Dragon Blood and Martial Soul

Chapter 1053: Be good at fighting outside (five shifts)

Chu Qianye Jieyin entered the secret space.

This time the struggle of the All-Spirit Sacred Yan was a difficult process. Fighting with the sect forces of the Four Continents Wasteland made him understand the way Longmen might go in the future.

There is still a huge gap between Longmen and other sect forces. If you want to make up for this gap, it will take at least half a year to narrow it. In terms of the rarity of profound strength liquid, profound strength liquid can only satisfy the early springboard. That is to say, before the fifth-order of the polar realm, it is not so easy to improve the strength after the fifth-order of the polar realm.

Extremely strong, after all, is only the standard configuration of the second-rate sect force. If you want to reach the first-rate sect, you must at least be satisfied with the celestial boundary, and the gap in this power will gradually widen over time. .

Now he is worried about this problem and it's useless, so he can only continue to experience it. This time with the elite of Longmen participating in the competition for the All-Spirit Sacred Flame, their strength is bound to be greatly improved.

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Chu Qianye was not afraid of Erzong Sangu Sifang Pavilion. What he was afraid of now was the Soul Hunting Palace. The strength of the Soul Hunting Palace was extremely tyrannical, and now that Chu Nuan was in their hands, this matter was very difficult.

In any case, Dragon Blade can now start collecting information. As long as Dragon King comes back, he can basically determine whether he can perform the mission. For a while, Longmen was founded to obtain information. Now it is time to verify their strength. Up.

I don't know if the Soul Hunting Palace still supports puppet forces like the blood race. If you do, you can start to eradicate these minions first. As long as these puppet forces are eradicated by him, then the strength of the Soul Hunting Palace will plummet.

The reason why the Hunting Soul Palace is so big now is that it is too large. Everyone does not know their sphere of influence at the Soul Hunting Palace. At that time, they can learn the tricks of the Wushi against themselves, collect good information, and collect good information when necessary. It will be announced at that time, and the casual practitioners or sect forces who have hatred with the Soul Hunting Palace will definitely take action.

Therefore, intelligence is the most critical step. At the same time, he can find a very cold place to subdue the Holy Flame of All Souls. As long as he subdues this mysterious fire, many problems can be solved easily, and he can also participate in the Danta in the future. The Danhui, rectifies the name of Longmen, enhances the influence of Longmen, and can also obtain considerable benefits.

This is a good way.

The light in Chu Qianye's eyes flickered.

Now I can’t act on my own. He has to think of a perfect solution. He can be the shopkeeper, but the dragons can’t be headless, and this "head" is not the other. He must be a soul figure, and at the same time Must lead Longmen to finish the road ahead, until the unified situation of Profound Qi Continent is realized.

Even if it can't be achieved, at least it has to become a giant sect force, which is majestic, just like the Soul Hunting Palace, and their Dragon Gate must develop better and stronger than the Soul Hunting Palace.

This is not just talking about it, not the height that the shopkeeper can reach, he has to think about the longer-term road to go in the future.

"It may be the way to go within a year." Chu Qianye said with condensed eyes.

You have to figure out what the Longmen might take in the next year.

Now the Longmen has begun to take shape, but it is not yet perfect.

You should refer to other sects, no matter how you improve yourself, and take the essence of the dross, only such a dragon can form a virtuous circle.

Dragon Blade is an independent branch that specializes in obtaining information. His original intention will not change, especially in such a highly effective situation, he should stick to it.

However, when the Dragon Blade is still in a virtuous circle, their cultivation skills are basically self-sufficient, and what they need to give is some extraordinary magical teachings.

Supernatural powers can be understood after the extremes of the earth and need to open up chakras. If someone teaches them personally, it can save a lot of time and improve efficiency.

In this case, it seems that Longmen still needs to create a special hall of honors. As for the number of members, attention should be paid to precision instead of many. This is a very good way.

For the name, it can be tentatively designated as Longwu Temple, or Longwu for short. It contrasts with the Dragon Blade. This is not only related to the Dragon Gate, but also related to martial arts and exercises. Later, it can be integrated into management exercises and martial arts. It is taught that as long as the first batch of warriors obtain supernatural powers, the overall strength of Longmen can at least be raised to a new level.

The establishment of the Dragon Martial Hall will allow Qin Hu to find ways to recruit a few martial artists with good martial arts talents, and let them develop in this direction. As long as their supernatural powers are extremely comprehensible, they are also very terrifying existence, personal strength While improving, it also helped Longmen to increase its strength.

This is a very good idea, and because of the successful example of dragon blade, it can basically be copied.

Chu Qianye took a deep breath. He can basically finalize this second independent branch now, but the requirements are obviously not low. It is hard to say whether he can recruit members to try, but now he has it. You can try to persevere with this idea, and it should not take long before you can show its effectiveness. If you can improve your strength, you can persevere, otherwise it can only be abandoned.

Longmen is still in the exploratory period of construction, so I have to make more attempts.

Longmen has a mechanism for awarding honors but no mechanism for punishment. This is the current loophole of the Zongmen power. Now that it is not large in scale, if it becomes a second-rate power, it will inevitably show its shortcomings.

Therefore, many aspects of the current Longmen still need to be improved. As the master of the Longmen, you need to think about the general direction of the future in this regard, and then leave it to others to do it.

And it's not just these problems, there will definitely be other problems in the later period. He doesn't see any shortcomings now, but it will inevitably appear in time.

Therefore, it is necessary to separately set up an independent organization that specializes in finding loopholes and shortcomings to help the Dragon Gate improve and upgrade.

This organization, which can be called Dragon Shadow, is more mysterious than Dragon Blade. It is a non-existent organization that specifically finds loopholes and then reports the situation to him. It is up to him to decide and improve.

But who is more competent?

Chu Qianye frowned. First of all, he must have strength and courage. After all, others dare not say anything, let alone others who dare not say what others are afraid of, then this person has the ability to do what he dares to do. .

Among the people he is currently in contact with, it seems that only Tyrant is more competent, but Tyrant is a beast cultivator, and others are not here, so this position is temporarily vacant.

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