Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1409: Zhenyuan Town Enemy

Chu Qianye didn't reply.

Looking at the thin monkey who was shocked by his true essence roar, Chu Qianye suddenly showed a disdainful expression.

In a world where the strong are respected, those who are shocked by the sound of the true yuan, is this also worthy of clamor? This also deserves to be called the strong? This is also worth playing with people to block the road and robbery?

The skinny monkey also woke up, he was shocked by Chu Qianye's true yuan, and he felt very embarrassed to think about it. He stared at Chu Qianye, his eyes were fierce.

"A mere two-star saint, dare to be presumptuous in front of me?" The thin monkey stared at Chu Qianye and said coldly.


After finishing the words, he saw his whole figure violently rushing to Chu Qianye's front. The battle knife in his palm burst out with dazzling light, and the sword was like thunder, and it slammed towards Chu Qianye. The slash came, and the void was suddenly shattered everywhere.

(See j genuine wz chapter on dK)\\Uv...

Ha ha, meeting is such a violent knife.

Chu Qianye showed a faint smile.

The light in his palm flickered, and he took out a very ordinary war sword. Without seeing how hard he was, he cut out a few sword flowers at random.

"Boom! Boom!"

The horrible sword aura swept forward fiercely, and the power was extremely violent. It collided fiercely with the thin monkey's sword aura, causing a violent collision, and the thin monkey's body quickly retreated to the rear.

But Chu Qianye was still as tall as a mountain, standing faintly in place.

The skinny monkey raised his head in surprise. He looked towards Chu Qianye, and a shocking light flashed in his eyes. He stared at Chu Qianye and did not wake up for a long time.

"how can that be?!"

He widened his eyes and looked at Chu Qianye in surprise.

The other five people also looked surprised at this time. Obviously they didn't expect Chu Qianye's combat power to be so terrifying. The few sword flowers that Chu Qianye played casually could not even stop the thin monkey.

"Two-star saint."

Several people stared at Chu Qianye, their eyes flickering.

"Brother Wanfeng, we..."

Several people looked at the headed youth one after another, with questioning glances on their faces.

At this time, the headed young man frowned. He did not expect that Chu Qianye was also a two-star saint, and it seemed that his attainments in kendo were not low. The few sword flowers that he chopped at random could not even be blocked by monkeys. , It seems that the power he possesses is at least 120,000 ding.

This kind of strength is equivalent to three stars, and even the four-star saints are not necessarily weak.

How can this guy be so difficult to deal with.

Looking at the people who were shocked in the same place, Chu Qianye's expression was indifferent.

Qin Wanfeng stared at Chu Qianye and frowned.

This person was too calm. He didn't even panic when facing them. Instead, he didn't treat them at all. The feeling that he had the chance to win made him a little uncertain.

"Brother, we didn't want to embarrass you, but the Mummy of Six Flames was the first thing we saw, and we hope not to fight with me." Qin Wanfeng said.

The Wood of Six Flames?

This is called Liuyan Immortal Wood.

But almost, it seems that this guy is also a person who knows the goods, he can see the extraordinary of this immortal wood at a glance, but the tone seems to be wrong, is this a warning demonstration or intimidation? Or is it a request and suggestion?

Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

"First of all, I saw this thing first. Before you came, I killed the guardian beast, so how did you see it first? In addition, the Profound Qi Continent respects the strong, the first What if you see it? The weak should give way to the strong." Chu Qianye said lightly.

The faces of several people suddenly changed slightly.

When the thin monkey heard what Chu Qianye said, he was immediately unhappy. He said grumpyly: "Boy, you are so arrogant. You are a two-star saint like me. You dare to call yourself a strong one? It's a joke. !"

Facing the cynicism of the thin monkey, Chu Qianye gently shook his head.

"The **** that is shaken by my true voice is also worthy to talk to me?"

Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Hearing this sentence, the thin monkey's face suddenly became ugly.

He just rushed out, really wanting to come desperately with Chu Qianye, but he didn't expect to be shocked by Chu Qianye's true essence suddenly, he couldn't react at all, so he was shocked on the spot.

Now that he heard Chu Qianye mention this matter again, his entire complexion suddenly sank and became very restless. He stared at Chu Qianye, his face showed a gloomy look.

"Boy, I have to say that you are really arrogant, you dare to fight against my war gate, no one will end up!" The thin monkey stared at Chu Qianye and said coldly.

Chu Qianye waved his hand.

"Don't talk about these imaginary things, don't say it's your war gate, I don't even care about the Tianxuan gate!"

When everyone heard this sentence, their expressions were shocked.

It seems that they have encountered a ruthless character, and they are not even afraid of the Sky Profound Clan, so it is almost impossible to use the martial arts to speak, or suppress it. The guy in front of him is obviously not a new one.

Qin Wanfen frowned, he could hear the powerful self-confidence in Chu Qianye's tone.

His experience over the years has made him calm and calm, so even if he encounters this kind of thing, he is not irritable or arrogant, because he knows very well that he must be calm and calm when playing against such a person. In other words, the suppression will have no effect.

Moreover, he always felt that Chu Qianye's strength still had some reservations, so he was not so impatient.

"Monkey, don't be irritable!" Qin Wanfeng said.

The skinny monkey looked startled, rather indifferent.

"Senior Wanfeng, you shouldn't be afraid of this kid, he is just a stubborn guy, I don't believe that he is really not afraid of the Tianxuan Clan!" The thin monkey said, curling his lips while looking at Chu Qianye. Obviously Very unconcerned.

Qin Wanfeng was silent in his heart.

His fellow junior is so impatient and disdainful.

"Brother, do you think this will work? Let's try three tricks. If you win, then we will leave. If you lose, then please leave." Qin Wanfeng said, "How?"

It seems these guys still don't give up.

"Whatever." Chu Qianye said lightly.

Seeing Chu Qianye's posture and tone, the thin monkey immediately tickled with hatred.

"Brother Wanfeng, let me do it. This kid is deceiving too much, see if I don't tear him up!" said the thin monkey furiously.

Qin Wanfeng shook his head with a wry smile.

He knows his younger brother best. If he doesn't make a move, he will definitely talk about this matter then. Will he be annoying at that time?

Therefore, he had no choice but to nod slightly and agreed.

Although the monkey's martial arts cultivation is not better than him, he is also a two-star saint at any time, so he can basically test Chu Qianye through his strength. If the difference is almost the same, he will regret this matter at that time, and shoot Chu with other fellows. Qianye killed, these six flame trees still belonged to them.

Chu Qianye also seemed to know Qin Wanfeng's wishful thinking.

He shook his head slightly.

Don't give up, let you give up completely!

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