Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1107: Tao market established

Three days and nights!

Qiu Yu leaned on Chu Qianye's chest.

"Bad, you shouldn't just want this," Qiu Yu said blushing.

"Well, I have a few ideas, but they are still immature, but if feasible, our Longmen will play a transformative role." Chu Qianye said seriously.

Qiu Yu suddenly showed a curious expression.

"Article circulation." Chu Qianye said: "I have been straddling people between spaces before, but I never thought about the circulation of objects."

Qiu Yu didn't interrupt Chu Qianye's words. She knew that this shouldn't be the main point yet, and the point that Chu Qianye wanted to talk about should be after this.

"The reason is very simple. This secret space is like a transit station. All the items on the Profound Qi Continent flow into this location, and then they are taken over to other areas. Do you think this is a big change?" Chu Qianye smiled.

Qiu Yu's beautiful eyes flickered. This is more than a big change. This is simply appalling. In this case, it is more and more convenient.

"But what should I do if something is lost?" Qiu Yu asked again.

"Hehe, I've thought about this issue a long time ago, it's very simple, seal or seal the **** pattern, as long as the universe ring has the sealed **** pattern, and the **** pattern is not damaged, then it will be intact, and vice versa." Chu Qian Ye said: "However, in the initial stage, a lot of manpower may be needed. Our current Longmen still has no personnel in this area. So I want you to come up with a feasible framework, think of all possible problems, and then Propose feasible solutions. At present, the personnel is a huge problem, and the transmission of information must be timely, and the price of soul jade is too great."

Qiu Yu rolled his eyes and suddenly said, "You see if this is okay. Since this space is a post station, then this is a center of high tension. Other items outside the Profound Qi Continent come in here, and they will flow out from here. Inflow and inflow right?"

Chu Qianye nodded gently.

"If a huge formation can be built here, which can be transmitted to any place in the Profound Qi Continent, wouldn't it be the most direct?" Qiu Yu said.

Chu Qianye murmured secretly in his heart. Of course he knew that such a method was the best, but now he had no way of deploying such a large formation ability. This was the most tangled area.

"At this stage, it is impossible to arrange such a big formation." Chu Qianye smiled bitterly.

"In this case, a commissioner is needed." Qiu Yu said: "There are special people to do this. There are people from different areas in this station. When the items from outside flow in, they need to be communicated to wherever they are. Do you think this will work to accomplish this?"

"Well, I have refined a lot of medicines this time, and you are preparing for a decent auction. Since you want to make a bid with Wushi, you have to take a more aggressive name. Call it Taoshi." Chu Qianye said.

When Qiu Yu heard it, his eyes flashed suddenly.

"Taking the market, the place to shop for babies, this name is good!" Qiu Yu's eyes flickered, and the two hit it off on the spot.

"Hey, smart, to thank you, let's do it." Chu Qianye turned over and said.

"No, you can find Tianqi, or Wang Yuyan, but I heard Tianqi say you have confiscated her, but you have a marriage contract, but you have not yet accepted her. She is so beautiful. If I were a man, Put it into the harem," Qiu Yu said.

"I'm not a mad demon, I just want to show that I don't like the new and dislike the old."

Jin Luan trembled. . .


During the period Yu Ting came in, but did not see Chu Qianye and Qiu Yu, she was suddenly a little puzzled, but she was careful and knew what was going on when she thought about it.

She blushed and left quickly.

Watching Yu Ting blush and leave, Qiu Yu looked at Chu Qianye angrily.

"Bad guys, it's all your fault. Yuting girl must know what we are doing." Qiu Yu said.

Chu Qianye didn't care.

"Don't be afraid, even if the girl thinks of those things, it doesn't matter. Anyway, it doesn't matter to her. After all, the master is also human? The master also needs to eat, drink, shelter and travel." Chu Qianye smiled and said: "As for the imperial house. It's even more normal, she can understand."

"Huh, according to what you said, are you planning to even take her away?" Qiu Yu looked at Chu Qianye with a dangerous expression.

Uh, did I say that?

"I didn't say that. Madam, you can't get me wrong." Chu Qianye smiled bitterly, "Don't misunderstand what I mean."

"Okay, don't explain, I'll go back first, otherwise it will be messed up, no one will do my things, and now you order these things again. You are doing so freely with the shopkeeper, Tianqi. I will help you too, and I will help you too. What do you think you have done?" Qiu Yu said horizontally.

Chu Qianye shrugged her shoulders.

"I, I want to become stronger through cultivation. Only when I become stronger can Longmen be able to straighten my back, right?" Chu Qianye said.

"I knew you would say that, I'm leaving." Qiu Yu said, and Chu Qianye nodded gently.

Qiu Yu Jieyin left the secret space.

Chu Qianye felt the fragrance in the air, took a deep breath, showing an expression of infatuation.

Qiu Yu and his double cultivation, it seems that because of his special physique, his martial arts cultivation is still a big increase.

After the matter was settled, Chu Qianye Jieyin left the Secret Scripture space, and when he returned to Longmen, his whole body was immediately refreshed.

It is not only women who need men’s moisture, men also need women’s yin tonic.


After Chu Qianye returned to Longmen, he found Zhang Tianqi for the first time.

And he never escaped Zhang Tianqi's wise eyes.

"Hey, did you come back from Hunting Yan?" Zhang Tianqi looked at Chu Qianye at the door and smiled: "I heard people say that you have returned to Longmen. One day has passed, combined with what I received earlier. Report, you should have gone to see Qiu Yu."

Chu Qianye: "..."

This girl's perception is too keen, it seems that next time she does that thing, she has to be pulled into the gang.

"Uh, I was wrong. There is no next time. I will take you into the group next time." Chu Qianye smiled.

Zhang Tianqi's face was reddened.

"Asshole, who wants to be with you?" Zhang Tianqi said.

"Oh? So you want to be alone? Okay, it's just that I still don't want to do it. We haven't done it for a long time. If we don't love or not, the more we love, the more we love."

Chu Qianye's figure moved and appeared in front of Zhang Tianqi.

"Are you respected?"

Feeling the breath radiating from Chu Qianye's body, Zhang Tianqi keenly noticed the difference, she raised her head and asked.

"I will tell you when I enter the secret space."

When the voice fell, Jie Yin left the room.

"Ah, you villain, you let me go!"

How could Chu Qianye follow her, and immediately entered the illusion formation, another battle.

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