Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1325: Fallen Temple


After a long while, there was a scream that cut through the night sky suddenly.

Chu Qianye was shocked, staring at the mountains, blood mist appeared, obviously some unlucky guys were torn to pieces by wild beasts.


At the same time, more brutal beasts hovering in the mountains rushed out of the sky, intercepting those warriors in mid-air.

However, these menacingly faced the mighty and powerful venerable, and soon human beings woke up and sacrificed their own profound soldiers one after another. The powerful force suddenly surged out, and then slashed towards the bottom. , Wherever it reaches, the void is shattered and collapsed.


The sword intent is crazy, wherever it goes, the void is shattered and opened, and the brutal beasts explained that they were beheaded in mid-air. A thick blood mist sprinkled on the huge body, fell down and hit. That huge mountain range.

This same scene appeared in the entire mountain range at this time, **** air rising into the sky.

It's terrifying, such strength, the strength of these brutal beasts should also be terrifying, I didn't expect it to be so vulnerable.

"In front of the strong, no matter how strong the brutal beast is, it can't stop the experienced warrior. They know where the brutal beast's weakness is, so it's fatal and normal." He Zhiqian said lightly.

Everyone then woke up one after another.

Indeed, if you seize the weakness to start, even if your strength is extremely powerful, you will still be unable to stop the killing of these warriors, and with one blow, all of them will collapse to the ground.

Who can stop this terrifying murderous opportunity?

Obviously it cannot be stopped.

"Moreover, the brutal beasts killed by these people are not the strongest, but they are the most greedy. They usually attack ordinary warriors. They should have been used to succeeding in one blow, but they did not expect to die in this habit." He Zhiqian Said:

"The powerful savage beasts are very clever and will not be easily shot at all, and the savage beasts in this area are all ordinary savage beasts."

Are these all the savage beasts or ordinary?

"The truly powerful brutal beasts belong to those ancient fierce beasts. They are powerful, extremely cunning, and extremely rich in attack methods." He Zhiqian said, "You have to be more careful afterwards."

Everyone nodded gently.

After all, He Zhiqian has been here. As someone who came by, what he said is naturally reasonable, and these people are all entering this area for the first time, so they have to be more cautious.

"Shoo! Shoo!"

Just at this moment, a few figures passed by in the void, and a sharp and abundant sound resounded.

Everyone raised their heads in disbelief, and as far as they could see, ten figures rushed past, and finally landed on the nearest mountain peak to the stone pillar.

Wearing a cloak, wearing a black robe, with a strong aura, just after landing on the top of the mountain, his blood was like a giant python, and then spread out, covering the top of the mountain.

Soul Hunting Hall!

Chu Qianye stared at the top of the mountain, secretly surprised.

These guys are really lingering, they are everywhere.

The Soul Hunting Palace was led by him in the wasteland of Xizhou, and his vitality was greatly injured. In the wasteland of the four continents, it has not been active as frequently as before. Now seeing these guys, Chu Qianye can't help but miss it.

Everyone raised their heads one after another, looking at the hills swept away by the Hunting Soul Palace.

"Hey, these guys in the Hunting Soul Palace are really annoying. Many treasures of heaven and earth have their presence in this world." Tao Min frowned and said, looking at the distant mountain.

"It's okay, the Soul Hunting Palace is just a wide range of forces. In fact, the real tyrannical people are the people of the Fallen Temple." He Zhiqian said lightly:

"Well, anyway, there is still a lot of time before the stone pillars are broken. I will tell you about the power of this fallen temple."

Chu Qianye also heard of the Fallen Temple for the first time.

It seems that this multi-way temple should be within the Three Heavens Divine Wilderness or the four great realms.

"The Temple of the Fallen, I don’t know who created it. They choose very strict people. Venerable Seven Stars is the lowest standard, and they must have strong martial arts talents. You can find them all in it. But this group of people is very difficult to entangle with. I suspect that the lord of their palace may not even be able to fight the lord of the Sixteen Great Wilds." He Zhiqian said.

Hearing this sentence, everyone was secretly surprised. They didn't expect that this fallen temple could be so terrible. If this is the case, the Soul Hunting Palace can really hardly compare to this fallen temple.

In the Temple of the Fallen, the selection of people is so strict. The Seven-Star Venerable is the lowest standard, and it must be an expert in martial arts talent. Those who have reached this level of cultivation but have mediocre talents will probably not be invited. .

And the Lord of the Fallen Temple, even the Lord of the Sixteen Desolations may not be his opponent?

An answer is ready!

This fallen temple is likely to come from a certain powerhouse from the four realms, it is estimated that it is possible to be a great master.

Of course, these are just speculations. After all, he had never heard of this Fallen Temple before. If it weren't for He Zhiqian, he didn't even know there was such a Fallen Temple organization.

If Dragon Blade had entered the Three Heavens Divine Desolation as early as possible, the news he had would not be so pitiful.

Moreover, it seems that only He Zhiqian knows about this organization. After all, the others are equally blank, showing how tight this organization is.


"Oh, this depraved temple, in fact, the style of doing things is more ferocious than the soul hunting temple. Everyone in it is extremely ferocious, with lonely personality, and likes to kill. Of course, there are some interesting people, I met one, If it weren't for him to tell me this, I really don't know." He Zhiqian said:

"But there is a unique place in the Temple of the Fallen, where you can solve your own problems. The people in it are very arrogant, and no one disdains to ask someone to do it. If it is worth it, they will try to recruit this person into the Temple of the Fallen. , Killer only when it fails."

Everyone looks weird, and this organization sounds weird. What kind of people is this group?


While they were talking, on the stone pillar, the violent energy spilled away in vain, everyone's pupils suddenly shrank at this moment, and they looked towards the stone pillar one after another.

At this time, the stone pillar is surrounded by vast energy, which is sweeping out at an astonishing speed, roaring and roaring in the world.

"It seems that this stone pillar is about to be broken." He Zhiqian turned his head and looked at Chu Qianye and asked, "How long do you think those **** patterns can last?"

"Twenty minutes at most." Chu Qianye said after thinking about it.

Everyone was secretly surprised, and looked towards the position of the stone pillar.

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