Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1303: Daughter of God King

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Chu Qianye came to that place soon.

At the end of the hall, a woman walked out and continued to guide Chu Qianye down. After a long time, she finally came to a mountain where there was only a small hall.

Although the scale is small, it is able to have a panoramic view of Xuanyue Pavilion.

Zhou Ruolan should live in this place.

"Mr. Chu, you are left to go up by yourself," said the woman in Xuanyue Pavilion.

Chu Qianye nodded lightly, and then walked towards the palace of the mountain.

He wandered around the courtyard without any hurry, and finally walked to the front of the palace.

As soon as he walked into the hall, a cold murderous intent locked him.

Chu Qianye's expression changed suddenly.

what is happening?


A figure flashed out, and before Chu Qianye had time to react, a blood shadow flashed out, full of supreme killing power.


Murderous intent was like thunder, swept across the sky, and in the blink of an eye, they rushed to him.

Feeling this murderous aura, Chu Qianye suddenly felt that his pores burst.

I don't know what the other party intended, but Chu Qianye knew very well that if he didn't block this attack, he might die because of it.

Before he could think carefully, the power of the stars in Chu Qianye's body swiftly revolved, and accompanied by a grip of Chu Qianye's palm, it immediately slapped out.


The two forces collided fiercely, like roaring mountains and rivers, bombarding all directions frantically, wherever the power can reach, people are all shocked.


The tyrannical force slammed into the four directions fiercely, and the void in the distance was instantly torn open, and Chu Qianye's figure quickly retreated back.

His jaw was numb.

Only then did he see clearly that the person who attacked him was a woman with a veil, white clothes fluttering in the wind, staring at Chu Qianye with bright eyes, revealing a cold murderous intent.


The other party seemed to put him to death, the soles of his feet stepped out again, and another attack and killing force rushed in, and Chu Qianye's pupils suddenly shrank.

At this time, he understood very well that if he continued to fight the opponent with his current martial arts cultivation base, it would definitely be a dead end, and the aura of strength from the opponent could crush himself at any time.


Chu Qianye didn't keep it anymore, the strength of the Five-Star Venerable burst out in an instant, and the aura of tyrannical power swept across all directions.


When the two fists collided, their respective figures retreated rapidly.

"You really retained your strength."

The figure finally stopped, the veil was lifted, and a familiar face appeared in his sight. Who else is Zhou Ruolan?

Chu Qianye frowned. He didn't know Zhou Ruolan's intention to test her own strength. According to reason, if she didn't want him to be the guest of Xiyue Tower, then she could veto it at that time. Why did she let herself become After Ke Qing, do you want to test your own strength?

Seeing the incredible in Chu Qianye's eyes, Zhou Ruolan walked towards Chu Qianye.

"Zhou Ruolan, the daughter of God King Zhou Tianyi, pays respects to the Emperor Beixuan!"

Before Chu Qianye could react, Zhou Ruolan immediately knelt on one knee.

Chu Qianye was stunned for a while, looking at Zhou Ruolan, he didn't react for a long time.

God King Zhou Tian urgent?

The name is so familiar!

The memories rolled over, and Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

All the memories of God King Zhou Tianji suddenly rolled over.

Zhou Tianji was a **** king he had appointed. When he was in the realm of the gods, he didn't give a few opinions, and every time he made a decision, this person would always give opposite or complementary opinions.

For more than two thousand years after his death, he didn't know what happened, because all the memories had ceased to exist, and even if the memories were awakened again, they were only the memories of the past, not the present.

For example, this **** king Zhou Tianzhi, don't know what is going on now, and what will happen after the Empress of Baguio replaces him, he is completely unknown.

The sword spirit in his body has fallen into a deep sleep, but still hasn't woken up, she may know something.

"How do you know that I am the North Profound Divine Emperor?" Chu Qianye asked with a look of confusion on his face.

"The sacrificial celebration of the temple." Zhou Ruolan said: "I will know when you draw the power of faith."

Upon hearing the sound, Chu Qianye suddenly showed an expression of enlightenment.

That was the case, no wonder Ruolan called herself this week just after the sacrificial celebration.

"Actually, your idol should have been destroyed long ago. I asked Mr. Tie to leave it. You should have seen the Shoushan Great Formation when you first came. It was laid by me, and the temple also has it to prevent Bi The female emperor Yao swims here," Zhou Ruolan said.

Zhou Ruolan actually knew the Baguio Empress!

I don't know how much she knows about this matter.

"You should want to ask how I knew it." Zhou Ruolan said.

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"After that incident, my dad and a few of his men all went to the Shenxu, avoiding the Baguio Empress. I was born after 2000. My dad used some methods to send me to the Profound Qi Continent. The time to come to the Profound Qi Continent is actually not long, and it is only fifty to sixty years before and after. For us martial artists, time is nothing, and the same is true for a hundred years, and the same is true for a thousand years, even tens of thousands of years. "Zhou Ruolan said.

Well, this is the truth.

In fifty or sixty years, the martial arts cultivation base that reached the holy state is worthy of blood from the gods. This kind of martial arts talent is afraid that many people on the Profound Qi Continent will be beyond the reach.

"When I was in the lower realm, the Baguio female emperor had just established her dominance, so she still had no time to take care of the lower realm." Zhou Ruolan said, "The lower realm is more than two thousand years old, and the gods are only two hundred years old. You should know the lower planes."

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

The memory of his awakening is the place of Shenxu.

It seems that Zhou Tianji is also taking advantage of this time difference, but what is it for?

Chu Qianye was quite puzzled.

200 years of unification, this period seems to be a bit longer.

But when I think about it, I'm relieved. Although he has fallen, his old ministries are bound to be dissatisfied with his rule, and rebellion is inevitable. For example, Zhou Tianzhi is a typical example.

If he remembers correctly, he should have more than three hundred **** kings, and the **** kings are all dominating one party, and he is the overlord of one party. Except for the more than 30 **** kings who betrayed him at the beginning, the others are considered loyal to him. Brooding.

However, loyal people are destined to have nothing to end. This is true in history and has never changed.

Chu Qianye sighed secretly in his heart. It was really painful for those **** kings who followed him, and they didn't know how they were treated now. They opposed the Baguio Empress. This evil result is probably not good.

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