Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1352: Control time

The moment he closed his eyes, the feeling in his body was empty!

In other words, the bloodline he opened up is useless at all!

"how can that be?!"

Chu Qianye's face was stunned. He didn't believe it. The bloodline that he worked so hard to open up, and the bloodline that had a lot of hope, was useless. How did he believe it?

I don't believe it at all, it's impossible.

"Maybe I missed some details."

Chu Qianye thought secretly in her heart, so she let her heart down again.

It's a pity that even after he completely settled down, he still couldn't feel any supernatural powers or clan patterns, as if he had not changed.

He still didn't give up, tried many times, but still nothing. As for the clan pattern, he tried to activate it, it was not complete at all, just awakened a part of the power.

In other words, he wasted effort.

"Hey, the greater the hope, the greater the disappointment." Chu Qianye sighed inwardly.

For this situation, he was obviously surprised. If the blood king's veins were opened up, the supernatural powers might be very scumbags and weak, or the power of the awakened clan pattern was also very small, and he could bear these.

But your uncle, what the **** is this constant?

Could it be that what I opened up is a false blood line?

Chu Qianye felt more angry the more he thought about it, and the more he felt angry.

That's it, the matter is over, and if you talk too much, it will be tears.

Chu Qianye shook his head lightly. He raised his head and looked at the figure outside the phantom array. It turned out to be very slow and slow. It was a very slow to extreme movement, as if it was ten times slower. What can be done in one second, but now it takes ten seconds to complete.


Hey, I didn't get anything, opened up a bloodline, and it didn't matter if there were no eggs, but also had audiovisual hallucinations?

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised, and he quickly rubbed his eyes.

When he rubbed his eyes, the figure outside the phantom array was still slow, the slowness was terrible, and there was a strange slow motion.

It was the second time, and it was still the same when he rubbed his eyes.

In other words, what he saw is real and what is happening now.

"What's happening here?"

Chu Qianye didn't give up, and pinched his thigh again. As a result, the huge pain made him understand that everything that happened before his eyes was real, and what he could see was real, and it was extremely likely. It's still a synchronous scene.

In other words, what he sees now is a real phenomenon.

"My God, what's wrong with me, is there a problem with my eyes or a problem with my body?"

Chu Qianye took a deep breath and said after a long while.

It's really hard for him to figure out the current situation, and he doesn't know what happened.

Feel your body carefully, as if there is no problem.

"Could it be my eyes?"

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. He closed his eyes and sensed the martial artist in the outer area. His movements were very normal!

Now he can probably determine what went wrong.

No, it should be said that after he opened up the veins, his eyes seemed to have acquired a strange magical power, which can slow down people's movements several times.

What happened to these eyes?

Chu Qianye thought about it for a long time, but in the end he could only believe in one truth: opening up the bloodline can indeed obtain magical powers!

"The magical powers I have acquired seem a bit weird. It seems that people can make people's movements several times slower, which seems to be a movement that is many times slower. Under my nose, the opponent seems to be fast, but in fact it is not fast. "Chu Qianye groaned:

"This kind of magical power may have something to do with the secret tones of the air at that time. I control shrinking, catching, piercing and reversing the air. This kind of magical power is equivalent to the acceleration of time, so that I see others' movements very slowly. The trajectory of the movement is actually normal in time, but I speed up exponentially. The same kind of trajectory of movement, I see the object is ten times slower or even more."

Chu Qianye pondered for a long while, and finally he probably understood a truth. Fortunately, he was very knowledgeable, contacted the secrets of time and space, and knew that such things existed.

In fact, the supernatural powers he has now are equivalent to time-saving, as opposed to shrinking. One is the change in space, and the other is the acceleration in time.

In short, what Chu Qianye is seeing now is actually speeding up exponentially, so many speeds that are as fast as lightning are actually a very slow process in front of him.

I feel very excited after thinking about it. If I meet Xu Yuan again, I won't worry about how terrifying the opponent's martial arts cultivation is.

Very awesome?

Sorry, I have the magical power to control time, which can slow down your movements several times, or even ten times. The teleport you call is actually just a little faster in my eyes!

High cultivation?

I'm sorry, my eyes see through too much, your martial arts cultivation is very strong, but what can you do with me? I know your attack trajectory and flaws, attack its flaws, see how you can drop me?

Therefore, this magical power is really powerful. If I fight against people, it is completely worthwhile. Who is staring at them and scaring to pee!

Tianxuanmen, three hundred sages, dozens of saints?

Os is z version *v first _ release $ "

Sorry, although I am only one person, my eyes see through too much, I can't kill you, and you can't help me!

Moreover, I still have the possibility of wireless, and once I fully understand the way to kill and attack, it will only be time to transform the sage.

Chu Qianye was secretly excited. He wanted to do it now. He didn't want to wait for the Profound Sky Sect to take the lead. Don't Long Yunzong have a lot of powerhouses? Let's try this first to see how it works.

Chu Qianye was eager to try when thinking of this.


The voice of Chu Qianye was given to Zhou Ruolan, the daughter of God King Zhou Tianyi.

At this time, Zhou Ruolan, who was cultivating, suddenly heard Chu Qianye's voice to herself, and she opened her eyes and responded.

"My identity may have to be seen through by the people of the Sky Profound Clan, I will weaken the power of the Sky Profound Clan first." Chu Qianye said in a divine voice.

"Senior meant to destroy Long Yunzong?" Zhou Ruolan asked in surprise.

Uh, he didn't expect Ruolan to have such a high level of comprehension this week, and it would be easy to talk to such a person.

"I'll go with you!" Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye was surprised again, really crazy, killing Long Yunzong, this is not just talking, the two actually coincided.

"Forget it, I will go by myself." Chu Qianye said.

"Senior, you have not yet become a holy. Although Long Yunzong is only a second-rate sect, how many of them are in the holy realm. I will follow you, at least I can share the pressure for you, right? Guard, others are in the dark and you are in the light, which is a bit disadvantaged." Zhou Ruolan said, "I will follow you!"

Seeing that the other party insisted on doing this, Chu Qianye did not refuse either.

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