Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1452: Wang Yiling's Epiphany

The time is almost there, it's time to go out.

After Chu Qianye opened his eyes, he immediately looked at Chu Nuan.

There is still no movement.


He sighed faintly.

I blame himself for being weak and small at the beginning. Although he is still not strong enough to dominate a divine wilderness, he firmly believes that in the near future, he will not only dominate a great wilderness, but he will also dominate several Great Wilderness, become the master, become the great master!

"Go and clean up those **** in the Soul Hunting Palace first," Chu Qianye said lightly, and then Jie Yin left the secret space.

When he reappeared, he was already on a mountain peak.

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At this time, Zhou Ruolan and Hao Juan also opened their eyes one after another as they seemed to feel Chu Qianye's movement and looked towards the area where he was.


The two felt Chu Qianye's martial arts breath, and their pupils suddenly shrank.

"My lord, you..." Zhou Ruolan said in surprise.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.


Feeling the martial arts aura in Chu Qianye's body, Zhou Ruolan couldn't help being surprised secretly.

She now feels that the gap with Chu Qianye has widened. The current Chu Qianye is at least the existence of slaying seven-star saints, and although she is a five-star saint, her strength is definitely not Chu Qian. The opponent of the night.

Chu Qianye’s martial arts cultivation level has improved too fast. How long has it been since Huasheng, less than a month before and after, he actually broke through the four-star realm in a row, and developed at such a speed, away from those five or six stars. , And even the Seven-Star Saint Realm will be far away?

She believes that it will not be long before Chu Qianye will be able to step into the Five Stars. She has a very strong hunch that Chu Qianye should be able to use her previous martial arts, and her previous life is the strongest master of the gods. In addition, his martial arts cultivation speed will naturally be several times faster than ordinary people, even dozens of times.

If it weren't for physical restraint, she believed that Chu Qianye was already dominating the realm now.

Hao Juan was also secretly surprised. She didn't expect Chu Qianye's martial arts cultivation to improve so quickly. How long had it passed, less than ten and a half months before and after, but his martial arts cultivation had made breakthroughs one after another.

The gap in martial arts talent has been widened, and she believes that with the passage of time, such a gap will only grow larger, and she can only look forward to it.

Feeling this difference in strength, Hao Juan could only sigh inwardly.

When they were in Jianhou Mansion, the gap in their strength was not that great at the beginning, but now it seems that the gap in strength is getting bigger and bigger, and she believes that the gap between them will continue. Continue to expand.

Chu Qianye sensed it, and soon felt Wang Yiling's breath.

"Yiling." Chu Qianye said in a divine voice: "You are coming to the mountain range to the east. There are many mountain groups five thousand miles away. I am waiting for you here."

Wang Yiling of the Tianyu Dynasty suddenly heard the voice of Qi Chu Qianye in his mind.

She opened her eyes and looked at the area where Chu Qianye was.

Immediately, the figure moved and left the place, and the next moment, she felt the presence of Chu Qianye's breath.

"Someone is approaching!" Zhou Ruolan said.

"Don't be nervous, it's a friend," Chu Qianye said.

After hearing the sound, Zhou Ruolan put down her guard.

There was a curious look in Hao Juan's eyes.

She was curious, but she didn't know who Chu Qianye was talking about.


The light and shadow flickered, and Wang Yiling's figure appeared in front of the three of them.

Seeing this figure, Hao Juan and Zhou Ruolan stared at them one after another. When they saw the figure clearly, a faint of surprise flashed in their eyes.

Wang Yiling was holding a strand of long light red hair hanging down in her arms, her eyes shining with brilliance.

She stared at Chu Qianye for a long time.

"Have you been sanctified."

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"Hey, people are more angry than people." Wang Yiling sighed faintly in her heart: "Thinking that when I was with you in the Lingxiao Palace, I was already in the extreme realm, and you just stepped into the profound realm. Now your martial arts The cultivation base has left us people far behind."

"This is Wang Yiling." Chu Qianye pointed to Wang Yiling and introduced.

Then he pointed at Zhou Ruolan and Hao Juan.

"This is Zhou Ruolan, and this is Hao Juan."

The three women each nodded towards each other, regarded as first acquaintances, and greeted politely.

"Sect Master, your current martial arts cultivation base should be a two-star saint, right?" Wang Yiling asked while looking at Chu Qianye.

"Four stars." Zhou Ruolan said.

Wang Yiling's eyes widened and his face was shocked.

"Four or four stars?!" She looked at Chu Qianye with a weird look, and asked in a daze.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"A chance to break through." He said.

Wang Yiling gave him a blank look.


Luckily a ghost, she doesn't believe this. If all are lucky, then why isn't she a fluke?

Martial arts cultivation base, after the Xuanji realm, most of the strength and martial arts talents, and after the celestial realm, almost all talents occupy a large part. If there is no good talent, it is difficult to improve the martial arts cultivation base, and the strength has skyrocketed. .

She is still the Lord, ready to begin to enlighten the Tao and move on. Chu Qianye is already a four-star saint. What kind of concept is this? It's not even a slight difference, especially the transformation of saints is a huge challenge. It is so easy to transform into a holy, she has tried at least two or three times, but all ended in failure.

"I'm curious, how long did it take you to become a holy?" Wang Yiling asked.

"About two hours." Chu Qianye thought for a while and said truthfully.

! ! !

The trio looked horrified.

What the **** is this? Others are ten and a half months old, you will be sanctified in two hours?

In fact, the time Chu Qianye said was the real world, but in the secret space, it was six hours, that is, half a day.

But his wording is correct, after all, for the Profound Qi Continent, this time point is right.

Wang Yiling: "Oh, sure enough, martial arts talent is really irreplaceable. No matter how hard you work in the later stage, there are some things that can't make up the gap in strength."

Watching Wang Yiling sigh, Chu Qianye suddenly felt funny.

He understands Wang Yiling, she shouldn't be so sentimental in his impression. He didn't expect to see Wang Yiling this time, so she sighed.

If you are too persistent, it is actually not a good thing.

"In fact, you don't have to worry about it. Some things are due to chance." Chu Qianye comforted: "I don't think there is a problem with your martial arts talent. When the time comes, the transformation of the saint is just a matter of course. Don't be too persistent."

Hearing the attachment, Wang Yiling suddenly felt something in her eyes, and she suddenly stood still, without a trace of fluctuations all over her body.

Hao Juan and Zhou Ruolan looked surprised.


Unexpectedly, Wang Yiling actually entered a state of epiphany because of Chu Qianye's words...

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