Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1432: Finally wait for you

Chu Qianye Jieyin left the secret space.

He stared straight ahead.

There are two mountains in the distance.

Chu Qianye's heart moved, insight into space, power control, the secret skills of the two spaces were operating almost at the same time, and the void directly in front suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, and the two huge mountain peaks trembled violently.

Then, two mountains stand!

Yes, it just left the ground so abruptly, suspended in the air.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered. He is not so comfortable now, but he has already learned how to move mountains and fill the sea, and just practice a little bit.

Chu Qianye put down and lifted, constantly tempering, but the speed also changed from slow to faster, until he was completely clear in his chest, he had mastered this space now, and there was no problem at all.

Two hours later, Chu Qianye passed a touch of cold light.

"Come on, Tianxuan Gate, presumably you guys should have been waiting at the exit of the Vientiane Realm." Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, and he immediately found Zhou Ruolan and Hao Juan using the Qimen Dunjia technique.

After a few days, Zhou Ruolan had undergone a transformation.

She has almost mastered the five powers he mentioned earlier.

"How much did you learn?" Chu Qianye asked.

"Seven percent." Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye nodded slightly. It was already very good to be able to learn 70% in such a short period of time. Such a talent would not be a waste of his guidance. Otherwise, how could he qualify as his sword servant?

"Huh?" Chu Qianye turned his head and looked at Hao Juan. At this time, Hao Juan's aura seemed to be much stronger.

"Six-star Venerable?" Chu Qianye asked.

Hao Juan nodded gently.

Although it was only a one-star improvement, this kind of talent Sky Splitting God Huang was already very good, even if it was placed on the Profound Qi Continent, it was a rare existence.

"Okay, let's go out." Chu Qianye said lightly, then glanced towards the exit of the Vientiane Realm.

"My lord, are we not easy to face?" Zhou Ruolan asked in a little surprised.

"No need." Chu Qianye said confidently: "Those people who are at the exit of the Vientiane Realm are killed after going out."

Zhou Ruolan's eyes flickered.

Chu Qianye has changed, he has a domineering aura, this kind of change caused by the increase in strength, this kind of feeling she has felt on her father more than once.

‘It seems that Senior Bei Xuan’s strength has gradually recovered and he has recovered his previous martial arts. ’

Zhou Ruolan looked at Chu Qianye, her eyes flickered, and she thought to herself.

For him now, the most obvious way to improve his strength is to control the overall situation. This kind of power change is the most obvious and the most direct.

Chu Qianye was able to understand the situation now, and he was aware of the overall situation, and did not even bother to use Disguise.

Therefore, this time when you stepped on the Tianxuan Gate, perhaps it was really going to be a storm.

The name Chu Qianye will also shake the heavens and gods in one day!

Hao Juan seemed to feel the improvement of Chu Qianye's strength, so she didn't persuade her very interestingly, but followed her closely, her eyes shining brightly.

A group of three people, bright and bright, swaggered out of the realm of Vientiane, and then walked out of the realm of Vientiane.

When they went out again, there was a loud noise outside, the imperial forest army was patrolling, and at this time many people followed out of the formation.

At the Tianxuan Gate, there are a total of twenty saints and a hundred sages. They are meditating in place at the exit, and they are cultivating, while several people are staring at the position of the formation, seemingly cautious. Waiting and watching, carefully and carefully looked at everyone who left from the realm of Vientiane.

But at this moment, several figures suddenly saw the three of Chu Qianye.

"Senior Wanxing, that boy Chu Qianye is out!"

An old man in gray was cultivating. Hearing these words, his eyes suddenly opened, and a sneer appeared on his face.

Finally waiting for you!

It really made me wait so hard and made me waste so much time. It was all because of your kid. If it weren't for you, why bother to meditate here?

The gray-clothed old man's eyes flashed with a cold light.

"Senior Wanxing, shall we call Elder Tang?" the man asked cautiously.

"Hmph, can you understand this as that you are questioning my strength? Saying that I am not the opponent of this kid? Or is it that the twenty saints here plus all of your 100 sages Is it rubbish? Can't even kill a one-star saint?" The gray-clothed old man asked with cold light in his eyes.

Hearing these words, the person suddenly burst into cold sweat on his forehead, and secretly groaned in his heart.

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He was just doing things safely, and Tang Feng had indeed ordered that if you find Chu Qianye’s trail, you must report to him, but Wanxing is very arrogant. Undoubtedly, it is obvious that he just said that. , Had already touched his arrogant psychology, so he didn't dare to rashly contradict this matter, nor did he dare to report Tang Feng easily, otherwise he would be an enemy of Wanxing.

He can't kill himself, but there is no difficulty in putting on small shoes for himself.

"If you dare to report to Tang Feng, then you will go and think over the cliff, have you heard clearly?" Wan Xing said coldly.

The man only agreed, but secretly groaned in his heart.

He knew that this ten thousand star elder had such a disposition, but he was still helpless.

If he secretly reported it to Elder Tang, if this matter was found out by Wan Xing, his death would be even worse.

After Wan Xing finished speaking, he immediately looked towards the exit of the Vientiane Realm. After seeing the three of Chu Qianye, Wan Xing suddenly had a sneer in his eyes.

Tang Feng, the bastard, wanted to use Chu Qianye to claim credit. Elder Gu would definitely reward him greatly, improve his status, and have the opportunity to get to know the Lord of Ten Thousand Demons in the future. This is the most enviable benefit.

Therefore, Chu Qianye is a good springboard for them, and if this thing is done, then he will also be very prosperous in the future.

He stared at Chu Qianye and sneered: "Hehe, I finally waited for you!"

The sound resounded like thunder, resounding violently in the heavens and the earth, causing everyone to look sideways. They all looked surprised and wondered what happened.

However, they recognized Wanxing's identity and knew that Wanxing was the elder of the Profound Sky Gate.


Countless power auras swept out of the crowds of the Profound Sky Clan frantically.

Those experts from the Tianxuan Clan who meditated all opened their eyes.

Almost all his eyes were staring at Chu Qianye, and the martial arts aura in his body poured out one after another, his eyes fixed on Chu Qianye, as if he was afraid that he would escape.

However, Chu Qianye had no intention to leave at all.

"Really." Chu Qianye said with a faint smile: "Actually, I'm really afraid that you will not come. Since you have already come, it will save me the trouble of finding you."

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