nine ancient temples radiated energy fluctuations that made their heart palpitations.

There is also a hint of danger that makes people feel dangerous.

This kind of feeling has not passed for a long time, Chu Qianye took a deep breath, he always felt that a huge crisis was about to break out.

At this moment, those figures flashed into the void, looking at the nine palaces below, a trace of surprise appeared on their faces.

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