Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1414: Star Ore

"turn up!"

Chu Qianye looked at the place where the light swept away, a faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Seeing the inquiring gazes from the two of them, Chu Qianye said, "The place where the stars are most concentrated!"

The two of them looked startled, and then their eyes shot a sharp light.

Chu Qianye spoke very lightly, but the problem was clearly clear.

The most concentrated place of star stone is the vein of star stone!

When the two of them thought of this possibility, they secretly rejoiced. If it can be found, it is definitely a great benefit. If it can be used well, the rapid improvement of martial arts cultivation will definitely not be a big problem.

N, update L, new K is the fastest "up"


Chu Qianye waved his sleeves and put the spirit stones into the universe ring. The figure rushed towards that area, violently speeding, disappearing in the blink of an eye, and waiting for the next moment, they appeared in another A space.

The mountains stretch endlessly, the dense woods completely cover many places, and the area below is the river, the lava rock river is surging, the breath of amazing power is very powerful.

The volcanoes underneath are actually connected into pieces, and several volcanoes have erupted. The magma rocks form a turbulent flow and converge towards the river. This is why this spectacular scene is formed, and it seems that this is one eruption one after another.

"You have to find the stellar vein as soon as possible, otherwise at the speed of this volcanic eruption, ten and a half months will be very dangerous. Then we will not have time to find the vein, and the stellar stone will be gone." Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye waved his palm, and the spirit stone swept out again.

Previously, it was just a rough location. Now that people have arrived here, there is no problem in determining the specific location here, and it will be done soon.


This is the third time that Chu Qianye has performed Qimen Dunjia Art.

Therefore, in terms of proficiency, it is naturally not a problem. When the starstone bursts out of light, it will soon disappear at the location of a mountain col.

The three of them looked towards the location of the col, and glanced at each other, and they could see the splendor in each other's eyes.

Although Hao Juan and Zhou Ruolan were not attentive about what formation Chu Qianye had put forth, the light emitted by the star stone eventually disappeared at the location of the mountain col. Basically, it can be concluded that the stone in the mountain must be the same as the star stone. Great relationship.


Chu Qianye flickered, and swept towards the location of the mountain col.

This mountain col is surrounded by dense forests, so it is difficult to notice the situation here, and if it hadn’t been because of the light of Qimen Dunjia technique that disappeared from this location, they would not have noticed it at all, let alone judge. This is a mountain col.

If there is a mountain col, it can basically be guessed. This is the place where the star rock fell, so such a mountain col is formed.

Since there is a star stone here, there must be a powerful savage beast, after all, it has a good star power, so it is normal to attract a savage beast.

Whether anyone has ever been here, judging from the surroundings of this col, there should be none. After all, the dense woods have not been destroyed, so Chu Qianye can almost determine these two possibilities.

"Be careful, don't be too scattered." Chu Qianye said.

When the words were over, Chu Qianye immediately held the Divine Shadow Sword and swept towards the area below, followed by Hao Juan and Zhou Ruolan.


There is a river next to the col, and the river rushes past.

It seemed that the river rushed through this location and brought the star stone downstream, and the location where they are now is the source of the star stone.

The dense woods grew on the edge of the mountain col. When they descended, there was only a deep pit around them. The pits were surrounded by rock formations, which were the fractured layers formed after being smashed out.

It seems that when the star stone fell, the deep pit that was smashed should belong to the top of the mountain, but even so, the entire mountain was completely destroyed by the star stone, hitting deep underground.

When they landed, they were at least a thousand meters away, and the bottom of the pit was extremely humid. Even so Chu Qianye didn’t use the profound fire. He was afraid of attracting people, and he was also afraid of causing brutal beasts in the pit or possible existence. .

Therefore, he just urged the power of the stars in his body to drive himself away from the cold.

The three figures continued to descend. They had good eyesight, staring at a boulder below, and couldn't help but breathe.

The stone below is too big, if it is a star stone, it is really a huge collection, enough to establish a first-class power.

I don't know why, as they landed, Chu Qianye didn't feel excited. A sense of crisis lingered in his heart.

"Wait a minute." Chu Qianye said in a divine voice: "Don't follow, I always feel that there is some danger waiting for us below. You stay here, and if we encounter a crisis, we can quickly evacuate."

When the two heard Chu Qianye's divine voice, a trace of surprise flashed across their faces. Even so, the two nodded gently.

Chu Qianye always felt that something terrifying was lurking below.

His perception, quickly unfolding, holding the war sword in his hand, the power of the stars in his body quietly surging in order to deal with accidents that may occur at any time.

Getting closer and closer to the ground, and his eyes were staring at the starstones under his feet, and the light in his eyes flickered. He always felt this power roaring and surging out of his body, and the power was extremely powerful.

Chu Qianye's figure continued to land down.

Below the ground, it is indeed a star stone!

And this star stone, at least half the size of a mountain, as he descends, the power of the stars becomes more and more vast, and the violent power aura makes the scalp numb.

The power of the stars is too strong. The spirit body absorbs the power of the stars of the sacred tree, and the speed is too slow, and this star stone is different. If you get such a big star stone, put it into the refining array, How much merit liquid did you make?

But relying on accumulating merit points requires too much quantity and too long time, but this star stone is different. It can be said that it is short and fast. It is the best solution to his current state and can make his martial arts cultivation level rise again in the short term.


As Chu Qianye continued to land, a roar suddenly rang out from the deep pit below, followed by a strong breath of strength, and the sense of oppression was very strong.

Hao Juan and Zhou Ruolan above their heads, their faces changed drastically.

The breath coming from below is at least the level of a seven-star saint, and it is still a brutal beast. The bloodline of brutal beasts is much stronger than that of normal human beings, and brutal beasts have inherited memories, gaining the supernatural powers and powers of their ancestors.

So not to be underestimated!

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