Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1460: Five rounds of fire

Chu Qianye's soul body, holding the Blood Dragon Overlord's spear tightly, raised his head faintly, and looked at the candle dragon.

The huge chain quickly enlarged in Chu Qianye's eyes.

His palms slammed toward the bottom of the void, and the ground below quickly cracked open. Then, under the horrified twilight of everyone, huge magma pillars burst out suddenly.

In this way, the front and back are the initial stage of the flanking.

As an ordinary person, he really panicked under such a tyrannical attack.

But Chu Qianye didn't care.

Although these magma pillars are strong, they are not strong enough to threaten his life.


Chu Qianye spit out lightly.

After the words were over, several colorful flames appeared around his body.


The deep voice was full of strength.

The pupils of the people suddenly shrank at this moment.

Because they suddenly saw Chu Qianye's body, an aura of super strength suddenly formed.

That powerful breath of power suddenly formed a terrible storm of power.

Those magma pillars were shaken to annihilation before they got close to Chu Qianye.

And the few people not far away, the magma column below them was also shaken to nothingness and annihilation.

On the other hand, the people in the Soul Hunting Hall, those Tianzun's luck is not so good. Several people have been severely burned by the magma pillar, and the screams of screams are heard in the branch hall.

Seeing this, Zhulong's face suddenly became quite ugly, that kind of terrifying power, the power of destruction was extremely powerful, and the mighty power that came to him was shaken to annihilation in an instant.


The offensive was blocked, and Zhulong suddenly let out a cold snort, and the chain in his palm continued to roar towards Chu Qianye.

Formidable power still rushed out of his palm, the majestic attack and oppression, like a roaring river of gods, swept out frantically, wherever it went, the void instantly collapsed and cracked open.

Chu Qianye's spear burst out again.


An invisible soul attacked and collided fiercely.

Candle Dragon frowned.

Apparently, he already knew that his soul attack did not actually do any substantial harm to Chu Qianye, so he squeezed the palm of his hand and yanked the chain out suddenly, staring at Chu Qianye, becoming savage. Up.


The golden chains burst out with dazzling light in vain.

"Chu Qianye, this chain is a soul-suppressing chain. It was created by extracting soul power from the souls of ten thousand people. Once activated, its power is bound to skyrocket. As long as the chain hurts the skin and is attacked, Its soul will be swallowed mercilessly, suffering from the bitterness of the souls!"

The candle dragon said grimly: "Today, the old man uses it to take your life, and it can be regarded as worthy of you!"

Chu Qianye showed a disdainful expression.

"Hehe, how can you say that you are also the master of the Soul Hunting Palace, just use this unrefined means?" Chu Qianye spit lightly.

"It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter what methods can kill you?" Zhulong sneered.

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

Can this chain hurt him?

And even if it can hurt him?

He possessed profound fire, and before hurting him, this so-called chain was probably burned to pieces by his profound fire.

"The side door left."

Chu Qianye sneered, and then with a stroke of his palm, a brilliant flame suddenly appeared around his body.

The flame after fusion is much more powerful.

"Since you are so confident in your chains, let me break your chains today!"

Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

After the words were over, Chu Qianye's handprints changed like lightning, and with the change of his handprints, the surrounding flames surged out, swelled up quickly, and formed a different flame body in just a few moments. .

Fire wolf, fire leopard, fire flood...

Three huge fire forms appeared, and suddenly formed a triangular area, surrounding Chu Qianye.

In this way, the candle dragon could not be approached at all.

This is the martial art of Chu Qianye’s five rounds of Lihuo method in his previous life, that is, to separate the merged profound fires for use, but this is not a real splitting of profits, but only a form of separating them. In fact, it is still a kind of Fusion of mysterious fire.

If it is separated and needs to be merged, then such martial arts are useless at all.

After the three kinds of profound fires were divided into profits, they immediately formed an astonishing aura of strength.

The three kinds of profound fires thoroughly cast the five rounds of the fire technique to the extreme!


The violent breath of power swept away madly, and the void was twisted wherever it went.

Everyone's pupils suddenly showed a look of surprise, then raised their heads, and suddenly saw three fire beasts.

However, this is just the beginning, because this kind of fire beast is just a physical form. It takes at least one step to make them stronger.

This step happens to be very important!

Re-integrate the three types of profound fire!


Seeing the three fire beasts that Chu Qianye had come out of, the candle dragon's face suddenly sank, and the chain in his palm burst out in vain with dazzling light, and went straight to Chu Qianye.


Wherever it goes, the void collapses and shatters!

"Get out of here!"

Chu Qianye yelled violently, and the sound was like a storm, sweeping out frantically, wherever he reached, the power had reached the level of burning the void!

The three fire beasts suddenly made different sounds, and immediately rushed toward the chain, blocking the chain down.

"Boom! Bang! Bang!"

Three dull sounds, followed by a terrible breath of power.

The space collapsed suddenly.

Everyone's pupils suddenly shrank and solidified at this moment.

Around the giant hall, the stone pillars continued to collapse and shatter, and the entire sub-hall was crumbling.


Candle Dragon stared at Chu Qianye, eyes shot out a cold killing intent, and the violent power aura swept out of his body in an instant, and that surging power swept fiercely from his body. Out and slipped into the huge chain in his palm.

"A piece of cake!"

Chu Qianye Jieyin, the three kinds of flames, quickly merged, and instantly turned into a huge steamer of hundreds of meters. The steamer was clutching crazily, and the speed reached a very terrible state, and the surrounding space collapsed. .

A faint black hole appeared.


Candle Dragon said in a cold voice, the black energy in his body surged and turned into a series of hideous souls, screaming and constantly rushing into the chain, the chain that was originally golden suddenly formed black gold, and there were also a lot of red. Blood, like dark blood...

Chi Chi pouring out from the chain.

"Broken Soul Chain!"

The candle dragon screamed.

The chain in his hand suddenly burst out with bright light, like a star, moving towards the vast surrounding area.

The space collapsed, and the ground under one thousand feet was shaken out by a deep gully that was hundreds of feet long...

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