Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1116: Suppress

"Then do you know who I am?" Chu Qianye asked back.

Wang Yang's heart was startled when he heard the sound.

Many people heard his name, basically the type of face changed drastically, but Chu Qianye's expression didn't change at all, and most importantly, this guy actually asked him back, yelling at him. Stance.

"Aren't you just a trash Chu Qianye?" Wang Yangxin stared at Chu Qianye and snorted coldly.

When everyone heard this name, they were secretly surprised.

Recently, Chu Qianye’s name is very loud. It has spread all over the wasteland of the Four Continents. Even the people in the Five Elements Domain know his name. Now when Wang Yangxin mentions this name, everyone’s faces are shocked, very Surprise.

Both of them belonged to people of great reputation. Hearing these words, everyone looked startled, and both showed a touch of surprise.

The black-clothed young man in front of him was actually Chu Qianye, who became famous some time ago?

"Hehe, I'm your father!" Chu Qianye said.

I am your father!

It's your father!

your dad!


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Chu Qianye's words kept reverberating in the air, and the voice was very ringing, and it kept echoing in everyone's ears.

Wang Yangxin's face was red and purple, and he didn't expect this kid in front of him to dare to be so presumptuous in front of him.


Immediately, a woman couldn't stand it anymore and sneered.

The voice is very sweet, and when I hear it, I feel like a big beauty.

Suddenly everyone turned their heads. After seeing the owner of the voice, everyone's expressions became very strange, because the owner of this voice is not ordinary, she is a woman who combines beauty and wisdom, and is even more cruel. Not an ordinary woman!

Hearing this laughter, Wang Yangxin also turned his head. After seeing the other's face, his face turned purple and blue with anger.

First purple, then cyan, then red, and then white, the result is colorful.

Wang Yangxin didn't dare to get angry and lose his temper at the woman, so he spread all his anger on Chu Qianye.

"Asshole boy, you are such a big dog, believe it or not, I will abolish you?" Wang Yangxin said coldly.

Will me abolish?

Chu Qianye smiled non-committal.

"Haha, do your alchemy guilds all like this set? If you can't compare the momentum, you can immediately change to swearing. If you don't succeed in swearing, you have to do it? I want to see how you disuse me." Chu Qianye said lightly: "If I'm not mistaken, this Dan will be our Danta's home court, right? For you, it is the away court. And the most important point is that the invitation letter seems to say that alchemists are not allowed to private each other outside of the game. Fighting, especially at the Dan Club site, otherwise you will be expelled from the venue and not allowed to participate in the Dan Club."

Hearing what Chu Qianye said, Wang Yangxin's expression was startled, and he seemed to come back to his senses. His eyes flashed with a cold star, staring at Chu Qianye firmly, but in the end he didn't make a move. This made the people around him. Suddenly showed a disappointed expression.

No matter who they are, they will be expelled from the Pill Club as long as they do their hands. They will not be allowed to participate in the Pill Club competition, or they will continue to participate in the match after the battle by other alchemists. This is a very cruel thing. If it is for your own temper, you will make a big fuss. , Maybe he was really expelled from the alchemy guild, he is the most stable leader of all alchemy guilds, if he expelled the alchemy before the game officially started, it would be too bad.

After pondering for a moment, Wang Yangxin finally just snorted.

"Hehe, it's so lively."

Just as the stalemate came in, a figure came in with a lot of alchemists.

This person was wearing a large white robe, walking very domineering, and came straight to the site of the Danhui. There was a breath surging around him, and he went straight to Chu Qianye and the others.

Everyone was secretly surprised.

"People from the Pharmaceutical Alliance are here."

"The visitor is not kind."

"Of course, last year, Yaomeng almost won the top spot. If it weren't for the pill Alchemy Guild's final assassin, I'm afraid this top spot would have to be handed over to others."


Everyone looked at a group of people walking without wind, and said one after another.

But when Wang Yangxin saw the figure walking by, his eyes rolled, and his heart suddenly fell.

Chu Qianye’s relationship with Yaomeng was not very good. The previous Pharmacopoeia had offended a large number of people, and when he was fighting for the Holy Flame of All Souls, Chu Qianye played around the fellows of Yaomeng, if not for the last reason The Happy Saints shot, I'm afraid this Wan Ling Sheng Yan will not fall into Chu Qianye's hands, not only the Alchemy Guild, but also the Medicine League.

"Hehe, Brother Tang hasn't seen him for a long time, don't come here without any problems." Wang Yangxin looked at the walking figure, bowed his hands and smiled.

Brother Tang?

Among many alchemists, there seems to be only one who can make Wang Yangxin so polite.

Tang Ying of Yaomeng!

While Chu Qianye was thinking, he heard Wang Yangxin continue to say: "Mr Chu and I are discussing which method of alchemy is better and which is the most trash. We are arguing now, why don't Brother Tang come to give us a comment?"

"Oh? There are other things."

The white-robed youth smiled and said: "Let's just talk about it."

"Hehe, I said that among the three alchemy factions, my alchemy guild should belong to the most advanced alchemy method, but I never thought that Young Master Chu would be furious when he heard this, saying that their pill tower was the most advanced and the medicine league was the most trash." Wang Yangxin Smiled.

Not tepid, but full of gunpowder smell.

This sentence made many people secretly criticize the alchemy guild for its shamelessness on the spot, but this matter has nothing to do with them, so they just watched coldly, but never interfered or participated.

When Tang Ying heard this, although there was still a smile on his face, there was a glimmer of cold light flashed in his eyes. The three major alchemy factions, whether the so-called methods are clever or not, are naturally evenly divided.

However, he is definitely not a common man, he knew from this posture that Wang Yang deliberately pulled him into their crusade camp, and wanted him to deal with Chu Qianye together.

There are no eternal friends at the alchemy venue, only permanent benefits. Chu Qianye won the Holy Flame of All Souls, which in itself is very detrimental to their medicine alliance, and now his alchemy methods have improved a lot, even he has recently Occasionally, I heard people say that Chu Qianye had refined hundreds of pills and gathered a lot of pills.

This kind of thing made him uncomfortable, especially Yao Wangui, the leader of the Medicine League, who was still talking about this incident recently, causing him to be ashamed and invisibly suppressed by Chu Qianye. This feeling very uncomfortable for him.

Chu Qianye is the alchemist of the pill tower, this is an unchangeable fact.

Therefore, in his opinion, it is his opposition.

Even to the extreme, he believes no one except himself here, everyone is his potential opponent, so it is the best to be able to take advantage of the situation to suppress it.

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