Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1097: Immigration prelude

Everyone looked surprised.

When Chu Qianye came, his martial arts cultivation had already stepped into the second-order bottleneck of the celestial realm, but how long did it take to break through? !

Chu Qianye felt a stream of pure energy pouring into his body at this moment. Before he woke up, the pure energy rushed into his sea of ​​qi and was absorbed by the gate of good fortune.

At this moment, Chu Qianye used the kung fu in his body to continue to absorb the residual energy of the Holy Flame in the refining body.

The malignant tumor in the palm of his hand was tempered with sneer, and the Holy Flame of All Souls has now reached the point of extreme purity. Under the rapid rotation of this energy, the malignant tumor formed by Asura's aura was finally refined a little bit.

Before that, Chu Qianye had been busy absorbing the energy of the Holy Flame of All Souls, and had no free time to deal with this malignant tumor. It has been left in his palm for too long, like a time bomb. If it is not dealt with as soon as possible, I am afraid that one day It will be quite dangerous to cause catastrophe.

Therefore, Chu Qianye wanted to get rid of this little thing first before the power was transformed.

Unexpectedly, after the refining was completed, an extraordinary force of good fortune was formed, which was sucked into his body. With that vast energy, the bottleneck barrier could no longer stop the impact of this force. All of a sudden collapsed.


Feeling the breakthrough of his martial arts cultivation level once again, Chu Qianye suddenly showed a surprised expression.

But he doesn’t care anymore. What he wants to try now is to see if he can gain the dignity in one fell swoop. The venerable state is the strong man in this world. Only when he has the dignity can he have enough strength to rescue his sister. !

Chu Qianye didn't care, the body formed by the power of the soul swept toward the wood spirit as fast as lightning, and entered the wood spirit with scorn.

After his soul body entered the wood spirit, he immediately felt the infinite vitality surging, it was a very powerful vitality, this power breath was like the majestic sea air, let him under this vitality It seems very small.

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Chu Qianye was secretly surprised.


And at this moment, in his golden sea of ​​knowledge, the vast bronze sacred tree suddenly burst out with a dazzling light, and the powerful life force in the wood spirit rushed towards his direction like lightning.

The vast bronze sacred tree exudes strong vitality, the emerald green light flashes, the emerald green leaves move lightly, and bunches of light shine.

Under the radiance of this ray of light, the vast bronze sacred tree is full of vitality.

At the same time, after absorbing the breath of the wood spirit, the green copper finally burst out with a brilliant light, and within Chu Qianye's body, it was like a divine light shrouded, and the light flashed on his body, that was amazing The power of affects him.


The bronze light was so bright that Chu Qianye's body was also illuminated.

Chu Qianye only felt a tremor in his soul. Under this terrifying breath of power, he felt that he had gone through countless years, and within the Long Yu Dao Seal, there were also a ray of divine light.


Chu Qianye closed his eyes and sank, and the killing aura in his heart grew a little bit, and the gate of good fortune shone with a strange light.

"Mother, the method of enshrining the saintly, the child finally can use it."

Chu Qianye's soul was divided into two, and part of it entered his golden sea of ​​consciousness.

When he saw the sacred bronze sacred tree in front of him, his face suddenly showed a surprised expression.

This mighty bronze sacred tree was not exactly the same when I saw it last time, but now when I saw it again, it was completely restored to life.

"It may be the cause of Mu Ling."

Looking at the bronze sacred tree in front of him, Chu Qianye thought to himself.

The power of good fortune surging from the sacred tree.

Chu Qianye was secretly surprised.

This turned out to be a sacred tree capable of forming the power of stars? !

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered, astonished.

I don’t know if the power of these stars can be mobilized. If it can be absorbed, wouldn’t my martial arts cultivation level improve faster?

However, first go and see the green copper.

Chu Qianye moved the palm of his hand and grabbed the green copper in his palm.

This bronze was left to him by his mother, saying that one day he would be able to use it, especially when he was about to enter the saint.

So, today is the best time.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath, his eyes flashing with light.


When the green copper flew toward him as fast as lightning, Chu Qianye did not dodge, causing it to flick into the center of his eyebrows, while outside of his body, the green copper was floating on the center of his eyebrows. At the same time, it emits a stream of heat.

Feeling the heat, Chu Qianye took a deep breath.

This bronze is of vital importance to him. Since his mother said that it can be used at a critical moment, it should be the most critical moment, after all, it is to enter the state of respect.

Knowing the sea, Chu Qianye's soul body continued to sit cross-legged under the tree.

The surrounding forces of good fortune rushed in his direction as fast as lightning. With the passage of time, more and more vast aura surged between the heavens and the earth, and the terrifying power gathered towards Chu Qianye.

The green copper on the center of Chu Qianye's eyebrows exudes a faint light, and the dragon jade seal in his martial arts heart palace is also surrounded by a light at this time, and this green light emits a bright light.

With the passage of time, Chu Qianye's body became more and more radiant, while the surrounding energy quickly rushed toward his figure.

The exercise continues to operate.


When the exercise reached a certain point, it was as if the energy layer burst instantly, and the bottleneck of Chu Qianye's exercise finally broke through again!

Inferior world!

But at this time, Chu Qianye didn't have the slightest feeling for the evolution of the cultivation technique. He only cared about the power aura in his body at this time, that kind of monstrous divine light.

At this time, he sits cross-legged wholeheartedly, with one heart under the sacred tree and one above the wood spirit. At this time, he has no intention of paying attention to the bronze, and the power aura in his body continues to be vast. .

Beneath the sacred tree, the light shines from the bottom.

The next day, Chu Qianye's soul body suddenly raised to the sky and let out a howling sound.


A terrifying energy column between the sky and the earth surging in vain from the sky, and then forcibly injected into Chu Qianye's body. In the wood domain, everyone's sights turned towards the Mu Family.

At this moment, everyone of the Mu Family powerhouse guarding in the wood spirit space opened their eyes in surprise and looked towards Chu Qianye.

At this time, Chu Qianye no longer had any light on his body, but the throbbing energy generated above his head shocked them.

"this is……"

"Prelude to the deity." The Mu family veteran said lightly.

Hearing this sentence, everyone's eyes shot a brilliant light.

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