Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1255: All of you are rubbish!

Everyone was secretly surprised.

But some people didn't take it seriously. These were all personnel who came out of retreat, so they were not very clear about the weight of Chu Qianye's name.

They didn't know that Chu Qianye fought against the nine statues alone, did not know that Chu Qianye removed the sub-temple of the Soul Hunting Palace, did not know that Chu Qianye founded Tongbaohang, let alone Chu Qianye's strength.

So when Chu Qianye said this, several people on the side showed dismissive expressions, and they all felt that Chu Qianye was too arrogant and arrogant.

However, Chu Qianye didn't care at all.

There are people in this world, and if he has to take care of everything, then this world is really unreasonable.

The black face flickered in his eyes.

As expected, Chu Qianye was not generally difficult to deal with, he had strength and courage.

But now it is clear that there is no way. Chu Qianye is in conflict with the big man behind him, so this kind of thing is no longer possible to resolve.

If Chu Qianye could make use of it, it would definitely be a sharp edge, and it would have a significant boost to Wushi. There are now two factions in Wushi, which have been deadlocked because of the disparity in strength.

"Master Chu's opinion is the same as mine." Heimian said lightly.

Chu Qianye laughed secretly in her heart. This guy should hate herself very much now, but he deliberately said that because of the appearance of Tongbaohang, after all, the living space of Wushi has become much narrower.

"Hehe, talk first, I'll take care of the other guests first." Heimian said, then stood up and left the platform Xuanxie.

Chu Qianye squinted.

Seeing Hei Mian Shen leave, the faces of several people present suddenly showed unpleasant expressions. They originally wanted to curry favor with the new Xizhou City Wushi head, but they didn't expect to leave early because of Chu Qianye.

"Boy, don't be too arrogant." An old man said: "How can you imagine the energy of Takeshi? You use this tone to speak to the head of Xizhoucheng Takeshi. Who gave you such courage?"

"That's right, the current Maotou boy, a little bit famous, feels lawless."

The few sitting people looked at Chu Qianye with an unhappy expression on their faces, accusing Chu Qianye unceremoniously.

Chu Qianye narrowed his eyes, and he looked at these people with no emotional fluctuations.

The others didn't speak, because they all knew Chu Qianye's true strength.

"Four uncle, stop talking." A younger warrior said quickly.

"Hmph, this kind of person may go to heaven without saying that he might be going to heaven. This kind of kid should let him understand the gap so that he doesn't think he is going to heaven." The old man snorted coldly.

The others secretly squeezed sweat.

Although they all know that the black face **** just left, these flattering words were for the black face god, but they felt quite ashamed in their ears. After all, what these people said was like playing with fire and burning themselves.

Chu Qianye's eyes narrowed.


"Haha, the strength gap?" Chu Qianye shook his head lightly, and said lightly, "I really want to know what the strength gap you are talking about is."

It was okay for Chu Qianye not to say these words, and the emotions of those people were ignited as soon as they were said.

"Asshole thing, when the old man was in the West Continent, you still don't know where you are, do you dare to talk to the old man in such a tone?!"

"People's hearts are not ancient, people nowadays want to be famous, arrogant, and have no respect."

Chu Qianye didn't bother to talk nonsense with them, picked up the wine bottle and continued to drink alone.

Seeing Chu Qianye's almost arrogant and arrogant actions, the few people immediately stared at Venus and became even more furious.

"Boy, I'm talking to you!" The old man said coldly, "Believe it or not, I slapped you?"

"No. Fourth Uncle." The middle-aged man next to him was a little anxious. This is Chu Qianye. He fought alone and undefeated, so his senior wanted to draw someone from him?

This is simply playing with fire!

"I support old man Hong. The little ghosts are not big or small now, so I should teach them a lesson and let them know how to respect the old!" another old man said.

There was a strange expression on the other people's faces.

These old guys seem to be ignorant. They originally understood that flattering is a good job, but in order to gain the trust of the Blackfaced God, they didn't even care about their lives?

This is amazing!

Chu Qianye frowned.

Originally, he was a little irritable when he came earlier, and the dude young man was so much **** off by him. These old and undead people are still relying on the old to sell the old, are they trying to suppress him with a tough attitude?

You can eat rice, but you can’t talk nonsense.

Obviously, Chu Qianye was really annoyed by the old immortals in front of him. He wanted to drink some Bailing wine and temper his martial arts, but he didn't expect these old immortals to continue to entangle him. Became angry.

"Boy, the old man is talking to you, don't ignore it!" The old man was furious on the spot and stood up and said.

This sound, this posture, really looked like it would be torn up when a word didn't fit.

Chu Qianye was quite agitated.

"The Profound Qi Continent has always respected the strength, and you don't have to say whether there is any reason, who is right and who is wrong." Chu Qianye said, "What I want to say is that everyone here is rubbish!"

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This sentence was really extreme, and it stirred everyone's emotions.

As for these old men, they were even more angry and blowing their noses.

"Boy, you are so bold! Do you know who the old man is?" The old man said, his face turned purple and red with anger.

Chu Qianye waved his hand.

"I don't bother to care who you are. So, if the Profound Qi Continent is a world where strength is respected, then we will draw a road, and everyone here will go together. There is no limit to the number of people." Chu Qianye said lightly. Spit.

When he finished speaking, he stood up and walked out with his hands behind his back.

"Old things, I don't think you need to call, I will wait for you outside the door."

After people stood up, the voice floated into everyone's ears.

Hearing these words, the old men's faces were gloomy.


"I'm so angry, I must teach this kid today!"


Several people stood up one after another, and they had already left before the others were relieved.

"Uncle Si, no, he is..."

The middle-aged man couldn't stop crying, the old man had already left the terrace.

But at this moment, Chu Qianye was standing outside the Xuanxie building with his hands on his back. He turned his head and looked in a certain direction.

There is a space wormhole there, that is the only way to leave the square, which can be directly beyond the river.

"Before entering the Three Heavenly Desolation, these people should be shocked."

When the words are over, the person has left, standing outside the river, standing with hands, the breeze is coming, the robe is flying...

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