Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1482: Harvest energy body

Chu Qianye looked at the energy body in front of him, revealing a calm expression.

The phantom of the scarlet armor looked at Chu Qianye curiously, but he was very surprised. He didn't expect to encounter a warrior who didn't have the slightest fear. Among the people he came into contact with, there was such a posture. There are not many people, and most of them are timid.

Looking at Chu Qianye, the phantom in the scarlet armor suddenly showed a surprised expression.

"Hehe, I have seen a lot of people who are not afraid of death, but there are really few people who are as determined as you."

He looked at Chu Qianye and vomited lightly.

Chu Qianye still did not respond at all.

"Tsk tsk, either pretending to be calm, or really capable." The phantom of the scarlet armor vomited lightly.

"Get out of the way, or I will make a **** road." For a moment, Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Hearing the sound, the phantom suddenly showed a surprised expression. He obviously did not expect Chu Qianye to say such words.

"Break a **** road?" The scarlet armored figure coldly snorted: "I, Xue Wuya, have seen a lot of strong men, who has never been so hard and daring? But in the end they didn't end well. You think you can have Is it a good end?"

"Open your eyes and look around you. There are more than fifty brothers who were born to death with me. Although they are now dead, their souls are still there. We have memories of our past lives. Although our combat power is not as good as before, It is enough to solve the warrior who has returned your strength."

Chu Qianye didn't reply. He didn't respond to the opponent, but took out the Promise Divine Sword and held it firmly in his palm. He looked at the phantom directly in front of him, revealing a touch of indifference.

Seeing Chu Qianye's posture, the scarlet armor suddenly sneered secretly.

"Haha, extremely stupid!" The blood-colored armor phantom who claimed to be Xue Wuya stared at Chu Qianye with a sneer: "If you don't see the coffin, you won't cry!"

Chu Qianye didn't talk any more, but looked at the surrounding energy bodies with disdain.

After these guys saw him, their eyes were crimson and greedy, and they had obviously regarded them as food, and Chu Qianye showed a disdainful smile.

He has at least hundreds of ways to deal with these energy bodies.

Therefore, he didn't care about the crimson and greedy gaze projected.

Above the vast and lonely earth, a dense fog of energy constantly seeps out from the ground.

The fundamental reason for these energy bodies to become so powerful is the energy mist. It is no exaggeration to say that they are practicing even with their eyes closed. It is conceivable that the martial arts of these energy bodies are cultivated.

"Do it!" Xue Wuya said coldly.

After the words were over, the energy around the body roared in an instant, and the body burst out with dazzling light, and the boiling power whistled away on the vast ground in an instant...


The breath of amazing strength is constantly vast in the world.

Seeing this, Chu Qianye shook his head gently.

The fifty energy bodies seemed to be pretty good. After the spirits were refining and absorbed, the martial arts cultivation level should also be improved. As for the breakthrough, he did not dare to expect it.

At the center of Chu Qianye's eyebrows, powerful soul power surged out instantly, countless needle-shaped soul powers whizzed forward, and the needle-shaped soul power suddenly swept out of the sky. .


Countless sharp voices resounded, and those who rushed towards Chu Qianye, whose eyes revealed crimson and greedy colors, their bodies shook suddenly, and they immediately stiffened.

Chu Qianye's palm flickered, and the Promise Divine Sword was instantly covered by profound fire.


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The power of the violent profound fire surged out in an instant.

"Eight Star Soul Power!"

"This is Profound Fire!"

Xue Wuya felt Chu Qianye's soul, and then stared at the Promise Divine Sword in Chu Qianye's hand. His pupils couldn't help but shrank suddenly. He looked at Chu Qianye's pupils, his eyes filled with shock. He really didn't expect this to be the case.

The energy body of twenty realms was instantly stiff, unable to move at all.

But at this moment, the war sword in Chu Qianye's palm immediately dazzled, and the sword aura was like thunder, slashing forward fiercely. Everywhere he reached, everyone's pupils shrank suddenly.

"Boom! Boom!"

Chu Qianye stepped out.

For an instant.

Those energy bodies were beheaded one after another, and in an instant, all of the twenty energy bodies were killed, and the light in his eyes was dull.

Chu Qianye waved his palm, and put all these energy bodies into the Naling Ring.

There is no time to struggle!

And the other twenty-odd energy bodies just woke up at this time, with a stunned expression on their faces. When they looked at Chu Qianye, their faces clearly showed a touch of shock.

Unexpectedly, Chu Qianye's combat power was so terrifying.

Although they are energy bodies, their spiritual wisdom is obviously not comparable to those brutal beasts. They were humans before they were alive, but because the three souls and seven souls are not complete, they are flawed.

At this moment, all the energy bodies began to panic.

"Don't panic, don't be attacked by this kid's soul!" Xue Wuya said.

At this time, the other twenty-odd energy bodies came to their senses, and they looked at Chu Qianye one after another, with a fierce look on their face again, and with a roar, they immediately rushed towards Chu Qianye again.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.


The Promise Divine Sword suddenly burst out with a bright light, and that light seemed to cover this area, causing everyone's pupils to shrink suddenly.

"Boom! Boom!"

When the Promise Divine Sword burst out with a dazzling light, the tyrannical sword energy went straight out.

"Extraordinary kendo?!" Xue Wuya looked surprised.

Chu Qianye shocked him too much.

"Hurry up and stop!" Xue Wuya said.

Those energy bodies roared one after another, offering their martial skills one after another, smashing towards Chu Qianye one after another, fists and palms interlaced, the light shook the sky, and the energy roared...


The two energies collided fiercely, and the energies collided fiercely with each other in an instant, and the shocking power shook the void.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

Just waiting for you.

Sixteen rays of light formed again, swiping quickly toward the front.

Those energy bodies flashed with light in their eyes, revealing a panic.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

In the blink of an eye, those energy bodies were broken through the defense.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, and the Heavenly Sword Lotus used it.

Those energy bodies, one after another, formed violent fluctuations in energy from the inside out, and then the spirit body burst, and the spirit body was also erased, leaving only one energy body.

Chu Qianye used the palm of his hand to bring those energy bodies into the ring again.

Seeing that the opportunity was bad, Xue Wuya quickly fled.

Chu Qianye didn't chase after him, but cleaned up the other energy bodies, and then put them into the Naling Ring.

Zhou Ruolan and Wang Yiling looked at this scene in surprise.

There is no need for them to act. They were still worried before, but now it seems that they are worried for nothing.

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