Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1454: Yin damage method

"Good." Wang Yiling nodded gently.

Since Chu Qianye had already said so, he must be sure.

From the time she knew Chu Qianye until now, it seemed that she hadn't disappointed her.

"Okay, let's set off now. Take a closer look and see what the strength of the Soul Hunting Palace in the Heaven Splitting God Realm is." Wang Yiling smiled.

Chu Qianye smiled, and then didn't say much. With a wave of his sleeves, the space beside him tore open a spatial passage, and then walked slowly into it first, and the three following quickly followed.


The space slowly closed, and then disappeared before the eyes.


Above the blue sky, clouds are floating lazily, and the warm sunshine pouring down from the sky makes everything filled with a lazy taste.


At this moment, between the silent void, a ripple of punches suddenly formed, and then the void suddenly split slowly, even if there were a number of figures stepping out of it...


Suddenly, there was a moment of void around Chu Qianye's body, and then under everyone's surprised eyes, Zhan Feng appeared in everyone's sight.

"this is…"

"Ah, Jingling, this is Jingling!" Wang Yiling said suddenly with joy.

The three women were all around Jingling, talking in a whisper.

Chu Qianye shook his head with a wry smile in her heart.

Women, don't look at how serious and solemn they usually are. Once they encounter these shiny things, they will soon become interested.

It is true that women are visual animals, and what they say is not false.

It's hard to imagine Zhou Ruolan, who is usually very indifferent, when she saw Zhanfeng, she also unexpectedly showed her little girl's character.

At the beginning, it could only helplessly shook his head.

"Let's go, don't stay here for too long. We have now entered the sphere of influence of the Soul Hunting Palace, and we can't take it lightly." Chu Qianye looked around, and after scoring and arguing the position, he waved his hand to take the lead. He flew quickly straight ahead.

Except for Hao Juan, the three of them have become holy. The speed of this journey is terrifying, and the many dynasties below are almost all thrown away behind them.

But what made Chu Qianye a little frowned was that there are many of these cities, but they are all shrouded in a violent aura, as if there are traces of people from the Soul Hunting Hall moving here, and the following dynasties are actually It was a little dilapidated, as if it had experienced a great war.

"The people in the Hunting Hall seem to be eager for development during this period. The dynasties around here have basically been looted by them."

Passing these dynasties, Chu Qianye also flashed this thought in his mind, and immediately the speed was extremely fast, and with a flash, he disappeared to the edge of the sky.


"It has been attacked here. Judging by the means, it must be the people in the Soul Hunting Hall." Zhou Ruolan looked at the dynasty behind him, frowned slightly.

"These guys in the Hunting Hall don't know what their real purpose is." Hao Juan said: "The rise of the Hunting Hall is not long. Strictly speaking, it has only been more than 100 years, but it can be in such a short time. It has developed into such a scale over time, in fact, it was established because they were fighting everywhere."

Zhou Ruolan shook her head gently.

Obviously disagree.

"Actually, you still don't know much about the Soul Hunting Hall." Zhou Ruolan said: "The strength of these guys in the Soul Hunting Hall is actually not high. They are mainly because of the support of people from the fallen temple, otherwise they can destroy it like this. Burn it? Maybe the master is involved in it."

Chu Qianye's expression was startled. He knew the Fallen Temple, but he didn't know how the two were involved, because He Zhiqian hadn't said this before.

"Hey, the lord of the Soul Hunting Palace is Candle Dragon, you should know about this." Zhou Ruolan said: "This guy has something to do with a strong man in the Fallen Temple. Bao, most of them were taken away by the strong man in the fallen temple."

"However, these methods of not seeing the light, that is, the master who eats softness and fears hardship. They dare not attack some powerful sect forces. And their favorite routine is to eat black. In the battle, the last one will kill allies..." Zhou Ruolan said slowly, with a hint of disapproval in his eyes.

Obviously, Zhou Ruolan didn't like the method of Hunting Soul Palace either.

"They like to take people's souls, but they are actually caused by the exercises they practiced." Zhou Ruolan explained: "The exercises practiced in the Soul Hunting Palace is called "Nine Souls Mysterious Burial", which is extremely damaging. There are two types. The method of cultivation is to squeeze the soul body, draw the soul fluid, or feed the powerful soul body, and cultivate them when they are strong enough, then kill them and draw the soul fluid."

Several people suddenly felt their scalp numb.

This method is against God.

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I didn't expect that such a frantic method was actually used by some people.

"Although this kind of indiscriminate means is not obvious, it is still very useful for improving strength." Zhou Ruolan frowned and said: "If I guessed correctly, the strength of the candle dragon should be close to dominating. He has his own clones in many places. If these clones fit together, his strength is bound to skyrocket."

"My lord, this candle dragon's cultivation is a bit similar to Hedao. No one believes how many clones he has cultivated over the years. Moreover, this guy is very cunning and has no fixed place. He changes almost every time. A place." Zhou Ruolan said: "But he should not show up in the short term. I suspect he is also waiting for a year before making a move."

"Because in a year's time, the heavenly tribulation will come, and the soul body contaminated with the heavenly tribulation is of immense use to harmony, he is very likely to step into the dominance state because of this!"

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

He naturally knew it.

"Do you have any idea to attract this guy out?" Chu Qianye asked.

"Yes, he likes the treasures of heaven and earth the most, as long as he is attracted enough, then he will definitely take action." Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye's expression was startled, and suddenly he remembered that when he was fighting for the Holy Flame of All Souls, this guy seemed to have used one of his clones to come out, but at that time he was not strong enough, and he didn't eliminate his clones. .

However, Zhou Ruolan's words reminded him.

"Return to his own body by his own way."

Chu Qianye thought to himself: "Since you like to fight for the soul body so much, then I will attack your branch hall!"

"Let's go, first remove this branch hall," Chu Qianye said, looking far away.

In the distance, a huge temple like a beast creeps on the horizon...

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