Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1385: Absolute Heaven Sword Moon

Everyone feels that this light swallows the sky, this light is dazzling, this light is infinitely murderous...

Chu Qianye held the Excalibur Sword in his hand and swung several sword flowers at will.


Where the sword flower reached, the void instantly collapsed, and where the sword aura touched, a hideous crack of a hundred meters long appeared on the ground. The crack was extremely deep, and everyone took a breath of cold breath.

This sword aura was so fierce that everyone couldn't help taking a breath.

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It should be understood that this is just a sword flower for testing the sword. It can burst out such an astonishing power. It can be imagined that if Chu Qianye broke out completely and truly, it would be so violent, that astonishing power would only be formed. Three or four bursts in a row.

Chu Qianye held the war sword tightly and looked at the twenty nobles.

"The Yangtze River rolls eastward, and the waves wash away the heroes. Success and failure turn around, the green hills are still there, and the sunset is red a few times." Chu Qianye sighed lightly:

"The white-haired fisherman on Jiangzhu, I am used to watching the autumn moon and spring breeze. A pot of muddy wine is happy to meet each other, and many things from ancient to modern times are in the middle of a joke."

When everyone heard the sound, their minds were shocked.

Under Chu Qianye’s long chants, a picture seemed to form in their minds. What they saw was indifferent, what they saw was undefeated but unable to withstand the destruction of time, and they could see that they were on this profound energy continent. Many strong men eventually fell, only the green hills did not change, only the sunset was still so colorful...

All of them cannot withstand the destruction of years.

"Absolute Heaven Sword Moon!"

Chu Qianye spit out softly, the words finished, the war sword in his palm immediately burst out with a soft light, the light was not dazzling, as if it was moisturizing silently, moisturizing everything...

Everyone closed their eyes subconsciously, but then felt that something was wrong and opened their eyes one after another.

Chu Qianye's sword was like moonlight, it was too soft and soft, and could not feel any pressure, strength, or breath of the sword.

This feeling is more like hypnosis.

Such a sword is really terrifying. If you are not vigilant, this sword may be cut on them, and they will also die in the tender hometown, even before the slightest reaction.

"Everyone, wake up!" The saint in white suddenly shouted.

Twenty Venerables woke up one after another, their hands shining brightly, each offering their own profound soldiers.

"Boom! Boom!"

A series of dull sounds resounded, and the sword aura of moonlight collided with everyone's profound soldiers. The power of that sword aura, like a silver moonlight falling blade, fell in front of everyone.

But what is strange is that they all blocked Chu Qianye's sword energy.

The expressions of the people were stunned, but they didn't expect that they would be able to block Chu Qianye's sword aura. This was very surprising to them, and Mu Yan and the others behind them looked startled.

"No, it shouldn't be so simple." Cui immediately asked, looking at the scene in front of him, suddenly puzzled.

The other four pavilion masters blinked.

"It's not that easy." The Pavilion Master of Xuanyue Pavilion said, "This sword seems to have no power, but it broke everyone's defenses, and it was still silent."

Immediately when Cui heard the word breaking defense, a look of horror appeared on his face.

He seemed to remember something, and Mu Yan did the same.

At this time, these venerables of the Tianxuan Gate were still happily, after all, they blocked Chu Qianye's ultimate move.

"Hehe, is this your sword skill?" The white-robed saint grinned and said, "I think Elder Leng looks at you high."

"Only this is the strongest sword skill, then I can at least produce hundreds of sets of the same sword skill!"

Chu Qianye didn't say a word, his face showed an abusive expression.

"Do you really think so?"

I don't know why, when everyone saw the expression on Chu Qianye's face, their hearts shook for a while, and they all felt that something bad was about to happen.

However, they did not know what was wrong.

"Absolute Heaven Sword Lotus!"

Chu Qianye vomited lightly.

Along with the light spit of these words, the war sword in Chu Qianye's palm trembled violently, and the energy between heaven and earth trembled suddenly, countless lotus-like sword auras, and in an instant, the body of twenty venerables shook It broke out without warning, and the feeling was extremely spectacular. Everyone could only see the energy in these people's bodies, bursting out from their bodies.

The lotus-shaped energy suddenly burst out from everyone's body, and countless lotus-shaped sword auras shot out from the inside out.

"Boom! Boom!"

Everyone's bodies trembled violently.

This kind of devastating refining sword aura is extremely terrifying.

Twenty Venerables fell into a pool of blood in a flash.

This method of killing makes people feel that the scalp is numb, and the back is chilly. They don't understand how these people died. Only Mu Yan and others know that these are the disdain of the white saint. Gu’s sword skills first destroyed the defense, and then controlled the power of the stars in the bodies of these people, and then used the power of the stars to perform the sword skills, and suddenly a lotus-shaped sword burst out of the bodies of these people. Angry.

How terrible this kind of sword aura is, the void trembles violently, and then collapses instantly, a large area collapse!

The expressions of those saints changed drastically. They didn't expect Chu Qianye's sword skills to reach this level, capable of mobilizing the power of heaven and earth, and this sword draws on the energy of heaven and earth.

The pupils of the people who knew the truth suddenly shrank, and they all felt that Chu Qianye's sword was so extraordinary.

The white-clothed saint’s smile was completely frozen at this time. The set of sword skills he laughed at instantly caused twenty venerables to fall down. Even he couldn’t do that. It broke out completely, and he was able to cut it to death. Killing three venerables, but Chu Qianye quietly killed twenty venerables, what a method!

When everyone looked at Chu Qianye, their pupils suddenly shrank at this moment.

Zhou Ruolan's heart was extremely shocked. Although she had seen Chu Qianye's methods, Chu Qianye's killing power was really terrifying, especially this Sword Lotus, which was completely impossible to guard against, and killed people quietly. In the invisible, there is no trace at all.

If you fight against such a master and accidentally break through the defense and still haven't reacted, maybe the next moment you will burst out a lot of lotus-shaped sword energy in your body!

Among the twenty Venerables, there are still some who are dying, their faces are unbelievable, and some even keep their smiles from the previous moment, but at this moment they can only blame for closing their eyes forever. …

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